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Hunter (4/19)



  1. Well time to pull my XIM out and write up a macro.
  2. I don't need to back my opinion up, plenty of people in this thread have done it for me. Spam bot Thank you! Humans "have" to eat, breath, and sleep. Games "have" to do nothing. If it "needed" to evolve or not is a point you and I will have to disagree on Thank you! Thank you!
  3. I see you failed to understand my point. Thanks for the bump
  4. I never said it was fact, it's my opinion. And I will continue to say what I believe is true whether you like it or not. You state your opinion I state mine, but you posted in my thread for the purpose of arguing. Make your own thread. Thanks for the bump.
  5. If I play a game for hours and hours I expect to better then the new kids that play. Why should they have a built in advantage? I took the time to look up your service record on battle.net, you have 219 multiplayer kills and only 32 matchmade games. I submit that you like the new playstyle because you were never very good at the old one. This is not an insult but I feel that the new playstyle has been dumbed down and made simple. They even failed to take the time to balance the damn game, for gods sake plasma pistols have always stunned vehicles but now you can just spawn with one and shutdown anything. If you like games that are fair to new players then I should point out that Halo 4 gives major advantages to players to play more but giving access to better weapons, loadouts, and perks. The only advantage players in Halo 3 had was knowledge of maps and weapon spawns. People buy new games because they like the old ones, and they expect the game to keep to its roots. Had I known how this game would turn out like this I would have never bought it. Nothing
  6. Well I tried SWAT...still hate the game. GTA V is sounding really good right about now.
  7. I would love it. It plays nothing at all like Halo 3, or even reach for that matter.
  8. They knew what was expected from them when they agreed to take the job.
  9. I'm sorry that you the one getting all the **** for trying to make this forum a better place. But whenever I was looking for a forum to rage on this one popped up first, I'll go rage on XBL forums now as well.
  10. Yea, but no reason to change that now. I really feel like sprint unbalances the whole game.
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