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The 343i.org Web show!

Zed The Evil Taco

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The greatest website in the world (343i.org for all those not paying attention) needs a web show! That's right, you heard me! We are going to film a machinima for this website!


We need a director, which, tbh, i'll probably take that job.

We need writers, so if you funny, write.

We need actors, so if you're willing to talk online, talk.

We need viewers, so if you watch stuff online, watch.

We may or may not need money, depending on if your willing to pay us to make you laugh slightly.


The characters and story will be based off of what we find here, i think. We will basically act out what we find on here.


Characters I have the desire to include so far are:

Twam (for obvious reasons)

Me (for obvious reasons)

Vitamin PWN


Spectral Jester


But everyone is welcome. And if any of the above can't do it, I understand. I can kill your character out. (JK).


So yeah! Sign up everyone!


You can also sign up here: http://www.343indust...2953-machinima/


This is a trial site for the webshow. It is a forum, and it's sole purpose is for this show. Use it wisely:http://343iorgwebsho...itetoolbox.com/


EDIT: Okay, we have enough people to record the advertisement for the show. After the ad, we will come out with a new episode every week, to keep you up to date with the site. If you want to sign up, all sign ups will be done from the forum i set up. Use your name here, plz. If you register, I will assume you want a part in the show, so please do not sign up if not. If you have signed up, congrats, you have a guaranteed spot in the ad. Please follow the further instructions on that forum, located in the "rules" topic.


You guys are great, btw.



EDIT 2:We have a problem... That forum got shut down, and its not coming back...



Edited by Zed The Evil Taco
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I'd be willing to help out. Not sure what I could do but I am up for anything.




I was doing wash and I came up with a real good first episode with all the dialog and shots planned out. I'm going to write a script for it up and send it to you. See what you think, and let me know.

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Upped the sample intro into the "video" folder on the dropbox fileshare. Also thru in the script in docx form in the "script" folder. I am currently working on a script for the first full episode. We should use the smaple script as a trailer for the public. I'll up the script once I'm done. I'm shooting for 20 to 25 minutes of show...but I can cut it down to what you prefer. Let em know what length you would optimaly want each episode to be.


BTW, first episode will revolve entirely around the title update and how the community has contributed or inspired 343 to impliment the changes. All sides of the TU will be covered ina funny and humurous pee your pants way.

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I'm glad you like it. The music was just a simple guitar intro. Originally I had a simple drum beat behind it. I may add it back just to see how it feels when combined with the intro footage. Also, I'll start working on the next script more. Ten minutes should be an easy fill with all the Title Update posts and community involvement with it.

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I'm glad you like it. The music was just a simple guitar intro. Originally I had a simple drum beat behind it. I may add it back just to see how it feels when combined with the intro footage. Also, I'll start working on the next script more. Ten minutes should be an easy fill with all the Title Update posts and community involvement with it.

I like the idea of drums. Lets try that in the background.



Vore is a character and not me! Anyway sure I'll watch and might try writing in the future. Also YouTube allows 20 minutes now if I remember correctly.

And you can be a character. Also, 20 minutes? I'll check that to be sure, but thanks.

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Vore is a character and not me! Anyway sure I'll watch and might try writing in the future. Also YouTube allows 20 minutes now if I remember correctly.


That's because I'm incredibly awesome, Vitamin will vouch for me on that. j/k lol.

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The greatest website in the world (343i.org for all those not paying attention) needs a web show! That's right, you heard me! We are going to film a machinima for this website!


We need a director, which, tbh, i'll probably take that job.

We need writers, so if you funny, write.

We need actors, so if you're willing to talk online, talk.

We need viewers, so if you watch stuff online, watch.

We may or may not need money, depending on if your willing to pay us to make you laugh slightly.


The characters and story will be based off of what we find here, i think. We will basically act out what we find on here.


Characters I have the desire to include so far are:

Twam (for obvious reasons)

Me (for obvious reasons)

Vitamin PWN


Spectral Jester


But everyone is welcome. And if any of the above can't do it, I understand. I can kill your character out. (JK).


So yeah! Sign up everyone!


You can also sign up here: http://www.343indust...2953-machinima/


This is a trial site for the webshow. It is a forum, and it's sole purpose is for this show. Use it wisely:http://343iorgwebsho...itetoolbox.com/

I am interested on trying out for voice acting or controlling a character in the show, of course that is if you are willing to accept, if you do accept i will be available when you need me i can talk online, its something ive wanted to do and be apart of for a while, hope the show goes well i will be looking forward to seeing it

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Okay, we have enough people to record the advertisement for the show. After the ad, we will come out with a new episode every week, to keep you up to date with the site. If you want to sign up, all sign ups will be done from the forum i set up. Use your name here, plz. If you register, I will assume you want a part in the show, so please do not sign up if not. If you have signed up, congrats, you have a guaranteed spot in the ad. Please follow the further instructions on that forum, located in the "rules" topic.


You guys are great, btw.

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