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Something minor I didnt like


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I posted my thoughts about this on halowaypoint but i want the people here to give their thoughts an opinions

as this is my regular halo forum, so this is just copy and paste of my post


Ok apparently frank o'connor said that between the chief going to sleep at the end of halo 3 and him waking up in halo 4 that he got out of the cryo tube sometime in between i dont think they should have made up that small bit of story, simply because how halo 3 ended MC getting into the tube cortana saying "i'll miss you" and MC saying "wake me when you need me" that was very emotional and sad ending especially for cortana all she could do was stand there and wait for years for a bit of hope help would come, that to me is very memorable and emotional ending and a perfect ending for halo 3 even though it was sad.


Now after the emotional scene and dialogue cortana and MC shared even though he was going to sleep it still felt like he was leaving cortana for good and then it ends there, to think after all that emotion that came from the two characters especially cortana that it imo is kinda ruined by chief getting out of the cryo tube again sometime after to do something then going back in, when chief going back into the tube its like chief saying "ok this time wake me when you need me",


i know its just a minor but just knowing that happened kind of ruins that halo 3 ending a bit, that part of the story line should be the very sad yet perfect halo 3 ending of him going to sleep to him jumping out of the tube form cortanas cries of help like he told her, nothing in between.


but dont get me wrong i cant wait til halo 4 its gonna be brilliant but that minor thing just annoyed me a bit.



any one any thoughts?

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Yes I realize that you were referring to the legendary ending of halo 3 as chief slips into his cryo tube: "wake me when you need me". I was just saying that cortana had a good reason to wake him :) just a joke

oh right my apologies lol, but dont you think if chief woken up to do something then goes back in to the tube and back into cryo sleep slightly kills the emotional ending of halo 3, it should be halo 3 legendary ending to halo 4 opening going to sleep for 5 years then waking up, nothing in between.
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Yeah it does. I sort of think of it as if he goes into cryo sleep, usually that infers that he's gonna be there a while. If he gets up to like go to the bathroom or something, you're right it does kill the emotion.

yeah it annoyed me bit but it just a minor thing, but i felt they shouldnt have interfered with that bit of the story because even though hes just right there in the cryo tube thats meant to feel like hes gone he's leaving cortana for a while or for good as far as the characters are concerned.
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You have a point, adam. If you look at it like that, it does kill the mood of H3's Legendary ending a bit.


You know what would kill it even worse?



"Wake me... when you need me," the Chief said as he laid back in the cryo-tube. The tube door whirred to close and sealed with a hiss.


Cortana, distraught by feeling as though she was losing her other half once again, placed her glowing hand on the glass of the tube and whispered a painful, "Sweet dreams."


3 minutes and 21 seconds later...


Hissss, the tube unsealed and its door whirred back open. It settled into its fully opened position as the Chief stirred within.


"Chief! I found something!" Cortana said with a pleased look on her face before the image of a large container flickered on next to her in the holoprojector.


"What is it?" Chief replied, his gruff voice concealing his concern for his friend, the surprise of being awakened so quickly, and the desire to know what was inside the box.


"It's a surprise," she told him with a hand on her hip and a cheeky smirk. Then, lowering her voice into a sultry, seductive tone, she added, "but I think you'll like it."


The Chief climbed back out of the cryo-tube and floated over to Cortana in the gloom of the Forward Unto Dawn . "Where?" is all he asked.


"Right..." she replied slowly, her hand sliding down her tight stomach, crawling toward the darker center of her pelvic region, "here." Then, where her hand stopped, a three-dimensional map of the aft of the frigate popped into view and her finger directed the Chief to a cryo-bay nearby.


The Chief, seeing his destination, quickly made for the door.



I don't think anyone needs me to continue. :coffee:




PS: Cortana. :drool:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know what you're saying Adam, unless he was unconscious when he was taken out of the cryotube it definitely kills the mood. It was meant to be Bungie's farewell to the series and characters, a seemingly open ending but nevertheless one that we all know concludes with the death of the Chief and Cortana fading away into rampancy.


This turns the story from the course we'd want it to be. Instead of an uplifting tale of perseverance at all odds, it turns out it is an austere and very real tale in which the hero makes every sacrifice and still reaps no reward. That's existence and that's how it ends. There is no parting word that can console the dead or left loved ones, nothing about truth/existence is consoling. The point is that the miracle is in what you do with the time you are given before you slip into black, never to awaken. That's why the ending is so artistic, Cortana knows this will be the end of them both but is surprised when she bittersweetly realizes he knows this as well.


This news doesn't sound like 343 has done a good job in converting this into an intermission... maybe because it is the end

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