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Everything posted by Akali

  1. I think it depends on how rich the world, the lore, the story etc for it to convince me into thinking that I'd want to play this if it were to become a game. If I were to pick, then I'd say that books/manga have a better chance to become games since they can be as long as they need to be. Movies can do this, but in the space of two hours, TV/anime can be another good option, and I'm too dense to think of what else there is
  2. I've found some secret footage on Boss's early morning workout
  3. Stayed up for Bethesda E3... TOOOOOOTALLY WORTH IT!!!!!!!! (Although I'm really tired...)

  4. Sorry for the late reply, just a few issues that are now meh, yet annoying I'll just vote BATMAN for vote train
  5. Welcome Arkan! Another casualty from the Halo Waypoint forums... Be careful of that Pesky Drizzy, never know what he's thinking...
  6. If we are allowed to vote for RNG, then I'll be doing that. Also I'm Just going to put a cheeky list here: 1. MopsyFlopsy - 2. Frankenzer - 3. Kakashi - 4. Arbiter747 - 5. DMinion2 - 6. Iron Man - 7. Melody - 8. Axilus - Medic (Dead round 1) 9. BATMAN - 10. Ardy - 11. Me - 12. Drizzy -
  7. I'll go with the second one, and since I have no sense of smell anyway, I could get lucky Would you rather be the worlds best dancer, or the worlds best singer?
  8. Happy Birthday oh mighty lord and saviour Twam :twam: :bow: :P

    1.  Twam


      haha thank you :P

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