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Everything posted by MasterShotgunz

  1. What if Halo 4 Is amazing?
  2. There's supposed to be new info, an actual reveal, February 29th http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/121/1217705p1.html
  3. Assassinations were one of the only changes that I actually liked. Soo I wouldn't be too upset if it made it into halo 4 multiplayer
  4. I think it would be cool if like some racing games, where you can completely paint wherever you want on your car, if you could like go on the computer and really custimize your coloring. you'd really only be able to see it in free for all and in your playercard, but think of the possiblities
  5. I agree with OP. I plaed the crap out of Halo 3. Right up to when reach came out. I've played a lot of reach, but it just isn't the same
  6. Armor abilities were a good attempt to make things fresh and new, but I don't like them. They need to go (my opinon). also the bloom should go. and the BR should come back!!!
  7. I just want no armor abilities besides maybe sprint. definetly no jetpack and camo. or armor lock. And no bloom. Bring back the BR! I will be happy
  8. I once got killed by a shotgun in a dream. it was weird
  9. Control weather. WYR have have to marry a really ugly woman and live with her for the rest of your life, no cheating, or have the most beautiful / hot / sexy / woman in the world to marry but have your **** cut off?
  10. I was playing grifball the other night an went about 70-20. pretty good, but it's grifball, so no big deal. However, there were 4 kids on the other team ranging from about 10 to 13 who thought that i was amazing an invited me to a party an were practically worshiping me. And I egged them on and on. Even at one point telling them that besides being a halo god I also ran an orphanage and that if they would send me microsoft points it would help me put food on the table for the kids i took care of. They even believed me, although none of them had any points codes to send
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