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The Semi Weekly Site Poll 23

Caboose The Ace

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Seven whole days have passed since the last poll, so lets get to this!

With Halo 5 343 decided to do something different from a lot of other first person shooters and previous Halo games. Firstly all future dlc will be free, including maps. And secondly the REQ system was introduced but by now I think you all know what that is. Traditionally in a Halo game when dlc maps were released they fragmented the community as few people ever brought them and quickly become obsolete fast with only a few hundreds players in dlc playlists at most sometimes, compared to the many thousands in other game modes. But with all dlc maps being released for free it will not be a few hundred anymore.
So my question to you all this week is.
What are you hoping for in regards to maps in the future of Halo 5?

As usual voting ends on the 19th of January. If you have any suggestions or criticism, feel free to pm me.

Happy voting, your Supreme Overlord and Emperor of the Galaxy Caboose The Ace out! :)

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"I'm hoping for more community forged maps."


Is what would be expected to say.


But yeah, I liked Skyline a lot. Don't see anything like it, Eden/Empire looked like a crappy attempt at it. But Skyline had the atmosphere, the view, and the background. Plus the dark of nighttime... Yes.. Just yes... The map was perfect in every way.


Halo 5 doesn't have that. So, I would like a Skyline transfer, pl0x.

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Well 343i did post something about community maps that looked alot better than what the so called Cartographers came up with, given the fact that they were the first to 'experiment with it' the maps fell kinda short. So I hope we'll eventually see some of those maps in matchmaking.

Besides those I'm hoping for some more maps that are built from the ground up, not remakes in Forge, not remixes of already existing maps, just brand new maps to play around with. (unless the remixes actually feel different like Overgrowth... but play way better than Overgrowth...)

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THIS is exactly why the map qualiy has declined so bad after Halo 3. Forge may be a nifty feature for casual/crappy map updates to add new elements, but it has also made developers very lazy.


Historically, Halo 1-3 had the single most ORIGINAL and best multiplayer maps. Adding more community failures to the already abysmal amount of bad developer maps is not going to help. In all seriousness, how many people really thought free DLC Content would actually be quality content? I say it's time to stop drinking the Kool-Ade and hold 343 and other developers to a higher standard.

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What I want is a few maps that look like 343i have actually put some effort into them. Maps that look like they've been produced because someone had a really interesting idea, then sat down with a team and spent plenty of time tuning it to be the best it could be, then polished up to create something which plays well, looks great, and feels original. A labour of love combined with all the professionalism and testing that we could reasonably expect from Microsoft's premier studio. Maps like Guardian, or The Pit, or Rat Race, or Lockout, or Chill Out: things which feel genuinely unique, and which are both mechanically interesting as well as visually distinct and which provide a huge amount of variety to the game, ensuring that Halo 5 feels like the biggest, best, and most diverse Halo game to date, and which is so rich in content and variety that people will be able to come back to it for years on end.
Though I suspect what we'll get are a series of utterly forgettable remakes and remixes, with a dull art style and little to no life or personality. This isn't so bad when it's Forge - that's part of what it's for, after all, and we have some brilliant community members who can create remakes and reimaginings on a professional quality level - but it's just lazy and uninspiring when devs themselves do it with 'new' maps.

In all seriousness, how many people really thought free DLC Content would actually be quality content?

Also, this is just an obligatory reminder that the DLC maps are not free, but funded by real-money gambling.


I know I bring this up every time, but I'll stop doing it once they stop doing it.

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/me clears throat


I'm looking forward to a map that isn't forge-based and actually feels different from the rest of the maps and doesn't just feel like a texture swap or a remake of an old and tired map.


/me adjusts flaming shields, "Flame on!"

Edited by BATMAN
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My main issue is: spawns. Too much spawning and seeing your own body hit the ground happens. So 343 either change them around or make the maps just a bit bigger.


The other issue I have is the map rotation. I haven't even played Antifreeze or Entombed and I've played Overgrowth three times. The base maps keep popping up more often. It doesn't bother me really but it's something to fix.


The Forge maps I like but the thing they have to do is do less remakes (darn you BTB) and more originals (Orion, Pegasus). Otherwise, Forge maps are great as they are.

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Regarding spawns, I surmize that 343i attempted to combat spawn camping with the tweaks they made. Sadly though, it appears that the multiplayer leads know absolutely NOTHING about the in depth spawn system and simply assume that creating more spawns or limiting spawns to stupid locations will fix the problem.


RSR don't EVER apologize for bringing up the microtrans req system. I did the same thing as soon as req was released to the public. To add onto that, free or not, the DLC quality should NEVER suffer. By all logic and realistic development standards, making the content free should push the team to actually create bwtter content. If your free stuff is crap and your paid stuff is still crap, how do you expect to gain any faith from the player base? They really need to showcase what type of quality they can produce on a free for everyone basis, before even thinking about charging a single cent for it going forward into Halo 6.


Aside from the map issues, I think their time would better served going through the horrid netcoding and server side issues that still many players world wide are experiencing. Similar to MMC, I'm afraid 343i will decide to simply power through any real support for the game and focus on pumping out the next one as quickly as possible.


Here is a quick novel idea for 343i to do....


1. Focus on multiplayer first and foremost and make Halo feel like Halo again.

2. Completely dump Forge and create a brand new 12 set of simple yet unique maps.

3. Treat campaign like Spartan Ops. Release and support a massive campaign by adding actual quality story and level design, and release it in parts. Say something like 4 campaign missions a month for 6 months.


Campaign in the last 2 titles has both felt rushed and designed equally as rushed. I believe that releasing missions slowly allows more team members to work longer and focus more on driving quality experiences, rather than rushing through it all and leaving huge plot holes and minimal play time.

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Regarding spawns, I surmize that 343i attempted to combat spawn camping with the tweaks they made. Sadly though, it appears that the multiplayer leads know absolutely NOTHING about the in depth spawn system and simply assume that creating more spawns or limiting spawns to stupid locations will fix the problem.


RSR don't EVER apologize for bringing up the microtrans req system. I did the same thing as soon as req was released to the public. To add onto that, free or not, the DLC quality should NEVER suffer. By all logic and realistic development standards, making the content free should push the team to actually create bwtter content. If your free stuff is crap and your paid stuff is still crap, how do you expect to gain any faith from the player base? They really need to showcase what type of quality they can produce on a free for everyone basis, before even thinking about charging a single cent for it going forward into Halo 6.


Aside from the map issues, I think their time would better served going through the horrid netcoding and server side issues that still many players world wide are experiencing. Similar to MMC, I'm afraid 343i will decide to simply power through any real support for the game and focus on pumping out the next one as quickly as possible.


Here is a quick novel idea for 343i to do....


1. Focus on multiplayer first and foremost and make Halo feel like Halo again.

2. Completely dump Forge and create a brand new 12 set of simple yet unique maps.

3. Treat campaign like Spartan Ops. Release and support a massive campaign by adding actual quality story and level design, and release it in parts. Say something like 4 campaign missions a month for 6 months.


Campaign in the last 2 titles has both felt rushed and designed equally as rushed. I believe that releasing missions slowly allows more team members to work longer and focus more on driving quality experiences, rather than rushing through it all and leaving huge plot holes and minimal play time.


1. God, the intelligence makes me so happy.

2. Grand points.

3. Thank you for being one of the last few people to call 343i by the actual sodding acronym.

4. Post-Launch Campaign? I'm scared. Don't say things like that, it's scary.

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It has been a full week so let's tall up the results and find the most populr choice of what the 343 community is hoping for in terms of maps.



Though the answer to me was clear. Entirely new maps that are not remakes or remixes and have a unique art style to them that is not UNSC related.


Thanks for voting all! :)


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