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Profile Information

  • Location
    in the world of the living
  • Interests
    halo gears of war 3 skyrim

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HaloVirtuosoBro's Achievements


Grunt (1/19)



  1. what makes me rage is your trying to run away because either you get a good weapon or their whole team is there and you slow down because your getting shot in the back. I mean if you were getting shot from behing wouldn't you want to run faster?
  2. can our clan be allys send message to gamertag HaloVirtuosoBro
  3. anyone who is reading this can u explain to me why i got banned from earning credits like my console and account both got banned i don't hack i play fairly unless people get mad and file complaints for how good i am but yeah if your 343 please unban me my gamertag is HaloVirtuosoBro my friend who plays on my console is banned 2 and he hasn't even been over to my house in 3 weeks im sooooo close to becoming a mythic please unban me if anyone else has advice please post a comment
  4. our clan is recruiting for halo reach the clan is called TBG the big guns i am the leader we are a good clan have clan meetings and clan battles we are in a alliance with 3 other clans our recqirements are for u to change your clan tag to TBG and for u to send HaloVirtuosoBro gamertag a friend request and for u to have fun we will accept people who don't have mics but will prefer u have 1 you can look me up on bungie.net
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