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What do you think about the introduction of the DMR


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Reach's DMR was better because of how the game functioned, making it an actual power weapon.


However, BR will always counter the DMR in Close-Mid Range. Even if the DMR get the first shot on you, the BR is a 4-shot kill whereas the DMR has always been a 5-shot kill. (Except in that one Reach playlist it was 6-shots, ugh)


DMR's are to be used as DMR's, and that's a cheap sniper rifle. Other than that, they're not really useful since the Magnum is a 5-shot kill as well and that covers the close range and maybe even the medium range if you don't rely on aim assist.


I prefer the weapon's for their ranges, and since Halo 5 is so small. I prefer the BR more-over.

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I really wasn't a fan of the DMR back in Reach. I've never been hugely fond of precision weapons in Halo anyway - I could just about tolerate them in 3 due to the wide spread and bullet travel time - but the DMR, upon introduction, was just frustrating.


For a start, the potential range was just too damn far: part of what I love so much about Halo 3 in hindsight but took for granted at the time is how much freedom of movement there is, because beyond a certain distance the BR's spread and bullet velocity mean you just can't reliably land even one bullet, let alone a whole burst, so players can move around the map much more. By contrast, the DMR was extremely accurate when fired at minimum bloom and had a 3x magnification scope, meaning that you could reliably hit targets out to WAY further than ever before. Plus, it's a single bullet, not a burst, so you're not even losing damage due to spread at extreme range: as a result, Reach is a much, much more frustrating game to move around in, and combined with the drastic nerfs to vehicle durability often ends up with teams just hanging back and poking at one another from extreme range rather than actually being able to push across the map.


Plus, Reach shares the Halo 2 problem of its precision weapons actually having faster TTKs than its automatics - and unlike Halo 2 you can't even dualwield to change that. As a result, the DMR is just straight up overpowered compared to the rest of the general-purpose weapons sandbox, slows the pace of the game down, and has a huge negative effect on the importance map control. And that's before we even come to the bloom issue, where players who're carefully controlling the recoil of their weapon to ensure the best balance of fire rate and accuracy can still be beaten by players who're just spamming the trigger wildly. As a result, most fights end up as spamfests with the winner determined more by luck than skill, and combined with its ridiculous range and power, just make the whole game a chore to play.


That said, Halo 4 did them a lot better after the weapon tuning update. The DMR is still more powerful and accurate than the other precision weapons, but it's offset by having a higher TTK than the automatics and BR, so you're trading raw killing power for accuracy over range. Overall I still think it's too low (I'd far rather we had slightly longer kill times tbh), but at least now it has its own discrete place in the sandbox.

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As long as weapons have their own lil' niche I'm fine with them and I think Halo 5 has found the most perfect balance between all "starters" you can get. In the right hands there's no way a different niche weapons outperforms the other.

On large Warzone and BTB maps the DMR is surely an underappreciated weapon. Remember when Waypoint was full of people crying about not having the DMR because of the REQ system?

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