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Everything posted by TransientHalo

  1. Armor lock obviously WAS NOT a good idea or else it would be in Halo 4. Thank you 343 for not allowing Armor Lock to continue on. But seriously, you can let kids using hardlight shield regen their shields. Kind of like how Armor Lock was over-used BUT with the Hardlight shield you can't return fire, your movement is encumbered and you're completely vulnerable from the sides and back. SO, because of those factors I think regen'ing would be fine.
  2. I think you should be allowed to regen your shield while using the hardlight shield. I mean, you're movment is encumbered and you're completely vulnerable from the sides and back. Typically I just throw a grenade right behind someone who throws it up in front of me OR I just jump over them and melee them in head, lol. It wouldn't be overpowered if shields regen'd while using it. In fact, I thought that was kind of the point, survivability.
  3. Active Camo and Sprint were my two favorite armor abilities in Reach. Though I opted for sprint 98% of the time. Now in Halo 4 I can have my cake and eat it too. Though I am a patient player and I prefer stealth over brute force. It's just a more efficient way to play the game. On a big map you're going to get sniped regardless of whether the sniper has active camo or not- granted the sniper is decent and knows what they're doing. On smaller maps, like Complex, it's much easier to find and kill an invis sniper. When you think about it, on Ragnarok, you can pretty much only see 50% of the map at a time no matter where you are. So, if you're being sniped at your own base you know the sniper has to be fairly close. Now, if you could see base to base then that would be crazy.
  4. I love getting the overshield and damage boost as the king- It's pretty awesome. Don't change Regicide in ANY WAY, it's fine the way it is. It's my favorite playlist. I typically don't even go after the king. I play it like a FFA, watch my radar and take on the threats closest to me rather than sprinting to the King. I almost always end up in the top 3 and have many times stolen the King spot for the victory right at the very end and I didn't even realize I was that close to winning. I may not always "win" but my k/d is nearly always +10ish every game. So, I consider that winning regardless, lol.
  5. TransientHalo


    I don't know. When I think of "point blank", I think of in your face or pretty much in Melee range.
  6. TransientHalo


    Armor Lock was a tactic used by newbies who weren't skilled enough to win any other way. I avoid playlists in Reach with armor lock. It's stupid to take a player to one hit only to have them armor lock and then a couple of their teammates clean up. I can understand armor lock on big team maps though, however, against vehicles, but on maps like countdown and sword base it was abused and exploited to where I simply just quit playing those game types. Armor lock took literally NO SKILL to use. Jet pack was annoying as well but at least it takes a decent amount of skill to jetpack, aim, fire, and still do well. If it actually worked at "point blank" range I'de be fine with it, but its range is further out than melee for a 1 hit kill.
  7. Interesting, but I don't see how this would help any more than just playing the game over and over? Maybe the fact that since it isn't competitive you'd be more willing to try different things, but other than that, just play slayer A LOT, and you're bound to learn from your mistakes and get better. I'd be more than willing to give this a try though.
  8. TransientHalo


    Like I've said the Boltshot is the most questionable loadout weapon, however I find it far less annoying than Armor Lock from Reach, therefor the boltshot is tolerable.
  9. Sword Base and Zanzibar Played a forge remake (pretty much an exact replica) of 'the pit' on Halo Reach and it just wasn't as good. Armor abilities threw a whole new dynamic to the game that I didn't expect would make that much of a difference. I would say the map needed re-vamped for use in Reach. This may be true with other maps as well, like Gaurdian. You probably can't go wrong implementing the two I mentioned above though.
  10. I guess I can understand JIP all the way through any team game type whether it's objective or slayer. But FFA, or Regicide should not have a JIP except for like the first 25% of the game, if even at all. It's every man for themselves so it doesn't really matter if someone quits. Also, I've noticed as people join, the game connection kind of destabalizes for a few seconds and things are a little laggy. You also miss out on the initial weapon spawn when you JIP, and you don't spawn in the 'usual' spot you would from the beginning of a map. They spawn you as if you're taking the place of the person who left at a random 'spawn after death' point. There needs to be more rules to it I think. Once a game becomes XX complete, JIP is turned off. Only enable JIP when at least 50% of a team is gone, this could be lessened to like 30% for Big Team. And pretty much very little to no JIP on Regicide and FFA playlists.
  11. I'm okay joining games in progress, but if it's already past the 50% mark, I don't want to join. Regicide is my favorite playlist and I've joined 2 regicide matches (just today) where the leader already had 200+pts and it only takes 300 to win. Of course, I end up in like 5 or 6th place on these, I'm lucky to carve out 4th or 3rd place. Could a rule be made to where if the game is more than 50% over, be it points or time wise, that game becomes locked from anyone else joining?
  12. Yeah, I've been killed outside of melee range with it as well. Like I said, it's by far the most questionable standard loadout weapon.
  13. The boltshot can be a little annoying and I would dare say that in the right hands it is overpowered. Out of all the standard loadout weapons the boltshot is definitely the most questionable. I have mixed feelings on it- I would agree that maybe it should be tweaked but simultaneously what could you tweak it to, to differentiate it from the plasma pistol? The boltshot is tolerable, barely, and that's about the best thing I have to say about it.
  14. This is something I'd like to get feedback on and hear what everyone thinks. Currently you can set your loadout to spawn with 2 frags, 2 plasmas, or 2 pulse grenades granted you don't have the perk that'll allow you to spawn with extra. I think it would be nice to spawn with say, 1 frag and 1 plasma OR 1 frag and 1 pulse. Still spawning with 2 grenades total, just different grenade types. Different grenades are good for different situations. The pulse grenade I think is underrated as I use it a lot to cut-off exits from players. Of course there are situations where you could use either a frag or plasma. What do you guys think? I think it seems pretty balanced so long as the maximum number of grenades you can spawn with stays the same.
  15. This is why Regicide is my favorite playlist and I generally only play objective games when I feel like goofing off, which isn't often as I've been going back to Reach for my goof-off time lately.
  16. I'm not sure about Halo 4 as I haven't experimented enough with it yet, but in REACH I'm pretty sure they had a 3 strike system. As in, you get two free betrayals and then on the 3rd one it gives the player the option to boot you. The strikes seemed to reset everyday. Typically if I'm wearing my mic and I accidentally betray someone I almost immediately apologize and explain the situation. I've never gotten booted after doing this. **** happens, that's life, get over it and move on. It's not a big deal.
  17. I as well. I went into matchmaking, was thrown into the middle of a game, only to choose all default loadouts. I quickly left the game to reset them. It wasn't happening to me the other day, but then I took a break for about a day and a half without playing and my loadouts were gone. I assumed that it probably had something to do with the server I was accessing.
  18. Pretty sure you can see this in Halo Waypoint.
  19. Armor Lock was the MOST annoying thing about Halo Reach. I could understand it as a 'balance' issue, but if Armor Lock was replaced with the HardLight Shield from Halo 4, that would be awesome. Armor Lock and JetPack were the two most annoying armor abilities in Reach, but I at least respect the JetPack because it takes skill to use the jetpack effectively, armor lock was a newbie skill. Small maps like countdown and sword base, i'd take someones shield only for them to armor lock and their teammates clean up, very very annoying. I never really used armor lock in Reach, only to test it out some. I mainly used sprint and occasionally active camo.
  20. I was using the AR, but now I think I prefer the Suppressor over it. I've been using it more and it seems to drop people a bit faster than the AR in close quarters, though the AR is a bit more accurate in mid range. Also, if your opponent is sprinting left to right in front of you, you have to lead them when using the suppressor. Otherwise, edge goes to the suppressor in close quarters. But yeah, I use the 'firepower' perk, I may experiment with others, but it's hard to beat DMR/Suppressor combo, imo.
  21. First off, there's no such thing as "unfair kills". Secondly, the game is SUPPOSED to be challenging- if it wasn't most people would get bored with it in no time. I don't know what you're talking about with "people vanishing"? Lag maybe? Did they sprint away? Sounds like many of your issues could be attributed to lag: people vanishing, people being shot (in the head as you stated) and not dying. As far as the sniper goes, sounds like you just don't like it because you aren't good with it. The shotty kills in one hit and you're not complaining about it. Not everyone can snipe, stay out of the open if you're on a map with the sniper as much as you can. Try not to be an easy target. You just need to practice more and you'll do okay. Don't "rage quit", it's just a game. Have fun with it and do the best you can.
  22. I LOL'd so hard when I read this. Thanks, I needed this, work was stressful today.
  23. Did you go back and review the videos on those to confirm your suspicions? More than likely lag... What I do have some concerns with cheating in this game since the reticle blooms are so shallow, especially on the DMR, is people using modded controllers. You know, ones that have the ability to rapid fire? You can get them on Ebay pretty easily, and I guess they aren't very hard to mod yourself if you have some basic electronic skills and a soldering iron. This was a BIG problem in Halo 3 since reticle bloom did not exist then. It was partially one of the reasons reticle bloom was introduced in Reach. Keep an eye out for this and post if you see it.
  24. I sometimes feel like I'm the only person on here praising this game rather than b*tching, ranting and raving. The loadouts are great!! You can customize for different game types, scenarios, or to fit your personal play-style. Maps do have a default weapon spawn, they just don't re-spawn afterwards, that's where ordinance comes in, which is good because in previous Halo's, sometimes it was all about what team was controlling the power-weapons rather than who was actually "better". Again, about loadouts, more choices = better game play. All the standard loadout weapons are evenly matched, all having their own pro's and con's, it just depends on what you prefer and your play style. Weapons do have a bloom, it's just a lot more shallow especially compared to Reach. I think they wanted to reduce "escapability" a bit since everybody has sprint, so weapons are a bit more lethal. This isn't a bad thing though, there is a nice balance to it. As far as the bolt shot goes, this may be a very legit complaint. I personally haven't had issues with it, but seems as though a lot of people have. The sound of a one-hit kill weapon in a standard loadout does seem bad, but you do have to be REALLY close for it to work. This is Halo evolved, and it's better in my opinion. The first Halo's, before armor abilities, were just about having good hand-eye coordination strafing while shooting because everybody had the same guns. Now with the customization of loadouts and armor abilities, you can develop a game plan and it involves more strategy, which is good. While hand-eye coordination and skill do matter, now it's more like a chess match between players. It's about who can incorproate the best strategy and tactics to win. Personally, I prefer it this way, because it should be about who can out-smart the other.
  25. Zanzibar!!! It's fun to see old favorites on new games with new game mechanics. You can have old and new maps. There really can't be enough maps anyway, the more the better. Reach had so many by the end, after all the incorporation of forge maps, it was pretty cool. I'd quit playing for a month, come back and have new maps to play.
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