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Is not JL

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Status Updates posted by Is not JL

  1. Round 1 of Halofight begins in 6-10 hours.....so if you wanna join, do it ASAP! :P

  2. Round 1 of Halofight begins in 6-10 hours.....so if you wanna join, do it ASAP! :P

  3. Minecraft Xbox 360 ed just sold over 7 million copies

  4. I literally have 3 subforums having latest posts just by me.....-_- sometimes I hate my timezone.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      Change what? The DP? Name? Sig?

    3. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Weren't you OmegaINforce or something? Why did you change?

    4. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      Felt like changing.

    1. EliteSniper


      I was laughing my @ss of on the last part xD

  5. Apart from Russia, Xbox One does not have support for any asian countries. Nice! Wonder how many japanese people are gonna bundle to Halo Waypoint again.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. TornadoFlame


      its ok sony will happyly accept us :) they had 6 years and they can only give xbox one to 21 countries? Guess my friends in the service can't get one now.

    3. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Except I won't happily accept Sony. There is no doubt, the PS4 is the better console. But no Halo, no purchase.

    4. Frankenzer


      I.agree with Axilus No halo no purchase! But I'm sure they'll make it available here

  6. Boss said it was anticlimatic yet he didnt do anything :|

    1. D-38 Boss

      D-38 Boss

      Don't blame me for your lack luster trolling.

  7. We need a community game night for every single free game microsoft releases that has multiplayer

    1. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      This is such an awesome idea, except I have no Gold so I can't take part in it unless I get Gold back really soon.

    2. Absolute Dog

      Absolute Dog

      You make the posts, drum up the support, get permission from staff and then host the lobbies.....not a problem.

  8. MUAHAHAHA IF you scroll down to the twitter place I'm there

  9. alright yay 21st now someone tell me where I can view it when I wake up


  11. Lul taped my fingers together. Friggin jammed middle finger.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      What do you mean why? I already said it.

    3. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      I mean I don't really get it, how did you jam your middle finger, and how does taping it to another finger help?

    4. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      I got a jammed finger. Taping it helps it heal.

  12. But....May 4th ended already.

    1. D-38 Boss

      D-38 Boss

      Where you are it did.

  13. Have a great birthday!

  14. Coming soon to a Halo-based community forum near you, a big fat sandbox TBRPG which hopefully will not be messed up by timezones!

  15. Next time on noob hunters! A n00bfestation is discovered in the Youtuber's subforum. Together with his pals, JL must find out the reason why, and meanwhile continue the hunt for the golden n00b!

  16. Tomb Raider: Sold out in over 20 shops that I've checked. WTH.

  17. When is the halo 3 play date?

    1. Frankenzer


      I don't think there is a playdate or it might have been forgotten...

    2. Silent Orbis

      Silent Orbis

      Hey it's alright... just date ME. O.O lol jkjk

  18. Boston......:(

    1. AnimalDenWinter


      yess....luckily i dont live in boston i live in somewhere else pretty far away from there :) & :(


  19. Is there an art department here? I need a good image manipulator....

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