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Competitive play and Halo mechanics

Dark Restraint

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First of all, the Halo mechanics are really solid and I like them. There is a couple flaws and I'll address them.



Absolutely hate it. Get rid of it. There's no reason a player should be able to instantly respawn and kill the player that just killed them. This is especially annoying on small open maps like Relay or Abandoned. This is definitely a flaw.



I would like to see consistent, organized weapon drops. Not random weapons. This was a big thing in Halo competitively. Map control is ruined by random weapon spawns.



The DMR wrecks. The BR fire rate just can't kill a dmr in a fair battle. Enough said, I favor the DMR personally anyways.



If a player has a power weapon and accidently picks up the flag hes pretty screwed. I wouldn't mind this feature as much if you had an option to DROP THE FLAG. There's is no more flag running and this makes me upset especially.



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First of all, the Halo mechanics are really solid and I like them. There is a couple flaws and I'll address them.



Absolutely hate it. Get rid of it. There's no reason a player should be able to instantly respawn and kill the player that just killed them. This is especially annoying on small open maps like Relay or Abandoned. This is definitely a flaw.



I would like to see consistent, organized weapon drops. Not random weapons. This was a big thing in Halo competitively. Map control is ruined by random weapon spawns.



The DMR wrecks. The BR fire rate just can't kill a dmr in a fair battle. Enough said, I favor the DMR personally anyways.



If a player has a power weapon and accidently picks up the flag hes pretty screwed. I wouldn't mind this feature as much if you had an option to DROP THE FLAG. There's is no more flag running and this makes me upset especially.

They also need to regulate the power weopons (Bolt shot I consider one ._.) just remove the anger weopons

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  • 4 weeks later...

First of all, the Halo mechanics are really solid and I like them. There is a couple flaws and I'll address them.



Absolutely hate it. Get rid of it. There's no reason a player should be able to instantly respawn and kill the player that just killed them. This is especially annoying on small open maps like Relay or Abandoned. This is definitely a flaw.



I would like to see consistent, organized weapon drops. Not random weapons. This was a big thing in Halo competitively. Map control is ruined by random weapon spawns.



The DMR wrecks. The BR fire rate just can't kill a dmr in a fair battle. Enough said, I favor the DMR personally anyways.



If a player has a power weapon and accidently picks up the flag hes pretty screwed. I wouldn't mind this feature as much if you had an option to DROP THE FLAG. There's is no more flag running and this makes me upset especially.


as far as dmr vs br



-kill time 1.4 seconds

-longer range than the BR

-single shot registration

-you don't get unscoped when shot at



-kill time 1.7 seconds

-larger reticle means easier to aim at closer ranges

-doesnt have the range the dmr has, so challenging a dmr or sniper at great distances is a serious gamble, especially being new to MLG

-on the 5th shot only 1 bullet has to hit the head for the kill, not all 3


everything else your pretty much right. Both rifles have a place in the sandbox, but the dmr should be a pick up since it shoots farther and faster. Though I dont see that happening, actually making us spawn with both, can be an easy solution.

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I very much doubt that they are going to remove the Instantspawn completely from their game. Remember how they said it was a great idea because it "makes the game faster and makes it flow better"? Now removing that feature from Halo 4 entierely would be like them saying "Yeah, it was a huge screw-up", and I don't think there going to admit that kind of stuff ( at least until Halo 5 isn't out ^^).

But all the things mentioned should be quite easy to fix should they make an competitive/ classic playlist (except maybe the weapon spawns?). So if we hear news of a competitive playlist being added I'm dead sure it won't be with instaspawn.

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