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Townsville (Updated 3.1 Version)


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Gamertag: aardvark09j

Map: Townsville 3.1

Gametypes: Slayer, KoTH



Download Here: http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/players/aardvark09j/halo4/fileshare#!/?section=GameMap&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0&details=8ae9402e-0230-4cf5-abb0-e0055b7d9823



Townsville is an asymmetric map that supports infinity slayer and king of the hill. It is meant for 8-12 players. Weapons/powerups on the map include, the sniper rifle, rockets, an overshield drop in top-mid and three identical random drops with the railgun being the most likely to drop. KoTH gametypes are best played with the hill movement in the progressive mode, and with initial drops disabled. Aesthetically the map is supposed to create a towering metropolis sort of atmosphere, and in fact makes the players feel like ants when looking up at the colossal buildings of the city overhead.






Like many maps, Townsville is laid out so that on different parts of the map different kinds of encounters are the focus, whether it be long range, mid-range, or close range. For example, in sniper ally a DMR or BR are your best friends, while in the basement and on the floor, an AR, Storm Rifle, or Suppressor will be the most useful. 




The map has a lot of verticality to it, so jet packs may be your best choice when it comes to armor abilities.




Suggested callouts for the map are based on the colors, weapons, and locations on the particular areas of the map. The callouts include, red/tower/nest, orange, orange ramp, blue/orange/yellow plat, rocket ally, sniper ally, basement, blue ramp, top-mid, silo, floor/bottom silo. For pics of the callouts see my file share: http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/players/aardvark09j/halo4/fileshare#




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