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Eagle's Talon RP - Mission thread.

D-38 Boss

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Inside the ship, Logan was working on opening the door.


"Damned Covies upgraded their firewalls..."


"I don't care Rockstar, get it open."


Ty was covering the lift.


"How does this thing work?"


Joe turned to him.


"I'd tell ya, but you wouldn't understand."


Ty flipped him off.


Mathison snapped his fingers.


"Cut the chatter you two."


Logan turned around.


"Doors open!"


The squad moved through the door. Ty took point and moved along the hallway.


"I don't understand? is this ship abandoned?"


"Looks that way... Unless...." Mathison paused. "Check the corners, look for light refraction, discoloring, anything that catches your eye, we might have some stealth troops hanging around."


Joe kept walking along the left wall of the corridor they we're in.


"Riteoff, I'm getting a bad feeling about this..."


Ty scrathed his head.




Mathison responded.


"Kid, His 'bad feelings' have kept me alive plenty of times. tighten up, 360 degree security."


They moved slowly onto the ships bridge.


Mathison took a position on the upper platform.


"Rockstar, grab what you can from the database, anything at all. Replay, do what you do best kid. I don't want a single piece of this ship left after we leave."




Ty jogged off, pulling chunks of plastic explosive from his bag.


Logan Started pulling files from the computer.


"Riteoff! you need to see this."


Mathison Ran over to Logan.


"What's the deal?"


"Sir, they had another trip logged and ready to go, this ship was headed for earth next, and they we're loaded for bear..."


"What happened to the crew?"


Logan pulled up crew records.


"They're all listed as K.I.A. in the Covenant database, but all with dishonorable Execution. Seems they we're a splinter group trying to start a full blown war."


"So, they were all killed, by the covenant, to prevent them from attacking earth?"


"Remember, The covenant has civilians too. public opinion isn't a solely human problem. a full scale war would drain resources on both sides. But if Earth were visibly attacked, Command would have no choice but to fight back."


Mathison's radio crackled on.


"This is Replay, 15 mikes till this ship is nothing more than a cloud of smoke. how copy?"


"Solid Copy Replay, Sorry but it looks like we're not gonna get a decent fight this time. Command is dropping a Transport Hog outside, we need to clear this zone and get to a clear spot for a pickup."


"Got it. I'll head out and light a flare, get moving sir. Replay out."


After a few minutes, they were sitting in the Warthog watching the burning wreckage of the ship crash into the ground.


Mathison hit hit radio button.


"Command, Razgriz has completed the mission, We have some data for the Admiral to see."

Edited by D-38 Boss
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Jacob woke up to the sound if huge explosions. He shook himself, dazed and walked, or rather floated, to the cave entrance.


The entire pass had been destroyed. He saw another mountain go down. In the smoke, a forerunner tower rushed. There were hundreds of them. And strangest of all, a frigate flew beneath him. He noticed the sounds if ships all around. The battle in orbit had spread ground side.

"This is ODST Griffin 1-1 reporting on all channels, can anyone hear me?" Damn. Out of range. He tested in the cave. It did seem to be full Zero-Gravity. And his suit was still recycling the remaining gases. He had no choice. He lined himself up to the shield and pushed off a rock as hard as he could. He had 15 minutes to do this. He hurtled through the pass, dodging rocks and ships. He saw the Frigate entering the shield. If he could just get inside... Two LongSwords flew right past him. He managed to grab the hull of the cruiser, and began to pull himself into an airlock. He opened his COM again.

"Hello? Anyone, please respond! This is Griffin 1-1 outside airlock urh... AB-2A, I have 5 minutes of air left. Open the airlock!"

"Jacob, is that you? Opening now, you're home." Replied the voice on the other end.

He climbed inside the door, and activated depressurising. After a hiss of air, the inside opened. There were several marines, and an officer. ((Just a random one))

"Jacob, what happened? Your squad thought you were dead! No, we can see after your report. Come now, your not done yet."

"What is it Lieutenant?" He was passed a data pad.

"This central structure was a forerunner control tower buried in a mountain. Covvie forces are holed up in there. We are assaulting the place. You will be joining your squad here, to take out the artillery command centre. Do that, and we can bring in the big guns."

"Yes sir, when is the next Falcon?"

"Right there, ready when you are. And you might want this." He passed him his Battle Rifle.

"Thank you sir."

He began to walk towards the helicopter. He tapped on the pilots window.

"Pilot, ready to go?"

"Yeah, just waiting for another squad."

Dammit. Every second these jokers wasted was a second his friends could be killed. Ah well, he sat on the single seat at the back until he saw the squad. They ran into the troop bay, equipped with jet packs and DMRs. Bullfrogs. They sat in an awkward silence as the rotors turned, spinning the troopers to the LZ.


The Falcon swooped over the landscape. The plains were completely flat, and he could see the charges of platoons and exchange of plasma fire and bullets. The helicopter began to descend, getting closer to a spotlighted area set up. It was under siege by a few covenant squads. As they got closer, AA fire began to rock the transport. Some metal covers unfolded on the sides, a new addition to the troop bay.

"Red light, stand by."

"Gaz, your radios dead"

"Roger that"

Jacob peered out of a narrow slit. He stood up.

"Blast doors opening in 3... 2... 1..." The doors opened. "Green light, Go, go, go!"

The troops jumped out as an artillery shell hit in front of them. They charged forward, killing elites assaulting the defending squads. Grenades rained down on them from the Falcon.

"Thanks guys, that was getting a little rough."

"No problem, do you know the whereabouts of Griffin squad?" Replied Jacob, watching as one of the others shot a dead jackal.

"Yeah! They're at the front. It's a few minutes away. Follow me."

They ran into the haze of plasma and bullets, clasping their helmets as shells hit around them, vapourising the ground around them.

"Quick, into the trench!"

They ran and jumped into a trench, it offered limited cover but it would do.

"Griffin? Griffin! Report in!"

"Griffin squad repor- Ah!" The sound of a plasma shell rumbled through the mic. "This is a bad time!"

"You don't want Jacob back, I presume?"


"Holly, fall back, wait for reinforcements. We can help you!"

"Okay, the defense on these cannons is solid. We can't get in range to deploy Cobras!"

"I'll see what support command can send." The radio cut off as the distinct sound of Banshees filled the air. The battle had gone from bad to worse.

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Harvest. First a supply run on Reach, the most pinnacle defeat in Human-Covenant war, and now Harvest, the first defeat in the Human-Covenant war. It was as though Wolfpack was going backward in time, though in a calmer manner of running potentially useless operations with little to no payoff in the longrun. James wasn't complaining, especially now on a night that left so much room for tragedy. As the Pelican began to set down over the rugged, plasma scarred plains, Wolfpack rose up from their seats with a few clicks and snaps of restraint clips giving away.


The ramp lowered, a rush of cool air hitting the Sergeant in the face hard enough for his shemagh to require some adjusting. "Thirty seconds," the white-armored Crew Chief announced, waving a hand out the back ramp. "Go, go, go."


All at once, they piled out, boots thudding heavily against the frozen ground as they jogged into their respective positions of cover. Despite the hellish scene that the Covenant had left years ago, their LZ had enough damage to bring on the same feeling of sorrow as someone viewing a neo-realism painting but only at a glance. Looking at it further, the truth was that the damage could've been much worse. The terraforming efforts had made a dent in restoring the planet's former beauty...and its memorable weather as Lockett would soon attest to.


"Clean drop," Grey muttered, scanning the horizon with his DMR's night vision scope. "LZ secure."


"All good down here," Mack relayed to the Warrant Officer. "See you in an hour."


Their once silent pilot was now in her game-time element. "Roger. Moving to holding pattern, out."


As the Pelican's thrusters lifted the craft away from the surface, hitting the squad with a slight jetwash, the five of them remained silent until Aaron broke the silence.


"It's f***ing cold out here."


"Now you know," Mack replied. "C'mon. Colony's a kilometer out."

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"Okay, question from the dumbf*ck in the group, why are we here? This is friggin' Harvest, they sent us straight from Reach, to Harvest. Do they not have a detachment of grunts here?" The Lance Corporal, loaded down with a heavy ruck of M41 reloads and affirmentioned SPNKr rattling against his kit, continued to trudge across the frost coated tundra, "F*cking terrorists. I swear to God they've already won if the UNSC has to relocate a squad halfway across the galaxy just to ruin these retards' day."

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"Parker says we check it out, we check it out," said James, leading point over a hill, which apparently had a twin running parallel to it, a pattern consistent with the function of a CSS excavation beam. Silently, he cursed as his night vision quickly mapped the terrain, and before he started their descent down the steep surface scar, he looked over his shoulder at Sal. "Besides, it's not like you had anything important going on."

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"Dude, hot blonde, hot Lieutenant," Salvinski chided in, his breath visible in front of his face thanks to the green-ness of night vision optics, "Wandering the countryside with NODs on like confused pedophiles? Not as much fun. So tell (RAY-GUN) Parker, that I send him his regards on cockblocking me."

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A smile broke out on Lockett's face, however hidden by his shemagh, as he observed the horizon. "Sal, do you even know how much I want to call bull**** right now?"


"Come on, Lockett," Smith said. "And you expect us to believe you had a thing going with a civilian nurse in the middle of a combat zone?"


"Hey, it's true!" he objected.


"Damsels don't exist anymore," Grey said flatly.


"That's 'cuz she wasn't a damsel, jackass. She took care of herself."


"And you, according to your story."


"Damn right. Medical personnel: always experienced, always safe."


"True enough."


Smith shook his head. "I still don't believe you. What about you, Sergeant. You believe this nonsense?"


Malachi grinned. "Which part of it?"


"The part about nurses being 'experienced and prepared,' and the fact that Lockett claims he has first-hand experience."


"I have no reason to deny it."


"On what grounds?"


There was a short silence, punctuated by Grey and Lockett snickering beneath their masks until Malachi finally spoke. "No comment."

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"Look, Lockett, there is a reason that I am known throughout the Corps as Cockasaurus Rex. I have determined, since cutting scores are such bull**** in this man's military, that I must do the only sensible thing. And like my female counterparts, I must f*ck my way up the pay scale," Salvinski continued, hitched up his assault pack a bit on his shoulders, the loaded tube from his M41 clanking off the back of his helmet. Which drove his NODs into his eye sockets with a muffled, "Motherf*cker," disappearing on the wind that was likewise blasting at his exposed face like a sandstorm, he should have worn a half-mask like the rest of Bandito-Squad.

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James turned about to raise a finger to Salvinski, though still moving in the same direction. "Hey, hey, hey. That's a nasty generalization. I can name at least five women from our platoon that didn't sleep around for promotions."


"That's because there were only five women in Bravo 2," said Lockett.


Malachi cut him off, raising a hand as he about-faced again. His raised hand then migrated to his helmet. "Wolfpack 3-1 copies. Send traffic, 508."


The voice of Warrant Officer Da Silva, the pilot of their close air support, filled their helmets with a soft crackle of static, a blend of white noise from her Pelican's thrusters and the rigidity of the terrain capable of bouncing transmissions into overlapping patterns. "Wolfpack 3-1, you're closing in on the settlement, it's just past that hill. By the time you receive visual, you should be about two hundred meters from the perimeter. Over."


"Copy that. Thanks for the heads-up. Out." The Sergeant hunched low and advised his team to follow suit by waving a hand to the ground. "Stay low, eyes up. DZ's just over the hill."


The hike up the hill seemed longer than the eight minute walk they had just finished, but before they knew it, the squad was prone and working the rest of the way up for a better view, inching along be their elbows. The only sound they made was the gentle bustle of dried or frozen foliage against their fatigues and pounds of kit, that was until Smith broke silence.


"Question," he uttered between efforts to move along the hill. "This is a civilian colony, right? This planet's being reworked towards what it used to be by colonial contract?"


"Affirmative," Malachi grunted, coming to a stop. They had a clear view of the night horizon now, as well as the colony, a multi-structured establishment that formed to the shape of a residential block.


"Doesn't that make this a demilitarized zone, Sergeant?"


Lockett arrived next to the both of them, Grey in tow setting up his SRS. "F*** me," the Private said.


James kept his eyes on his binocs. "That changes nothing. We're still here to do recon, so that's what we're doing. It's not like we're here to put these people in a policed state."


"Sure, I get that, but if we ain't here--"


"Then this is a black op," James finished, cocking his head away from the binocs. "Huh, I never thought of it that way."


"Deniable ops, man," Aaron chuckled. "I never get sick of them...mainly because we never do s***."

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"Okay, I'm a sexist prick, please, everyone stone me to death," Salvinski muttered under his breath.


Within eight minutes, he propped up on his elbows surveying the sleepy town below through a green haze of night vision optics, "Recon's a pretty broad subject, Sarge. You mean recon as in peeking in windows and snooping around, or recon as in breaking 'n' entering hopping to find some rusty RPGs down in the basement?"


The Lance Corporal shifted slightly, resulting in a crackling sound that to his own ear sounded like a million tiny bombs going off, but in all likelihood the range of sound was lost within five feet thanks to the wind, ambient sounds, and the generalization that humans half the time didn't want to know what the creepy sounds up in the forest are.

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James continued his scan of the colony. "Briefing was even broader: a simple 'check it out' and 'use lethal force as necessary' order. So take your pick, but either way, we're not going down there without getting a good look at what we're up against."


"What are we up against?" Lockett asked.


"So far, f*** all. No one's moving down there on my scope. Grey, how about you?"


Grey's stance was unyielding, almost as though his unnatural prone posture was comforting in an odd sense. "Empty so far," he said in a low voice that was amplified by his lash gear. "No movement."


Smith shook his head. "Where the f*** did everyone go?"

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"Maybe they're....uh....sleeping?" Salvinski shrugged, "It's a possibility, right? It's a little late to be out wandering around unless you're warrior gods like ourselves," the FORECON Marine adjusted his groin flap once more before rolling back onto his belly, "I dunno, anybody else getting that ominous feeling, or am I just a p*ssy?"

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"You're always being a p*ssy, Sal," Lockett joked.


Smith grunted. "Quit playin', guys."


James glanced at the corner of his monocle's mission counter. "It's not that late. Anyone else notice the street lights are all off too?"


"I don't think we're gonna get much sight of movement from here. Wind's picking up a bit," said Grey. It wasn't until then that they noticed the increasing disturbence of the brush. "We might want to wrap up here if a storm's coming."


Lockett put a hand to his forehead. "Son of a *****...."


"Alright screw it." James stuffed his binocs away. "Smith, stay here and spot for Grey. Sal, Lockett, on me. We're gonna cirvumvent the settlement one in the field and then wade inside."

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((I decided to complete my mission))


A Wolverine rolled onto the plain and fired a volley of missiles into the air.

"Banshee down, path cleared into citadel on vector 3,5 kilometres northwest. Platoons C-4 through F-6 assault. Broadsword squadrons on hand for cover."

The citadel loomed in the distance, it was a thirty minute walk, maybe ten at a run to it. They began to run, away from the mass of charging marines as not to be targeted. Mortar fire began to hit the group, killing hundreds in a matter of seconds. A huge claw hit the ground in front of the squad, looking round, they saw a Harvester. "The Covenant must really be desperate if using mining vehicles in combat." thought Jacob, as he rolled to avoid being crushed. The eight-legged behemoth carried on walking and fired it's mining laser at the UNSC forces, a gargantuan crater was cut into the ground, leading into some kind of Forerunner corridor.

"Griffin, into cover!" the jumped underground just in time to see the roof begin to repair itself. The light cut out, leaving the facility in darkness. A squelching sound came from the sticky ground. They activated VISRs, to look in horror. A sickly green biomass covered the walls, and was growing into the outside.


Flood. And now it had been let loose on the battlefield.


For hours, they trudged through the dampness until they reached a central chamber, it reached extremely far up and down. There were platforms going all around the chamber linked by walkways. And on the floor was a circular, football sized robot. It had some sort of 'eye' that flickered on and off.

"The foolish continue to fight,

Outside and outmatched,

I will now at last see the light,

From all creatures will life be snatched." came a huge rumbling voice, that's echoes reverbarated around the chasm. Tentacles shot up out of the darkness, grabbing each squad member. They were pulled down into a chamber with the monitor, still lifeless, by them. "con-con-conta-tamination protocols violated, flood biomass at critical level" some finer cilia ripped some wiring out of it.

"Greetings, I am 903 Consentful Injustice of installation- oh my! A reclaimer! How wonderful! We must activate the index and cleanse the infection!" The troops were dropped onto a lift, the monitor was seemingly unawares of the situation. It hummed to itself as the lift rose, the top came in sight and began to open..,

" after millennia of waiting,

our paradise is at hand,

there will be no more hating,

In our new land!" Once again, they shot up and pried the containment locks open. A new figure Rose, a gigantic.. Thing, that looked vaguely like a flower head.

"Some shall rise,

But all will fall,

I now have my prize,

Which is not being trapped behind this wall!"


((A Gravemind is on this place. Enjoy. It is my last RP post, I needed to finish but leave potential for if I come back. Oh, and like the Graveminds speech?))

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With the settlement on full ghost town mode, Wolfpack 3-1 was comfortable enough to be standing upright as they conducted their sweep. This wasn't because of their overall glum attitude of the operation, though for lack of a better word it was starting to look like a pathetic recon operation whose after action report could be summed in three lines. No, the real reason for their lack of caution was simply because they had the room to get comfortable, what with the terrain as angular as their armor, they blended rather well, nevermind the pitch blackness that blanketed the landscape.


"This is so f*cking retarded," Lockett grumbled as he stood in darkness, just a few feet behind the an imaginary line formed by the perimeter of light surrounding the colony. "I could shout right now, man."


"Yeah. Worst that would happen is a noise complaint, right?"

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Razgriz squad was on a patrol on Requiem. The base that was being built had a few more days to go before they could leave, and it had been Brain-meltingly boring so far.


"We could play I-Spy again." Joe said.


"Reload, If you say I-spy one more friggin' time, I'm going to gut you." Mathison groaned. The monotony of Patrol was something none of them were used to, but the danger of an attack in this area demanded a more experienced team on patrol.


"Replay to Riteoff. come in" Mathison's radio crackled.


"I read you, send it."


"All quiet over here, anything on your end? Over."


"Nada. ain't a damn thing here. over."


"Alright, we'll check in again in 10. Replay out."


Ty and Logan were in an overwatch position about 800 meters from the front gates. Ty reached into his pack and pulled out a bag of beef jerky.


"Want some?" He said to Logan, who didn't respond. Ty could hear his music blaring in his headphones as he diligently stared down the Scope of his rifle. Ty held a piece of jerky in front of the scope. Logan looked up and grabbed it, before going back to his surveillance


"You're welcome...."


Ty chewed on a piece of jerky and looked into his binoculars again.


"Sun'll be down in a couple hours... gonna be just as boring...." He thought.

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Grey had managed to keep himself sane gazing through his rifle optics, scanning the colony all the while Smith continuously blurted out lines from twenty-first century rap artists.


"Get it on the floor, get it get it on the floor--What! Get it on the floor, get it get it on the floor! You don't wanna party then yo a--"


"Please stop that," the marksman uttered.


The Marine complied, but not out of courtesy as his thousand yard stare spoke for itself. "The f*ck did you just tell me to do?"




Meanwhile, James, Salvinski and Lockett were still idle outside of the colony's perimeter. "Hell with it," the Sergeant said, dropping his weapon and letting it get caught by its sling as he pulled out a long-range comm package. "Command wants a recon report, this is what they got." Clearing his throat, he spoke again. "Talon Actual, this is Wolfpack 3 lead. So far insubtantial results on designated recon zone, break. Colony is devoid of activity, hostile or otherwise. Repeat, no signs of life. We have no grounds to assume attack either. How copy, Over?"

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((I'm going to assume you wanted me to reply...))


"Wolfpack 3, this is Talon Actual, Solid Copy." Miller Said. "Try to find out what happened there. look for records, surveillance cameras, anything. How copy?"




Ty and Logan had finished pulling up their overwatch post. they began the short walk back to the barracks.


"I don't understand..." Ty said.




"I mean, F--- this is Requiem. A few weeks ago this place was swarmed. I doubt the Prometheans are scared to attack because we showed up...."


"Maybe they have more important things to do."


"When you have more important things to do then stopping an enemy from building a friggin' fortress on your home planet..... that's a scary thought...."


"You're over thinkin' it."


"I don't know.... just doesn't feel right."

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[Yeah, I'm just not feeling this one as far as plot goes. My creative genes aren't running on all pistons.]


James killed his comm after a short acknowledgment and nudged Lockett into action. "You heard 'im. Move it up, keep it tight."


A few minutes in, they were already weaving in and out of the colony's alleyways, nudging their way through all asses and elbows until they found the colony control center. The deathly quiet of the settlement was greater in the streets, up close than the distant observation points they used out in the field. No damage; just silence.


"Should we check out the housing first?" Lockett asked.


"I'm sticking with orders on this one. Let's get in and tap into their surveillance recorder."


After achieving an all-too-easy access into the security center, James, Salvinski and Lockett swept the room upon entry, and after the Sergeant raised a thumb's up, he pointed Salvinski to the console. The Marine quickly tapped a series of keys and the recording module, a box-shaped device, ejected from the table. He then handed it off to the team leader, who then plugged it into his comm package.


"Talon Actual,  this is Wolfpack Three. We're uploading the security recorder's contents now. Standby..."


"What do you think's on it? Nothing more exciting than our last op, I'm betting."


"We're about to find out..."

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"Wolfpack Three, we've received your upload. We're need to decode it before we can take a look at it. if there's anything else you need to do, get it done. Evac in 20. Out"




Ty was leaning against the pillar of the gate.


"Ok, Sigourney Weaver, or Natalie Portman?" Logan asked.


"Why are we still doing this?"


"You got a better idea?"


"No..... Natalie I guess..."








"Drop it."


"Fine. I woulda went with Sigourney. Much more attractive in Aliens."


"I hate you."


Logan hit his comm button.


"Riteoff. Rockstar, all quiet?"


"As a Nursery at Nap time."


"Bad analogy."


"Whatever... we're fine here."


"Hell of an assignment eh?"


"You'll wish you could have assignments like this at some point kid."


"Sure. Rockstar out."

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The team sat in silence as the upload began, covering corners and watching the livestream monitors. So far, the town was as dead as it was when they arrived.


"Another intel grab as usual, huh?" said Smith, who was still spotting for Grey at the edge of the colony.


Malachi grunted. "Yep."


The awkward quiet passed when Lockett spoke up. "You guys remember that time we nabbed the flight recorder from the Imperio?"


"Uh huh. Jackal Pirates--I remember."


"You ever notice that despite the number of confirmed kills during the boarding process, we never actually found any bodies of the crew."


"Most of the shipping freights didn't have crew. They're automated--that's the Kig-Yar's MO: hijack unmanned ships and leave 'em adrift after they've been looted. Any ships that formerly had crewmen were probably vented."


"You mean they airlocked the crew?"


"Exactly. So if you think this is at all similar, just remember that the colony is rather void of airlocks. I didn't even see any orbital tethers for that matter."


"Either way, this ****'s wierd."



James suddenly raised his hand up and tapped the side of his helmet, indicating an incoming transmission. "Wolfpack Three, we've received your upload. We're need to decode it before we can take a look at it. if there's anything else you need to do, get it done. Evac in 20. Out"


"Roger, out. Alright, we're done here. Regroup and let's go."


Lockett pulled himself away from the console and hefted his SAW. "Nuke the site for orbit?"


"Yeah. Game over, man."




Within fifteen they were all at their designated EZ. Sooner they'd be back aboard the Talon.

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Mathison Grunted as he lifted the large Iron beam. The techs needed help with the last piece of the Gate, which would signal their departure.


"There. That ends one boring A-- mission." Mathison lit up his comm.


"Talon Actual, This is Razgriz Actual. Mission is complete, requesting Evac."


"Affirmative, Razgriz. Pelican is on the way. Pretty quiet eh? Over."


"I'll take a Boring Mission over a Bloody one anyday Talon. Out."


"Another day, another deployment, eh Sarge?" Ty said.


"Another mission under your belt kid. Wouldn't be surprised to see you get your own lead after this trips over."


"Not my thing, Sarge. Just like to Blow stuff up."


"Alright. definitely not running out of things to blow up anytime soon."


"God bless the UNSC eh?"


"Damn straight son."

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IC: JL - Geo - Reyna


JL looked at Reyna, who looked hot. Reyna looked back, and JL looked away. As he did, he looked over to all the weaponry and tech they had brought, and went through everything.


1 BR85HB Service Rifle, 2 DMR M395 Service Rifles, Reyna and her Sniper Rifle, customized for lightweight mobility, a shorter barrel, iron sights with an additional 2x zoom below the barrel, and a silencer. Each of them carried a Magnum equipped with silencers, and JL brought with him his own Energy Sword. Along with them were 15 Fragmentation grenades, a communications jammer, and then there were the armor ability modules that they had brought along. There were 3 Active Camo units, JL already wore a Promethean Vision unit and Geo brought with him a Hardlight shield generator.


"T-Minus 4 seconds," Geo said calmly, and Reyna and JL casually strode over to the now open bay door. Each of them on one side, all 3 helmets began a united countdown towards zero from 4.




I've never been one for plans, JL thought as he jumped forwards, turned, grabbed the edge of the Pelican, and used his momentum to swing into the canyon wall they just flew across, landing on a gradient and quickly sliding down. Quickly, he pulled out his Battle Rifle, and with 3 bursts downed 3 Covenant with headshots. The Sangheili in charge quickly shouted a order to the remaining soldiers, his menacing growl scaring the Grunts more than the sound of JL's rifle. The Elite quickly turned to contact the mothership, which was located a few clicks northwest. Just outside sensor ranges.


Reyna kept it that way; As she jumped out, she also carried the jammer, activated it, and held it, activating her activ camo and....waiting.


The battle raged on as a few more Battle Rifle shots were fired, Grunts shouted in pain and the only sound that echoed as well in the canyon were the sounds of bodies dropping and one Elite as he shouted in frustration. Then came the sound of an Energy Sword being drawn. "Ohohoho!", JL said with a smile on his face, "This is gonna be fun. Lets duel!"


And so he became a blur of blue, his own Energy Sword lit as he leapt towards the Sangheili, whose face showed none other than first surprise, then anger. He shouted in an incomprehensible speech, four jaws snapping in unison against the sound of two magnetic fields clashing against each other and the sparks of friction in the air caused by two plasma blades. "Heretic!" the translator shouted as it echoed in JL's helmet. Can a human be a alien heretic? he thought to himself as he parried a strike, dropped low to dodge another one and swung upwards, the force from his sword knocking it clean out of the alien's hands and onto the floor, where the plasma first embedded itself, then disappeared. The Elite screamed as the idiotic feeling of loss of honor suddenly came unto him.


There was a cleave, and JL sighed, just happy that all the Covenant in that outpost had been killed painlessly.



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Razgriz squad sat waiting at the Evac point. Mathison looked over to Ty, who was lost in thought.


"Something on you mind, kid?"


"Something just feels... off"




"They sent us here to pull security because this area was too dangerous to leave it to the Jarheads..."


"Yeah, And?"


"And.... Nothing. That's the problem. Promethean's have never just let us set up a base before..."


"And that's a good thing right?"


"No.... that's bad. They must have some kinda plan...."


Their conversation was cut off by the distinctive roar of a Pelicans turbines.


"Saddle up kiddies! rides here!"


The pelican swung down and hovered over the ground. Razgriz squad piled in and settled in for the ride back to the Eagle's Talon. Mathison sat next to Ty.


"Let me tell you one thing son, Don't worry about the overall situation. You'll go crazy. Focus on you, and your team, you'll get the job done, and let the higher ups worry about the long term."

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