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Cortana UNSC

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Everything posted by Cortana UNSC

  1. sorry i didn't mean to put risk your destiny, that didn't make since, i was on my nook and it wouldn't let me re-read it if it sounded too weird.... by the way, I am using my friends account...you may have wondered that....lol
  2. Sad that milllions of ppl will give up playing if she dosent come back. Idk if i will or not. Th my whole schoo pretty much play halo and love cortana to be with chief. Tats the problem.
  3. Srry, wrong place. Meamt to put that in halo universe halo 3.
  4. sounds like im not the only one who watches scifi, eventhpugh i wish halo wasnt scifi sometimes.

    1. fzdw11


      I don't mind Halo being sci-fi, though personally I think 343 made it a bit too generic, in terms of the genre.

  5. It is 18 and under because my mom is bossy and will take away my xbox for 1 whole year if i had it over. It will be at least wednesday. Should be fine. If you cant make it, ill see what i can do. Cortana UNSC A.I will be joining. She lives next door to me, so me and her can be local.
  6. Ooh, after the final finale round 7... surprise could be forge or...Custom games!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THNX!
  7. We could have a Save Halo 3 events. Im starting. Contact me, or MissSelena592 to play and Charloet Winter will be posting it on yoitube. Ask her questions about the video, and contact me, add first, and tell me ur coming or not. Next week!
  8. Halo 3 is so playable. I will be hosting a Save Halo 3 Playdate welcome for users under 16 oh what the heck how about 18 or younger. I will be posting on youtube for next week. All alienand matchmaking kings and queens welcome. Lets see qho wins. There will be 6 rounds. It will be on matchmakinh. Please Reserve your spot. Need more information? Contact me: MissSelena592. U need to add me to message me. Sad, but true. Also, if u need to join contact me MissSelena592 to join. Contact Charloet Winter on gmail or Youtube. Thank you! You can also help me host my other events on H3. They will all be Save H3 and wil be all kick *** fun. It might be on saturday,sunday,monday or maybe friday (maybe this friday add me on xbox!)
  9. I seriously think it would be hard to get her back. But she could clone Cortana again, since dr.halsey did it before. Cortana had the same thought and everything that dr.halsey had. But i think cloning wont be necessary. Chief aka john will be determined too. Ik that.
  10. She is stll alive! Dr.Halsey is still alive. If you saw H5 trailer, and saw her chip, hes probably thinkinng anout to take it to Dr.Halsey and Dr.Halsey could fix her. It wouldnt surprise me if Cprtana turns human, but still keep her smartness and her computer stuff. I mean she is a smart A.I. and dr.halsey is still alive so that means cortana could possibly be alive, just need a lottle fix. Even 343 has major clues that she is inded possibly alive. Check out the video Cortana is NOT dead. Picture shows cortana with a bog X. Close my case as solved. It is deeply sad. But i dont agree with him that if Cortana was alive it wwould stop john-117 from turning human. Choef jas burden on his shoulders. Idk, ut he may loved her. Cortana was his mission. Make sure to keep her safe. He failed, but he had a very good relation to her. Ina way both were turning human. That is why i dont agree with Truth.
  11. Hello, my name is Cortana UNSC, UNSC just represents which side im on. You can call me Cortana. Im a big fan of Master Chief, aka John-117. I love playing Halo, but my other halos except Halo 3 have gone missing. If anyone wants to play Halo 3 next week, im open. My gamertag is MissSelena592. When i get enough microsoft points im chaging it to Cortana UNSC. I hope ill see ya kick ***.
  12. I know this isnt halo 4. But im wamting to play halo 3 on xbox360. Some custom games, forge, matchmaking would be fine. 16 and younger please.
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