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Composite Armour

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Everything posted by Composite Armour

  1. So the mousewheel on my current mouse (Razer Diamondback 3G) broke and I'm looking for a new one. My budget is €40. It needs to be wired and have side buttons at the very minimum. So far, I've got my eye on this: http://www.amazon.com/Corsair-Vengeance-Performance-Gunmetal-CH-9000022-NA/dp/B00ARD5410/?&tag=bom_tomsguide-20 But I'm looking for any alternates or if anyone has any experience with that one.
  2. Because of his sponsorship by Coca Cola.
  3. There's no such thing as elves anymore. They all lost their jobs and eventually died when Santa started outsourcing his toy manufacturing to Chinese factories. And when Santa says "Ho ho ho", what he means is...well, let's leave it at that.
  4. World of Tanks 9.5 test server is up.

    1. E-Runner


      I used to play WoT! Name was "SeanutBrittled", was pretty fun, used to be in some gd clans!

  5. Neutrals win by staying alive. That's it. Also, I'll take 1 please bob.
  6. Update Mafia pls

    1. MCPO Mayh3m

      MCPO Mayh3m

      My laptop wont connect to wifi so im unable to type up a scene. Going to try to buy a wireless network adapter today.

  7. So I have some vouchers that expire on the 31/11/2014. Are they still good or what?

    1. Unease Peanut

      Unease Peanut

      In some timezones they might be

    2. Delpen9


      wtf does 31 mean

  8. It needs formatting. It needs a proof read.
  9. No, make everything rules from now on. I don't want a repeat of what happened this game with "honour rules".
  10. The Sniper wouldn't be so stupid as to side with the mafians now. Or he could be, only time will tell.
  11. Nah, I had you pegged the moment you said the mafians may not be as stupid as we think. Only reason I changed votes is because SD asked me to.
  12. Bloody well knew it. I called it. The bigger they are, the harder they fall.
  13. I'm not sure about the US laws, but under Irish and EU law, the company must either repair, replace or refund the product/consumer if the product does not work. So if they don't repair it or the repair fails and a replacement would only lead to the same situation, only then will you be entitled to a refund. Which is not going to come about from an online petition of all things. Ever. End of story. Just go to your retailer where you bought the product and explain the situation.
  14. Perfectly fine for your mafian plans right? Why don't you vote The Director and do at least something to support that idea that you're innocent?
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