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    Adam 151

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Brute Chieftain

Brute Chieftain (6/19)



  1. Conforming to what people like isn't a good way to go about things if you agree that's fine but seeking out "likes" is something I can't get my head around if your a nice person you'll get them anyway don't think its a good challenge to rate yourself on others opinions of your points and posts say what you feel is right. As long as your not being actively offencive to people that's all you should aim for set goals which will make you a better individual the beauty of this world is peoples unique tastes and opinions ^__^ I don't know if people like my contributions if they do great if not I can live with that.
  2. Adam151

    We miss you!

    I hated rocket race!
  3. Stop playing it of you don't like your not a reviewer
  4. Hope they bring a New one with some of the dlc the forge maps are okay but I'm getting annoyed by their limited size
  5. Think I heard they're out January hopefully they will
  6. I live in the UK Diddnt have a code.. just glad eBay exists 3 quid for the spec code but I agree it is stupid I know people who have gone off the game the commendation bonus exp and games don't count towards your rank so it takes away elements of fun and progress should have made it avaliable for everyone hopefully they will in the future
  7. It takes 50 on the final rank of the commedation I think I've got it mastered now its not too difficult just hop in a ghost, operator helps with plasma pistols and vehicle strength good luck you get a swell green visor too
  8. Suppose people are well in their right to voice their frustrations I actually like the game only issue I've had is in the specialisation codes not being distributed fairly. Sorted now thanks too EBay and three quid, I don't see the point in kicking off on a community forum its the equivalent to shouting at a wall really if people truly hated the game they would just stop playing frustrations about weapon balance is pointless the game is balanced if people don't like getting killed by dmrs don't run out infront of them.. or be good that's another alternative.
  9. Adam151


    I'm okay with the new system I've played since the start doubles is good though I allways liked the challenge
  10. Just don't think you have a good enough understanding of femininity to be defending it
  11. I really hope there's no glitches in these..
  12. I usually use arena walls to make the larger structures saves on pieces, but the spawning and grav lifts are all accurate which is difficult to do I usually use arena walls to make the larger structures saves on pieces, but the spawning and grav lifts are all accurate which is difficult to do
  13. It's a bad marketing tactic though there's only 2 options move to America or pay 20 quid extra for the limited edition think its just a bit unfair
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