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Status Updates posted by Cooliest

  1. There are 5 days left to finish up your entries. So if you planned on submitting to the short story contest of September get your writing on!! http://343i.org/2a8

  2. Time for change. Out with the old, in with the new.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Absolute Dog

      Absolute Dog

      Reminds me of eating, just think about that for a minute.

    3. BeckoningZebra1
    4. Cooliest


      um Jester I thought you knew already....

      and yes ROFL @AD indeed

  3. Titanfall Keeps getting coolier! http://343i.org/1mp

  4. UPDATE!! http://343i.org/2ci Get in on the fun for special rewards.

  5. Wanna Chill like Big Papa Coolie. Join these awesome lobbies. http://343i.org/1p8

  6. Well everybody I think I'm gonna start playing Skyrim. :/

  7. Welp out with the new and in with the old... Or visa versa. Not sure.

    1. Cooliest


      Thx to Brony too. :)

  8. Went with a name change because the other 2 news staff had a 1 at the end of their names....

  9. Whaaaa- How are you?

  10. What are you doing here? lol

  11. What happen to profile pic for Chease? Huh?

    1. Silent Orbis

      Silent Orbis

      Forget about that, what happened to Chease?

  12. What's your favorite book?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Cooliest


      @Azaxx Two nights in a row with the status jokes lol. :)

    3. Spyro


      The "A Song of Ice and Fire" series, I say the whole series because I can't decide between any one in the series. :3

    4. AnimalDenWinter


      so far halo forerunner trilogy part 1

  13. What's your favorite sport?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Azaxx
    3. One
    4. Cooliest


      Yes Azy sports. Lol I just wanted to start a random topic on my status. Lol.

  14. Whelp… looks like we've gone back to the old. ;)

  15. Why did 343iBot stop giving us waypoint news for so long and all of the sudden... she's back?

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom


      That's what I was wondering too :/

    2. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      didn't we decide waypoint was too vulgar


      and tried to wipe it off the site (lol)

    3. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Let's not question it, at least she is back.

  16. Why did H4 have to come out at the busiest time of my life.. lol I just wish I could play. :( I'M LAZY!

  17. Would ya just look at it. LOOK AT IT. New caption contest. http://343i.org/2b9

  18. You're the Cooliest Guy around. xD

    1. DoctorB77
    2. Cooliest


      xD Yay. We both are. CooliestDoctorB77. lol

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