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Everything posted by AgentLoFi

  1. I like this idea I will do my best to adhere to this resolution! Hopefully I can get monkeyshiz up in here Choot 'em eh
  2. 5,000 more free pay per view tickets are available now!!!
  3. ZYQ9 - Screaming Mechanical Brain
  4. I would definitely suggest finding a new group to play with otherwise get used to Keefy's suggestion and mute, mute, mute. I've muted many people playing online. Remember it's a game and do what you have to do to make it a fun experience for YOU.
  5. I'll try to let you know when more tickets are available, I have a buddy in the same situation as you Choot 'em
  6. Just read this topic and I had to give some kudos to Twin, I haven't laughed that hard reading a forum post in awhile, I'm glad you didn't hold back on the op Twin
  7. One of the biggest fight of the year will be free for xbl members through the new UFC app on Dec 30th! Lesnar v Overeem! Just wanted to spread the good word
  8. I am happy to finally be home again! Holiday travel sucked this year, anyway hope everyone had a great holiday!

    1. Choot 'em

      Choot 'em

      I know exactly how you feel Agent!! No place like home!! Hope you enjoyed your holiday!!

    2. Absolute Dog

      Absolute Dog

      I did....and thanks.

  9. I wouldn't necessarily want to play as a grunt, but I would love to hear dialogue, it would be a chipmunks version of halo
  10. Under the Microscope - Karate High School
  11. That was pure awesomeness Choot 'em Thanks for sharing!
  12. Indeed a Happy Holidays to all the wonderful members of this community
  13. Out today are a few more apps for the US Daily Motion UFC VUDU Enjoy
  14. I too would miss those little guys, they we're almost cute until you found one with a fuel rod gun I'm with Keefy on this one though, the anniversary terminals do kinda hint that we may not be done with the covenant.
  15. 44 of 44 achievements for anniversary!!! Thank god i'm done with that, I was going through waaay too many smokes :)

    1. Absolute Dog

      Absolute Dog

      Glad you have it done....one of the many reasons I do not chase the achievements or credits!

  16. They already have a release of the original soundtrack and if you listen to it, it's not much different than what you would hear on anniversary. They did a very good job the first time around mastering it for a CD release.
  17. Wow lol, we're having some problems with keeping this straight anyways i'm just skipping M and continuing after the last post. OMG - Cyberpunkers
  18. Thanks for the info Caboose! I've already e-mailed my congressman expressing my concerns with this bill. This could be a disaster if this is passed.
  19. I only listen to tunes when playing firefight or campaign and my current favourite artist right now is F.O.O.L.
  20. I am sick of being sick, thankfully i'm on the downslope.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Choot 'em

      Choot 'em

      So that's where you've been! I need some help blue!!

    3. AgentLoFi


      Lol, thanks guys, Adog i've been in a Nyquil haze for the past couple days :)

    4. SuperIntendant


      Y U NO USE ZYNC?!?!?!?

  21. New apps are available now! Youtube Iheartradio TMZ SyFy Verizon Fios MSNBC These are for the U.S. so I do not know what is out for other countries.
  22. I too miss the ranking system, unfortunately we'll have to wait and hope they deliver in Halo 4 cause there is now way they'll put that into Reach at this point. I'll keep my fingers crossed and hopes high that 343i will bring ranked playlists back to Halo.
  23. Young kids? I wish I had that excuse Adog Anyways, I hope to get whooped by you in the near future also!
  24. Definitely interested in seeing this, I know for sure that I had a few "fail" moments, specially the objective games Once again though I had a good time and thanks Caboose for recording.
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