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Jackal (2/19)



  1. Hey, I didn't sign up to Xbox Live until about 3.5 months ago (my previous internet would not be able to handle online gaming) and I don't think I've added any friends on the Live service. I'm aiming to make some friends and get a little more serious into the games I've been playing. My gamer tag is SuperZero2814 if you'd like to add me
  2. I'm open for some doubles with you (or anyone for that matter) my tag is SuperZero2814
  3. I can only imagine how fun a big team slayer match on Battle Creek would be like
  4. It's going to be great. Obviously Bungie have proven themselves before and will likely do so again, especially with the drive and passion that appears to be going into this project.
  5. Happy to be here

    1. Ransom


      glad to have you.

    2. Zuko 'Zarhamee

      Zuko 'Zarhamee

      Welcome to the forum.

  6. Hey guys, I just signed up today. I, like most of you I assume have been a huge fan of the Halo universe since the first game released in 2001 (I was 9 years old at the time). I'm a 21 year old graphic designer now and am still deeply invested in the universe. I play drums in a punk band from Ontario called The Decay and a 90's-esque alternative rock/punk band called Beat Noir, I also play guitar and released a record with a band called Mark It Zero. Nice to meet all of you.
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