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Legendary Members
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Status Replies posted by RedStarRocket91

  1. Why don't you have a custom member title?

  2. Why don't you have a custom member title?

  3. Why don't you have a custom member title?

  4. exited for the destiny revel this sunday

  5. Thinking of taking a week or so off the site..

  6. Should i keep this avatar or the "trust me i'm a doctor" one?

  7. Just read your "about me".... Sure you do lol ;)

  8. Just read your "about me".... Sure you do lol ;)

  9. Congratulations To The New MoM Enjoy Your Month :)

  10. Just went 44-18. Thus proving I don't even need teammates now.

  11. why is love hell?

  12. Study or Lurk on the forum. The internet has an iron grip my friends.

  13. Very excited for Spartan Ops Episode II tomorrow! Who else is going to be playing?

  14. Achievement Progress: Bleed Me Dry - 49/50. Donation 50 on this Saturday. Wish this member good luck :D

  15. Just realised, I've been here for a whole year now - thanks to everyone for making it such a great one, and I hope the coming ones are even better!

  16. Just realised, I've been here for a whole year now - thanks to everyone for making it such a great one, and I hope the coming ones are even better!

  17. Rome Total War 2 announced! So excited! :D

  18. You know who I haven't seen in a while? RedStarRocket. If found please notify me as I miss this guy

  19. Really enjoyed tonight's custom games, hope for more soon!

  20. Today is officially marked as a one year anniversary of beating Legendary Solo on Halo Reach

  21. Finished my map for the April Forge contest! Anyone who's played Mass Effect 3 will immediately see where I got the inspiration from

  22. Finished my map for the April Forge contest! Anyone who's played Mass Effect 3 will immediately see where I got the inspiration from

  23. Is any one else having a problem when going to the awards page and trying yo see who has the award?

  24. And... ta-da! I'm a dedicated member! Celebrating with a new profile pic

  25. They say when plotting your revenge that you should dig two graves: one for your enemy and one for yourself…I can tell you right now… two just ain’t going to be enough.

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