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Halo 4 COD ranking ?

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I love cats. I love coffee. I love pancakes with some strawberry jam. Rain in the summer and coco in the winter.

I love playing me some Halo. I love going online and playing people better then me.

I love getting destroyed by someone and LEARING from my mistakes.

I love that my rank in halo 2 and 3 meant something.


But... i dont like it when my rank means nothing.


I like online shooters.

Cod has its own ranking system and its a ranking system that does not punish a player for a bad game.

So if i get online with a low rank and go head on vs people with higher rank there is a good change i wil own

them. In halo 3 if i fought a person with a higher rank that person would dominate me. I would learn and become better.


So whats up with the ranking system in halo4? Is the ranking 1-50 based on how good you are and can you lose rank

if you play bad? Or is this just CoD ranking?


The CoD ranking and Halo reach ranking is the reason i still play Halo3. Why would i keep playing just to get a higher ranking when that ranking means nothing. I got in a team with 3 guys who all had the rank INHERITOR. But we got destroyed by people with general rank. Why did they have the rank INHERITOR when they dont deserve it.


I could be wrong about the ranking of Halo4, i hope that i am wrong about the ranking system.

What do you think am i wrong or do you feel the same?

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cats. are. so. COOL :thumbsup:


There is a progression system for loadouts while there is another skill system for rank. Two systems in one grave.


Ryu, I've seen you say this is multiple threads the past few days. Are you just going out on a limb? So far the only evidence we have is that Frankie said he'd touch base on the ranking system closer to release.


I really hope what you say is true <3 ----> </3

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yeah because cod and reach ranks are non-skill based ranks, i'd see them as "no-life ranks" because u can't go down, just up up up lol. give back skill-based level system, it gave players to work something for to and made the game more fun in the long run. nowadays in reach facing an inheritor is a joke rofl, max rank and stil they can suck so bad, it's annoying i have to check the service record > matchmaking > kill/death ratio of every player every match so actually get an idea how good they are

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I understand that there are 2 systems but my question is can you get punished for playing bad? or do i get point no matter what?

No official information on the ranking system of Halo 4 has been released as of yet, except that there are both progressive and skill based systems that run independently of each other. Basically, one for unlocks, one for actual rank. That's all the info that's been released as of yet.


If the ranking system would be a deal-breaker for you, I suggest that you hold off on purchasing the game until a few reviews are out, and you can get a better look at the ranking systems.


As it stands right now, the ranking system is credit based, however Frank O'Connor has talked about adding a patch that will create a competitive ranking system either before or shortly after the game's release.

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There is a progression system for loadouts while there is another skill system for rank. Two systems in one grave.



Hi, considering you probably haven't played the game then you truly don't know the system of which you rank up. These two systems you are talking about they are the same thing. Let me break it down for you. There are 50 levels. You earn levels by just playing. For every level you get ONE spartan point. You use these spartan points to unlock another load out or you can add something to that load out. You have to lets say unlock the BR for that load out to have it, or unlock an armor abilities with lets say 2 spartan points then you have it forever. How do I know this? Well the game has been leaked and my friend has a copy. As of right now there is now true ranking system for offline mode. That isn't to say there isn't one for multiplier, which i highly doubt. Everyone who is hoping for the ranking system from halo 2 and 3 i'm sorry.

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Hi, considering you probably haven't played the game then you truly don't know the system of which you rank up. These two systems you are talking about they are the same thing. Let me break it down for you. There are 50 levels. You earn levels by just playing. For every level you get ONE spartan point. You use these spartan points to unlock another load out or you can add something to that load out. You have to lets say unlock the BR for that load out to have it, or unlock an armor abilities with lets say 2 spartan points then you have it forever. How do I know this? Well the game has been leaked and my friend has a copy. As of right now there is now true ranking system for offline mode. That isn't to say there isn't one for multiplier, which i highly doubt. Everyone who is hoping for the ranking system from halo 2 and 3 i'm sorry.


Yeah I have played the game as well and EVERTYTHING you just described falls under the Progression system. Frank O'Connor stated that he will touch on the Ranking system closer to launch. We know that the game pairs people based on skill (According to video interview with David Ellis) and there will be more to do with rank.

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There is going to be a post release update that adds the ranking (if I understood correctly) for the Pro playlist...and will rate you against others and pair you with people of similar skill so that it's always challenging. As far as what there will be to 'work toward' with that system...that remains to be seen (I believe in early 2013)...they were discussing possibly taking our stats from launch until then to rate people or possibly start everyone fresh when that new system comes out...not sure...but only time will tell.

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