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l Xenoes l

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Everything posted by l Xenoes l

  1. I wouldn't like to see that ranking system again. It encouraged people to cheat to get the rank and buy accounts. I'm fine with no ranking system at all besides what is currently in place. That rank system in Halo 3 made me have false hopes that if I had another 50 rank person on my team or at least a 45+ then they'd be pretty good only to find them score less then someone rank 30 or below. So I'm fine with there being no ranking system. Now if they wanted to make a whole separate playlist for ranked type matches and have that rank not have effect on anything then I'd be fine with that.
  2. I think there should be a limit for certain weapons to be on the map at one time. It should detect what weapons every player on one team has and limit the power weapons so the scales aren't unevenly tipped towards one team.
  3. Timed weapon spawns didn't make a team move around it made them just move where they camped until that weapon spawned again. And rank has always been meaningless in both Halo and CoD. Halo 3 was meaningless because of boosters and people buying 50's. And Reach was pointless cause it just showed how much time you put into the game and same with Halo 4's ranking system. I don't care about rank any more cause I could hit the top rank and still get ****ty team mates who have the same rank but, cheated to get it. If you're being spawn camped then you're unable to go get the weapons that are being spawned in set locations on the map. With drops then even if you're being killed if you get assists, a couple kills, ect. then you can get a weapon to help or get lucky and a weapon will spawn next to you to help your team out.
  4. Wetworks. Hate team mates stealing my assassinations or enemies killing me just as I'm about to get it.
  5. I love the game type. Do I like the fact that someone with less kills can beat me...No I hate that. You gotta do a little strategy. I love FFA game types though, I wish there was Ordnance drops though. If someone is in the lead then let them rack up a bounty and kill them to get the points.
  6. They probably weren't sure on how many people would be playing the game this early into it's release so they didn't want to create a huge list of game types and greatly divide the gaming community for the game. They're more then likely going to be bringing back a lot of the playlists as time goes on. If you read the bulletin when 343 announced SWAT then you can read they're going to release more and change it weekly based on demand and amount of players.
  7. Both the Halo 3 and Halo Reach forums on Bungie's site proved that you can't make every one happy. If there wasn't load outs there would be people complaining that this is the same thing as all the other games. I love that 343 did with the game. I love the load outs so I can pick what I spawn with not what the game type wants me to use. If they don't want the damn load outs go play Pro Slayer where you spawn with what it allows. I've found I'm a lot better with the Carbine then the BR so I'm glad I can pick that instead of having to use a weapon I'm not as good with as I was in Halo 2,3. But, like I said before no matter how good a game is people will always find something to ***** and complain about. If you don't like the game turn it in and go buy something else instead of going onto the forums and whine about stuff that you can't do anything about.
  8. I'll be glad to be able to play the campaign again. What I would love is for them to put some of the Halo 2 maps into Halo 4. Either way I would love to play Halo 2 again.
  9. Ordnance is only similar to the care package only because the fact it drops you something. But, it drops weapons and little power ups. Not killstreaks that go and kill people for you or show you where people are at. I don't mind the kill cams cause I can skip it and possibly people who play CoD and Halo liked the kill cams and wanted to see it in Halo to know how they died and who killed them. The load outs are similar but, severely limit what you can put in them. They had the load outs in Reach but, you couldn't change what was in them. They make game play better and stop people from camping say the DMR or BR like a lot of people did in Halo 3 and Reach if you didn't spawn with them. And I doubt 343 went to Mnt Dew and asked if they could do the Double Exp. It was prolly the other way around with Mnt Dew seeing a cash cow in doing that for 343 which I'm sure it boosted their sales considerably.
  10. I don't really mind when someone joins in our quits out and makes the teams uneven. What bothers me is when the game starts which uneven teams like 2V6 or 3V5. If this happens the game should stop the count down and go back to searching for players. CoD does this which I loved. Or boot the extra players and tell them you were kicked to make the teams more even. I don't care about one extra person on the other team but, when it's two or more then I get mad. I haven't really had any trouble with not getting replacement players. IS it as often as I would like no but, it could be longer.
  11. l Xenoes l

    New Weapons

    There's a few weapons from Halo 2 and 3 that I miss like the SMG, Brute shot, Brute Spiker, Flamethrower, and Brute and regular plasma rifles. Some of those coming back would be a little nice. But, I doubt that any brute weapon would because they're no longer an enemy. The plasma rifles made a fun game type called Star Wars in Halo 2. I still want a remake of Turf, Containment, Burial Mounds and maybe even Warlock. Any of those is highly doubt able mainly because they weren't on the list of fan favorites that I've seen. Well Turf and Warlock was but, not the others.
  12. No I don't think it's over powered at all. Because I've been in the same situations as in the video and not done that well. The other team just sucked. At more then one time did he have no shield and could have been one shotted in head and died. That was a close quarters map as well. There's a reason that the SAW is an ordnance drop weapon as well. Along with pretty much every weapon it depends on the person using it. But, back on topic I don't think it's over powered at all.
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