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Everything posted by BLOOD 0F GANON

  1. Mad that I am broke until November 12? NOPE LOL! Halo 4 items so worth it...xD

  2. please waypoint you load at the speed of a full quarter on epsn football! >.>

    1. Ryu♥Hayabusa


      I know. The site doesn't have to be that freaking huge and complex. Bungie.net was better than that and it was good-looking.

  3. who the hell asks for money over facebook LMAO!..FAIL!

  4. Iv's seen a product just like this made 3 years ago. They don't sell well and IMO they don't do very much. From my experience they are more annoying then useful.
  5. If it stays clear out I am ready to go shred the redmond skatepark. Backside lip slides must get those back

  6. Thanks, I still need to collect some of the Uk Classic cases but its the shipping thats going to hurt the wallet
  7. Is dreaming that you were a kid again common >.>. Responsibility really digs in sometimes.....

  8. Back to the gum finally. I feel weak after not being here for 2 weeks o.o

  9. Nintendo chief: We'll sell the Wii U at a loss http://t.co/ygvh2MOq via @CNET

  10. I decided to make a video of the Halo games I have collected. The only one I am missing is Halo mac...Enjoy!
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Gv5oAtoW-68 The Little English Halo manage to get it early but there are no major spoilers in the video. Do enjoy and if you preordered this item it looks beautiful to the Halo collection. http://www.littleenglishhaloblog.com/2012/10/halo-4-limited-edition-soundtrack.html This is to his site for his credit!
  12. Hearing parents yell on xbl. The details are intense but some parents are nut crazy over their kids playing videos games.
  13. Makes sense to me. Happens on waypoint a lot with those lame games for post count.
  14. pretty stoked to see the 3rd one. pretty stoked to see the 3rd one.
  15. OH snaps ha! didn't pay attention but its not Bellevue seattle! Bummer! :/ Sounds awesome though!
  16. Best bet that will still open the doors to LE halo 4 is Best buy I believe. Game stop is defiantly not taking anymore preorders
  17. I like flying poptarts for dinner! :D

    1. ZΞRΘ


      This is madness!

  18. I enjoyed it but seeing the same thing twice in a trailer is to much IMO!
  19. I wish I saw this when it was OP that day. This is the sickest challenge I have ever seen...Maybe you can do something in a Halo Reach forge custom game...
  20. I think the presidents need to play Halo 4 and 1v1 to be president. That would be worth watching! LOL Not their garbbo Shenanigans and lies! Halo 4! EOS!
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