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  1. I never said it wasnt a sport. I was just saying that you cant compare ranking a college football team (or any other sport for that matter) to any system that would be usable in an online game like Halo. I must have read past that sentence saying that you werent trying to compare the two. My bad. -Please, sir. I prostrate myself before you and beg your forgiveness.
  2. I agree completely. I dont want visible true skill. People think that this is a good idea but it will just bring back all of the same problems that we had in Halo 3. If you want to see a skill rank, look no further than www.halotracker.com. I think people just want something to blame for not doing well in game. I know. I've been there. "I did bad that game because of lthis person on my team" or some other excuse. Sometimes that truly was the case but other times I will realize later on that there was probably something that I could have done different to have performed better. But I digress. Visible true skill is not necessary. It is there. It is working. You can probably beat those people that just beat you. Maybe it was your team. Maybe it was just your performance that game or maybe you just haven't been sorted correctly yet. The system needs data to establish an average for your skill. Keep playing. The more you play the better it should get. Be patient. You cant compare an online video game ranking system to college football. Stop dat. I do however agree with whoever it was (too lazy to quote) that raised the point that there is really no danger from an illegitimate 50 simply because they dont have the actual skill to perform at that level. Illegitimate low ranks may be a bit of a problem for unskilled players, but...hey. Nothing is perfect. Either way it goes, I've been having fun with Halo 4. The biggest problem with the game that I see is insta-spawn. This changed the fundamentals of Halo deeply. There are threads in these and other forums that describe problems caused by this system at length. Its off-topic so I wont go any further than saying that I recommend everyone check them out and I challenge you to disagree that Halo is worse for that reason. Happy Halo-ing everyone!
  3. This is the kind of thread that I love and sadly there arent enough like it. Good on all of you. Helping each other and being a community. I have been mostly disappointed by the Halo community since the release of 4 and you all gave me hope. Thanks you all. Good advice all around. :respect: :respect: :respect: :respect: :respect: :respect: :respect:
  4. Very helpful. I was wondering exactly where you gain this second. It definitely matters.
  5. Its true. Confused the **** out of me because I wanted the modify ordinance perk and allllllmost selected the Engineer specialization to get it. Luckily I checked first to make sure. Go home 343...you're drunk.
  6. Does it show a trueskill number on Waypoint now? I havent ever noticed it if it is.
  7. Are you serious? Im gonna have to go into forge or something and check it out. Can anyone confirm? I swear I have tried many times. It always worked in 3 and I was pretty good at utilizing it to beat people with the sword of success. LoL
  8. I wish you could still melee a sword swipe and clash with it.
  9. This guy is just crying about something that he is too stubborn to adapt too. Must be new to Halo because that has been in every game. Adapt or Die, sir. Everything "OP" has a counter and most of the time it is a simple tactic and not something that would require you to change your loadout preferences. You dont like dying that way, stay out of people faces. Simple as that.
  10. Are you sure?? I have signed up but I dont think my Rewards account has been activated yet. They say it could take like ten days or something, right? If I am in this limbo state as far as rewards are concerned what happens? Not to troll or anything but this whole thing is all pretty stupid and I wouldnt be surprised if MS pressured them into doing this to get more people to sign up for Rewards.
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