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Mr Kittens and Gibberish

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Everything posted by Mr Kittens and Gibberish

  1. Still in love...it still hurts.

    1. Axilus Prime
    2. Spyro


      Love is a pain that cannot go away, no matter how much you try to make it.

  2. Wait a minutes! Am I dead? I don't think I died? Did I? Did I miss it? If not, I am not Mafia! lol, I guess I did die. lulz, I must pay more attention.

    1. Composite Armour

      Composite Armour

      "How about those rocket pods?"

  4. I got a 23 kill perfection in slayer on Halo 4! So going on my file share...

  5. I got a 23 kill perfection in slayer on Halo 4! So going on my file share...

  6. I got a 23 kill perfection in slayer on Halo 4! So going on my file share...

  7. I may be able to help you. 360 or ONE? Because I don't own an XBO.
  8. Why is it so hard to get snapshots with the Sniper Rifle, but so easy with the Beam Rifle?
  9. Youz gonna gets it l8rs m9. Bcuz I believe in the power of RNGesus...he is on our side this time around. (Me hopes so...)
  10. Reese's Pieces, or Skittles? Blow Pops, or Tootsie Rolls? Laffy Taffy, or Nerd Ropes? Tootsie Rolls, or Flavored Tootsie Rolls? (If flavored, what flavor?) McDonald's Cheese Burger, or Burger King Cheese Burger? Arizona Tea, or Brisk Tea? Coffee, or Tea? Iced Coffee, or Regular Coffee? Pampers or Huggies?
  11. If I could, I would. But don't have the money to do so. We barely have enough to pay our bills.
  12. I vote Yoshi. My gut is telling me its the third one down the list. As a previous host, based on what I have done, I believe I may be right. But there is a 75% chance I could be wrong.
  13. The best thing happened to me last week! Last year for my information proccesing class, the last assignment was to wright a personal bussiness letter to a celebrity. I wrote one to Will Smith, and last week I ACTUALY GOT A REPLY! LIEK ERMAGERD!

  14. Happy Birthday! Hope you had a wonderful day! :D *insert birthday cake here*

    1. Drizzy_Dan


      It was a good birthday thanks!

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