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Tired of Playing Call of Duty


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Can we get a regular Slayer gametype please instead of Infinity Slayer? I'm kind of blown away how 343 would completely abandon their original gametype. I mean a gametype where the maps have weapons on the ground, and the layouts actually matter. Infinity Slayer is a fun gametype, but with its lack of dimension it gets pretty stale pretty quickly. I do think Infinity Slayer will be awesome for community maps though. I always hated relearning weapon spawns on community made maps. :)

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Lol I don't mean ordinance weapons on the ground. I mean starting a game or respawning and approaching BR spawns or other weapon spawns. These choices affected map movement in a good way. I loved the challenge that is created by the players of the game and not by the game itself (random generation). Random generation is the cheap and the worst way to develop a game.


Imagine going to a car dealership to buy a new car (playing Halo 4) and rolling a die that would decide what car you would be driving home with (weapon systems). This is great for poor people (bad players), but awful for people that make good money (good players). It is the same thing here. 343 added randomness to the gameplay that is dictated by the game itself. That makes all of the gameplay a lot more "bot"ish. We're not far away from the school districts that give gold stars to every student just for showing up. This sort of "puss*fying" movement also encourages "cheap" behavior in game to try to stand ahead. I remember in earlier shooters how absent camping was. But now, just like Call of Duty, Halo now encourages a lot of camping.



/end rant

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Well, this might be a good time to ask. Is there ANY logic/pattern/predictable method to the map dropped weapons?


I was kind of disappointed because I thought all players were going to be "notified" when new ordinance came. Instead, I find myself randomly going, "Holy crap, there's a SAW right there. Cool."


I guess maybe they kept that feature to the tracker spec.?

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Well, this might be a good time to ask. Is there ANY logic/pattern/predictable method to the map dropped weapons?


I was kind of disappointed because I thought all players were going to be "notified" when new ordinance came. Instead, I find myself randomly going, "Holy crap, there's a SAW right there. Cool."


I guess maybe they kept that feature to the tracker spec.?


I think there are some that will always spawn in the same place. The snipers on Ragnarok for example. For the other drops I think what they did was have a random drop. So At that location there are 8 possible weapons that could be dropped there. Its going to be random though. An example would be the weapon drop by the mounted turret on Ragnarok. Sometimes it's a sniper other times a SAW.

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Well, this might be a good time to ask. Is there ANY logic/pattern/predictable method to the map dropped weapons?


I was kind of disappointed because I thought all players were going to be "notified" when new ordinance came. Instead, I find myself randomly going, "Holy crap, there's a SAW right there. Cool."


I guess maybe they kept that feature to the tracker spec.?


I believe that Frankie told us that we would be able to predict where ordinance would be popping up. From what I've seen though it isn't true.

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I miss the weapons on the ground. But that doesn't change Halo. They still have the random Ordinance drops, and timed ordinance drops. The weapons just don't instantly spawn.


No, that pretty much does change Halo. It was one of the last games of an old era. Now its the era of the COD.

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No, that pretty much does change Halo. It was one of the last games of an old era. Now its the era of the COD.


COD and Halo 4 are in no way similar. My point? Here it is..


Loadouts......Not originated by COD, There are 50+ games with Loadouts right now.

Random Ordinances.....Not even in COD

Game play.......1 shot to the head with any weapon in COD you die, only a few weapons do that in H4.

Maps.......Totally different.


what did I miss?

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No, that pretty much does change Halo. It was one of the last games of an old era. Now its the era of the COD.


The Ordinance drops that happen at the the beginning of the map and the random ordinance drops are no way like CoD. The personal drops I'll admit do remind me a bit of CoD. But not the random and instant ordinance drops. That's my take on it.

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ask yourself this had cod never been invented do you think halo 4 would have turned out like this?? Hell No!



halo 4 is a decent game they just tried to much. i myself am sick of this cod like multiplayer the thing is all they need to do to make it normal is a few tweaks and it would have been a amazing game but now all this is appealing to are the casuals. :/

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Lol I don't mean ordinance weapons on the ground. I mean starting a game or respawning and approaching BR spawns or other weapon spawns. These choices affected map movement in a good way. I loved the challenge that is created by the players of the game and not by the game itself (random generation). Random generation is the cheap and the worst way to develop a game.


Imagine going to a car dealership to buy a new car (playing Halo 4) and rolling a die that would decide what car you would be driving home with (weapon systems). This is great for poor people (bad players), but awful for people that make good money (good players). It is the same thing here. 343 added randomness to the gameplay that is dictated by the game itself. That makes all of the gameplay a lot more "bot"ish. We're not far away from the school districts that give gold stars to every student just for showing up. This sort of "puss*fying" movement also encourages "cheap" behavior in game to try to stand ahead. I remember in earlier shooters how absent camping was. But now, just like Call of Duty, Halo now encourages a lot of camping.



/end rant


So true!

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pretty sure the rockets tend to show up near the center of the map on solace, and the snipers appear by the right side of each base. Anyway, it's a bad system, sure, but it's counterballanced by the lack of real power weapons in this game, or at least their extreme infrequency.

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