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Everything posted by bpstiff

  1. The game is good. I enjoy it. I have given you multiple examples you troll. The graphics are good in multiplayer. The controls feel great. The sound is amazing. The maps are fantastic, although I admit it would be nice if there were more maps to choose from (all in due time). I have found no major balance issues. I enjoy working with others as a team for the great good (VICTORY!), and Halo has always been one of the best game for teamwork. Halo 4 is no exception. I love the game. It's ******* fantastic. Now stop trolling and get a job or something. Have fun on CoD. YOU CAN BOOT PEOPLE MAN. Why do you keep saying friendly fire is off? I've booted so many people.
  2. Because it's extremely fun and enjoyable you tool.
  3. I 've said the same thing on here countless times. Every time I do, some jackass puts some reply saying that I'm trolling. It's very simple. If you don't like the game, don't play it. Sell it. Use it as a coaster. Burn it if it makes you feel better. Just don't come on the forums and harass those people that do like the game. It's ridiculous.
  4. When I tried to set up my DewXP, I tried to log in to my Microsoft account. Every time I do, it says my account is being used by someone else (which is false, I'm sure of it). Then it asks me to recover my account. The email address I used when my account was set up is not an active account anymore and I CANNOT UNLOCK IT. It is driving me crazy. They keep having me fill out these forms to prove it's me and every time I fill one out I end up getting an email saying that they could not verify that it's my account. I don't know what to do. Any advice, guys?
  5. First of all, we must be playing a different game. Friendly fire is definitely on and I'm sure other people can attest to this fact. Second of all. K/D does not matter in Halo, as far as I'm concerned. It's more about winning as a team than individual performance. The DMR is strong, yes. However, every other weapon is just as strong provided you are using it in the correct situations. You can easily out BR someone that is using a DMR. Third, people have always been leaving games early ever since Halo 2. This is nothing new. The fact that people can now join in to a game makes every game more fair, in my opinion. Now you don't have to sit through those 2 vs 5 games anymore.
  6. Seriously, how can you not agree that this is game is better than Reach? How about YOU cite examples why you think it's not.
  7. People. Use the search function. This has been addressed soooo many times. We should be getting a SWAT playlist this coming week.
  8. People are pretty stupid in general, man. You're gonna have those games where you constantly find yourself screaming "Bro, WHAT THE **** ARE YOU DOING?!?!" That's bound to happen in any FPS, especially when you don't have any friends in your party and you're forced to join up with some random people. As people get more and more familiar with the game I expect it will get better but the game has only been out for less than a week. But for now, I definitely know what you're saying.
  9. Are you talking about the Sticky Detonator? I love that thing. It might be my favorite addition to this game when it comes to weapons.
  10. Are you kidding? Friendly fire is definitely on. I have had quite a few betrayals (both ones I've committed and ones committed against me). Also, they are releasing a Trueskill ranking gametype sometime in the coming months. I personally like that idea as it allows players to become accustomed to the game before Trueskill becomes a factor. That way you have time to get to your appropriate level of skill before it becomes tracked. And, honestly, every facet of this game is great to me. The action is non-stop and becomes quite intense at times. The weapons are all great and balanced, provided you know how/when to use certain weapons depending on the situation you find yourself in. Play with friends. It's not as fun when you play by yourself since no one on Xbox Live uses a mic anymore. If you don't enjoy this game then you don't enjoy it and I can't help you. You're entitled to your opinion and I'm entitled to mine.
  11. Agreed. This game is great. I don't understand how so many people on these forums can disagree with that.
  12. Haha. There's been so many times that I've "accidently" stuck my friends at the beginning of a match. It's hilarious every time.
  13. It's really just a fresh take on FFA. I like fresh. It's much better than stale. Sidenote/tangent: Subway's ingredients are not fresh. It's false advertising.
  14. I hear you. But there is another side to this. I have always hated it when I start a game and my entire team leaves, leaving me alone to fight 4-5 people by myself. Games like that suck. So, it's nice that people will be populated into games like that. This makes the overall experience much more enjoyable, in my opinion. I do, however, dislike being put into a game where my team is already getting crushed. I will say, though, that there have been many games that I've been placed onto the losing team and we end up winning anyway because the other team is just ******* around because they have the early lead. It's a double edged sword, my friend.
  15. Yeah and some people's opinions, much like their buttholes, are S. H. I. T. T. Y., ****ty.
  16. Oh trust me, man. It's really fun. Give it a shot. Play a few games before you give up on the playlist as it may take a game or two to really get used to the style. Happy hunting.
  17. But posting endless, and picky/annoying complaints all over the message board is completely acceptable, huh? When people say dumb things, they should be told they just said a dumb thing. These are not my children. I do not love them. They are other people's kids. Other people's kids are typically idiots.
  18. Couldn't disagree more. Have that bonus for killing the king makes the game balanced because anyone can still be in the game no matter how bad of a start they got. In classic FFA, and Rumble Pit, if you had a bad start it was hard to come back from it. In Regicide, you can come back as long as you play it right. Also, as MelnykMachine noted, Regicide is super intense when you're the king. There's nothing quite like fighting off an endless barrage of enemies as everyone comes looking for you. It's a lot like Juggernaut with the only difference being that everyone else can still fight each other. Personally, I love Regicide. Furthermore, the playlists are great as they are. And for you all you idiots that keep asking "WHY IS THERE SO LITTLEZ IN PLAYLISTSSSSS?!?!?!!??!" 343 has made it abundantly clear that new playlists are on the horizon and will be here in less than a week. So chill the **** out.
  19. Ok, fine. Tolerance? How about tolerating the fact that the game is different than it has been in the past. This is the standard for the industry. No smart developer will put out a game that is the exact same as one of its predecessors, unless that franchise is Call of Duty which in that case....well.... we all know what I'm getting at. If a developer just updates the graphics and the maps and releases the same game, they will surely alienate their fan base (which is why I don't play CoD anymore). People need to just understand that this is not Halo 3 or Halo 2. It's Halo 4. It's different. It's fresh. Frankly, it's amazing. And it's only been out for less than a week. Let 343 get some weekly playlists out. Give them a month or so and then you can begin to judge the playlists. Good day, ***.
  20. bpstiff

    No SWAT????

    Jesus Christ. SEARCH FOR YOUR TOPIC BEFORE POSTING! There are countless threads on this topic. Countless.
  21. Oh, of course. I'll probably run the class with the firepower ability and have a DMR/BR as a backup weapon just to help me ease into the new playstyle.
  22. bpstiff

    Xp Limit?!

    Agreed. This has been an issue for plenty of people. Do some SEARCHing before posting, homie. Also, don't load up all your double xp points until you actually need some. That is to say, don't load up like 100 games of double xp at a time. Just load up like 20 at a time. Also, you should know that Mountain Dew and Dorito's are not a part of any balanced diet in the history of man. Just saying...
  23. Very cool. I'm gonna have to give that a shot as soon as I get home from work. It sounds like a fun change of pace.
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