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Crying Runes.. (A Battalion)


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Hello I am Fishy, most of you might know me from shoutbox, or see me in the forums. :)

But right now I would like to recruit for my Battalion, we are not a clan, but Battalions have rules just as clans just a different setup. Here are my rules.


1. Joining- If you are wanting to join the Battalion, I would like to ask you to please be 13 (at the very least) years old.


2. In-Game Player- You must be willing to change your armor primary colors to the color of what division you are in. You must be willing to change your emblem. You must be willing to change your service tag. (All service tags in the Battalion are the same, last letter stands for division name.)


3. Skill- You must know how to play decently, at least 8 kills in a game of team slayer. If you aren't good in MM but are at forging, we will accept forging members as well. There will be an upcoming division called, "The Forge Artists." I will know if you are good so don't try saying you're good at forge will get you in. ;)


4. Listening- You have to listen to your division leaders, if you don't listen you will be either kicked from the clan, punished, or slapped. The battalion leader (which is me BTW.) can overrule any order given by other division leaders.


5. Meetings- Meetings occur solemnly, when we have a meeting it is advised to go, you might need to catch up on a few new things. I won't send a message out to all of the members saying what happened. You'll have to ask me personally or someone who attended.



Now these are some of the major rules in the battalion, but I am hoping more people will be glad to join. We currently have a 42 member limit, but we currently have 9 members :cray: I am hoping those of you will join.

We are friendly BTW, competition is not our key, our key is to make sure we're known in the game we play, victory doesn't matter. We are a Halo Reach clan as of post date, we will be a Halo 4 clan here soon.


Thank You for reading, Have a Wonderful Night! :)


(Those of you wishing to join, please post on this topic or PM me thank you for your time and consideration.) (Clan website http://cyrs.enjin.com/home)




P.S. If you are in a clan and want to be allies. I am a founder of the clan alliance xXxB3TAxXx, as well as OmicronRhino, and GENARAL KODMAN™ If you want to join comment or PM as well please.

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Hey, I wouldn't mind joining. Nice to finally see a clan that isn't built upon competition.

First off, we aren't a clan, the title says A Battalion. 2nd off, friend request Xokerfish321 if you're that interested in joining. (Xbox live.)

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