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Life Hacks


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Hey there.


This is a thread where you can post useful tips that can be used in your everyday-life. It could be anything.


I'll start;

  • When you've forgotten someones name, simply ask "I'm sorry, but what was your name again?". They may act offended, when they repeat their first name you simply reply "No, I meant your last name". (Which is more socially acceptable to forget). So there you have it, you get their name without coming off as rude or forgetful.

  • To stop a sneeze, tickle the roof of your mouth with your tongue.

  • When in a large shopping centre, take a photo of the information board with your phone so you can look up directions without having to go back to the board.

  • If you want to get into a sold out concert, simply go to the store and buy two bags of ice. Walk up to the front of the line and say, "I'm the ice guy". Free concert.

So there's a few. Hope everyone grasps the concept of the thread.


Now tell us your Life Hacks.









Obligatory .gif.

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Don't think you quite understand the thread. ;)

Books are my Life Hacks though. They are how I understand everything without experience. Read lots of them. Lots. I just finished an inch thick book on Louis Armstrong front to back, including the prologue, in 2 hours. I have obtained knowledge. :laughing:
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At the beginning of a year, have all the coat hangers in your closet facing one way. When you take out an item of clothing, put it back in the opposite way. At the end of the year, get rid of all the clothes whose coat hangers are still facing their original way, since they're just waste of space.


Also, when you look up and pretend to pour salt into your mouth with an imaginary salt shaker, you can actually taste salt.



-shifty eyes-

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Well, as you all know, when conversing with another person, we all give off subconscious messages through our body language. Some are more obvious than others.


There are ways to exploit such things to get your own way.

For example, when I used to work as a sales rep I would make small gestures that would encourage my clients to buy my products.

Whether it be a subtle nod of the head whilst asking if they were interested in buying the product, or enforcing promises with the offer of a handshake.


As long as you remain confident in the way to speak to people, and learn what brings about good reactions, you can do most anything.


The things you want to stay away from are quite obvious actions that people will pick up on. Like crossing your arms for example, this often shows signs of discomfort or defensiveness. Another, is eye contact. If you rarely look your conversant in the eye, they will think you are not interested, or again, not very confident in yourself. If you maintain good eye contact, it shows people that you are interested in what they are saying at least. Always good when faced with a difficult client.


Just think about this next time you are talking with somebody and watch their body language. It's not hard to notice things when you are paying attention.

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When someone calls you a homosexual in a derogatory manner, simply state, "you wish." This will turn the tables on him without making you look like a homophobic.


When someone tells you to close the door and asks if you were born in a barn, reply "No, I was born in a hospital. With automatic doors."


When someone asks "Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?" reply "No, I kiss YOUR mother with this mouth."


When you are out in the sun for a long period of time, just drinking water isn't usually enough. Try drinking tea, and using the water to cool yourself down by splashing it on the areas of your body exposed to the sun.


When you get cut pretty badly, your first instinct is to see a doctor and get stitches. However, most serious cuts don't require such drastic (and expensive) measures. All you need is some super glue, some cloth, some sanitary liquid (such as hydrogen peroxide or boiled water or even rubbing alcohol) and some gauze. First, clean the wound thoroughly with the sanitary liquid. Be sure not to use too much Hydrogen Peroxide or Rubbing Alcohol if that's what you are using. It could be hazardous to your health. Second, dab a little super glue on each side of the cut, then press the cut closed for 30 seconds. Be sure not to get the glue on your fingers. Keep the cut still for about a minute to make sure the cut won't reopen on it's own, then put a line of superglue over the cut and wait for it to dry up. When it is dry, apply the gauze and use the cloth to tie it. Boom, simple, low cost, stitches.

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This simple breathing exercise, "How to Fall Asleep Fast", was developed by Russian MDs in the 1960's. They applied this technique on thousands of patients with striking success.


The exercise is based on the idea that slow and light breathing provides more oxygen and CO2 for the brain cells producing a positive effect on faster natural sleep.



Steps to follow (How to fall asleep fast)


family-left-sleeping-position2.JPGRelax all your muscles while you are lying in bed on your stomach or left side. Focus on your breathing pattern. Next, instead of taking your usual inhalation, take a slightly smaller inhalation (only about 5-10% less) using the diaphragm and then immediately relax all body muscles, especially the upper chest and all other respiratory muscles. Take another (smaller) inhalation and again completely relax.

With each breath, take a small or reduced inhalation and then completely relax. You will soon experience a light shortage of air or air hunger. Your goal is to preserve a mild, but comfortable level of air hunger.


I actually tried this last night and it worked!

Insomnia: 98413 lnsignia: 1

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Lucid dreaming: turn the lights out and lay down on your bed comfortably on your back. Relax your muscles and close your eyes. Do NOT move for about 10 minutes. You may feel some itching or discomfort, this is your mind trying to figure out if you are awake or not before it enters a REM cycle. You will then feel a slight pressure on your chest, and will experience "sleep paralysis". Don't panic, this is supposed to happen. Just keep still, and soon after you will be asleep, but will be able to actually interact and change your dreams. NOTE: This does not work for everyone, but works for most people. Do not do this on a night that you need to wake up early for something, or the night before you have work or another important event. Most people feel tired after doing this.


Cinnamon Challenge: This is a fun little prank to pull on your friends who don't go on the internet much. It can also be a good way to make some money, if you are so inclined. Bet your friend that they cannot swallow a teaspoon of cinnamon without a drink. If they are not familiar with this challenge, or are very ballsy, they will try it and fail. Every time. The cinnamon causes a chemical reaction in your mouth which dries it up. Trying to swallow dry powder ALWAYS causes a coughing fit, so it is not possible to actually do this without a drink.


Breathe Under Water: This is a little pun that can make you some money. Bet your friend that you can breathe under water. If your friend takes you up on the bet, fill a glass with water and hold it over your head. Breathe normally. You are now breathing under water.

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A good way to stare at someone you like is to go around challenging random people to a staring contest, then challenge who you want to stare at, or who you want to stare at you. Voila, you can stare at people without looking like a creep.

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Lucid dreaming: turn the lights out and lay down on your bed comfortably on your back. Relax your muscles and close your eyes. Do NOT move for about 10 minutes. You may feel some itching or discomfort, this is your mind trying to figure out if you are awake or not before it enters a REM cycle. You will then feel a slight pressure on your chest, and will experience "sleep paralysis". Don't panic, this is supposed to happen. Just keep still, and soon after you will be asleep, but will be able to actually interact and change your dreams. NOTE: This does not work for everyone, but works for most people. Do not do this on a night that you need to wake up early for something, or the night before you have work or another important event. Most people feel tired after doing this.



For those who don't know what Lucid Dreaming is. I've found that if you think about the concept of lucid dreaming before going to sleep, you're most likely to achieve it.

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  • When you have a brain freeze, get your finger and press against the roof of your mouth. It should go away within a few seconds
  • When taking medical pills, put the pill on the middle of your tongue, then when you drink the water, flick the pill to the back of your throat.
  • When folding laundry, roll the laundry up instead of folding. It decreases the chance of wrinkles.

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If you are in need of some knowledge, try google. Here's some tips and tricks for google.


If you are looking for sites/pages with specific content you can use this command. Most sites have a descriptive title that will help you to narrow down your search. Let's say you wanted to find sites or blogs related to home remedy for sick dogs, then you would type the following into Google allintitle:"home remedy for sick dogs" and click search.


You can search for more than one term. Using the + sign you can combine more than one string to narrow down your search. If you wanted cool dog toys and you entered that into Google you get a slew of sites that had any one of those terms in it. To get a more precise type into Google "cool+dog+toys". This will return sites that contain all three of your terms.


Inversely,you could exclude terms from a search. Let's say you were looking for dog trainer but one who don't offer doggy boot camps. You would enter "dog trainer" - "boot camp".


Now here are some to help you lose weight at work or school.


Move more. Fidgeting can help you lose weight. Click your fingers, move your legs back and forth, and of course walk over to your friends/coworkers instead of sending a lazy email/text. Also taking the stairs when possible helps to melt those love handles away. Take the stairs instead of the elevator.


Stand more. You can burn 200 or more calories if you stand for 1 hour. You can use this tip while going to or at work/school. If you take public transportation to and from work/school and stand five days ,then you are burning at least 2000 calories in those 5 days.


Drink more water. Drinking more water will help you eat less. Eating less will help you to lose weight. Drinking water before meals will trick your brain into thinking that you are full and you'll eat less as a result. Also cutting out high sugar drinks (AKA soda and juices) will help. The trick is to have a bottle of water close by and keep on refilling it throughout the day.


Here's an extra tip at random. If you are stuck between picking two things, flip a coin. Then, before you look at the coin, think about what you are HOPING the coin's face will be. Now you know what you want. :D And if not, then take the coin's advice. Win win either way.

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Cell phone cameras can see infrared light.


Point your remote at your cell phone camera and press a button. You'll see the end light up.


I read somewhere that instead of buying creams and medical -blam!- for acne, you can just put a clean towel over your pillow before you go to bed. It clears up that nasty pizza face quick.



Want to turbocharge your sled? Spray the bottom with nonstick cooking spray.


Can't find someone to water your plants while you're away? Place the plant on a water-soaked diaper, so it slowly absorbs water over time.


Want to make stale coffee taste fresh again? Add a few grains of salt and nuke it for one minute.



You can take the edge off your headache if you pinch the flat part of your ear below the top "rim".


Whenever you are eating somewhere like McDonalds or Burgerking, or anywhere that has free refills ALWAYS get the smallest drink. It cost less, and you'll still be able to drink as much as you would with a large.


Wanna know how to make an Ipod touch a phone?


Add skype on it. Yes, you can add skype on an Ipod touch.


If your dog is in a sitting position or laying down and you want to sit or lay next to it without moving, try walking backwards towards it. This way it won't get up from and start moving from it's position because it thinks you want to play (Or because it's scared of you).


Here is hack for all Zynga games:

First, go into the selected game. Once it loads, you should have a box in the corner of the screen that allows you to accept gifts in-game. Accept all the gifts you want to clone.


Next, go into the homepage. Once there, scroll down until you find the button that reads 'Game requests". From there, you can re-acept your gifts for 2 times the fun!


If you're Xbox controllers are running low on batteries, and there are none nearby, try turning off vibration (which uses a lot of battery) and turning up sensitivity (that way you're remote won't have to process so much, and you'll still be able to turn a lot. The triggers also use up more battery than the buttons and d-pad, so if you can, switch controls to operate on those mainly.

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