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wildfire C

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Everything posted by wildfire C

  1. They should always be addingmore vehicles, rarely remove them for balance purposes and more maps accomadating a larger number of vehicles similar to Battlefield, i dont mean make it into Battlfield but certain maps where the only real way to cross the map is teliporters or vehicles because think of Blood Gulch it wook ages to get from 1 base to the other on foot (sprint helps now) but with a Hog it was a breez and unless a foot Spartan was in the middle of the canyon he could usually get away, that is what i miss the intense chases from something you couldn't kill with a couple of AR round and maps that rewarded people for using different movement options I feel Halo 4 was to streamed to certain locations based on how u were traveling
  2. Here's an idea, bit of a ballpark but a "Personal Ordnance Vehicle" think for a second can craft this Vehicle in the menu or between games affecting its speed firepower and armor, I'm talking a wathhog or equal so what do people think? (if already mentioned sorry didn't look at all post)
  3. I like the idea, but maybe a case of multiply players contoling specific parts of the ship? Small teams that are assined role like helmsmen (pilot) weapons enginer/operator, sheilds, engines, power and a guy in charge of a bording party to try and take over or sabotage the other ship I like the idea, but maybe a case of multiply players contoling specific parts of the ship? Small teams that are assined role like helmsmen (pilot) weapons enginer/operator, sheilds, engines, power and a guy in charge of a bording party to try and take over or sabotage the other ship
  4. In the aspect of a revolver existing y have any of the UNSC guns? Cause there are better ways, develop plasma weapons, more guns like the Railgun or Spartan Laser, see my point, and revolvers pack more of a punch compared to other handguns cause they can hold larger bullets
  5. I reckon our current one is fine BUT make it out of metal. I case o one understood I'm saying make it last against a couple of guys with AR's
  6. I say its a great idea and if it being designed as a competitive map then it would add a level of skill required to be able to properly hear everything so i say let there be sound editing
  7. I must say it is your best idea yet, and that's saying everything that needs to be said
  8. In my opinion he nailed it It might be possible but its like making a flamethrower from paper it would most likely explode in a fireball. Honestly i love the idea it just doesn't feel right to me
  9. I like the Idea of a Halo RPG but I'm not to sure about this one sorry but I just see it to out of Halo if that makes sense, I would love to see a Halo RPG just this idea is a bit iffy to me
  10. But remember she is also a one of a kind AI. She was made from a real brain, organic tissue she could just evolve, fragment as a form of reproduction and all sorts her uniqueness allows 343 to make any reason for her not to be dead but if she does go it is fair she has had her time and she deserves to rest
  11. It sounds a lot like Rush from Battlefield and i mean that as a complement I love the idea and would love to see it implemented and i think it could be, make a flag for 1 team and a return for the other, only problem you would need 2 of the same map for when you want teams to change rolls without changing sides
  12. Exo Hunter unless something changes about the other 2, Awoken i don't like the look of them
  13. Hell yes, and i can think how all 3 might work, UNSC, a standard magnum like our mdern one, but obviously more powerful, or have it an even smaller Railgun slug (both 3 hit kills), Covie, Simply overarched plasma that is (a 3 hit kill) and as for the Pro one, a single shot from the rebound (after intial inpact of the Four things) of the Incineration Cannon
  14. Yeah Victory is right it just wouldn't work cause of the campers, but this could be defeated by always knowing where people are and a bonus for getting kills
  15. I've just finished my map Death Fortress, it is an flood map and is designed so the flood leave there spawn and run toward a small fortress that is fortified im planing on making 2 custom game types for the map and more maps like it but i will need gold to test/upload it
  16. My thought was it is an AA but it makes u draw a sidearm or make ur primary very inacurate and is rased and lowered when pressing the AA button then it is like a shield it would take damage but not regenerate until it was lowered, it keeps u in first person and you can move as normal
  17. Thanks for the complement and i like the idea never really thought of that though even with it being my pic and just seach halo avengers its should come up
  18. Ill be making little Base assault style maps
  19. Great minds think alike haha
  20. Isn't that what i said? Not the Spectre but a Falcon equal
  21. I think we need more Air vehicles all together, the Vtol/Hornet vs the Banshee and Falcon vs a new Covvie air carrier
  22. I agree with CV we have to accept what 343 does, i mean we can complain about it, well doing that got us the Forge Island map, but in the end unless we start running the company we cant say anything
  23. This idea has been in my head forever since the first game of Infection i played on Reach, only played zombies once on H3, but I've always thought it would be more of a survivor thing like u die u have to kill your old team
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