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Everything posted by Stu117

  1. first things first reach had dlc. You argue that the campaign is short while commending reach.... same exact length for both on my completions (not like seconds or mins but both around the same time) If sprint=cod then you better phone the Olympics and tell them they copied Cod. With an addition of different game variants to matchmaking and some better forge tools and maps this will essentially halo reach the halo 4 edition. Also really your going to complain about spartan ops? a bonus with a crap ton of free dlc OMG THEY TOOK AN IDEA ADDED STORY AND MADE IT BETTER /QUIT. your arguments are poorly thought out and invalid GL getting your money back. Give any quotes or references from star wars.... go ahead ill wait. Most of all this is 343s first full game and you attack them for using ideas and improving them. And honestly if you make $120 a week no game is worth $60. thats just my honest opinion prob only statement in my post thats not angry.
  2. Basically most of these things could be rectified with some classic game modes and maybe some balance tweaking(not that much if any is needed) No armor ability in swat and you basically have reach swat its all fixable with more game modes which im confident will happen
  3. Youre not even complaining about the things actual core halo fans care about theres new weapons and crap in every new halo game most people are concerned that there are not enough game variants in matchmaking, or weapon spawns. not that OMG THERES A MACHINE GUN IN HALO
  4. (insert comparison to personal genitalia) yup its a big ol ship
  5. There are multiple book tie ins in halo 4 doubt that would stop them. I would very much like to see kelly in halo 4 being personally closest to chief of the remaining spartan II's I think so many things could be done with that
  6. If you watch the terminal/console that has her chip in it as it explodes it sends out the same type of stuff that knights do when you kill them which cortana says in the campaign is data so maybe that could be another possibility. No one knows if she got uploaded to a forerunner network, or if there is any other salvageable data from the remains of the ship. On a less practical note Chief promised her she'd be fine i bet he'll make good on that in the end
  7. When you first encounter the knights Cortana states that when you kill them they send out data and info in the explosions if u notice the console you put her chip into exploded in this way as well, according to this it is quite possible to retrieve all the data if Some certain super soldier where able to find where this cache was im sure he'd make good on his promise and make sure she was restored and safe. and that would be necessary only if she wasnt uploaded from the console into a network, It looks like there are quite a few possibilities to explore. Ive read many posts, wikis, and books all about halo and have never seen anything suggesting this, maybe you could post a link
  8. original comment i Dont want to see his face, never changed sides. but seeing it wont change anything for me PS. The point of the argument wasnt about whether or not i wanted to see his face so this is comment is irrelevant.
  9. This is a man that has been kidnapped and put into a militaristic program from a young age i don't think drama counts for squat in his mind. Chief has been shot, beaten, bruised, and has had all sorts of crazy things happen to him I dont think the opinion Of any spartan that is not a spartan II and i doubt he'd even let them affect him. Not only has his life contained physical adversity but this man has to be incredibly strong mentally to do these things, let alone without any hesitation. I dont think a few remarks would break that barrier, even from the spartan IV's. Chief has done more than the spartan IIIs and IV's combined so even IF (highly unlikely) he had any ego thing goin on he'd boost it with that. It will always be about people becoming chief and experiencing that story face or no face, that is what its about, I doubt that they'd show the face anyway because Chiefs armor is one of the biggest symbols for a franchise in history even the most anti video gamers know it.
  10. I was upset by the ending at first too because i was sad about what happened but the more i thought about it the more possibilities there are that these things are reversible Spoiler: Plus i dont think that 343 would have chief make an empty promise.
  11. Its something to do with the servers i dont know what its called but there is some way to look at your progress to the legendary completion award in medals or something through the start menu basically what i did was look on there and i did a mission offline so it didnt register i repeated it and now have the armor. crappy i know legendary is friggin hard but besides waiting for a patch its the only solution i know of
  12. ...first of all why not? (its free ffs) secondly He said it would lead into the next game not affect it. As far as I'm concerned unless it involves chief its not the main storyline so a new enemy being revealed is just something that will evolve into the main plot of the game With chief
  13. I'm not sure what master chief you're referring too but I'm pretty positive chief wouldn't give a damn if the spartan IV's liked him, He makes it perfectly clear that his motives are to protect humanity whatever the cost He wears the armor to do this not because he wants to show respect to some Spartan's that aren't even from the spartan 2 project. you're last sentence confuses me. But other people seeing his face wouldn't have any affect no one knows who he is his original identity is confirmed Dead. Personally i don't want to see his face his eyes were enough in the legendary ending but even if i did chief is chief, and has a face.
  14. Chief doesn't wear that armor to protect his identity... why would he care if other people saw him? hes probably got other things on his mind
  15. I Don't think so how can data die? Shes an AI Maybe she is in some forerunner network Cortana said that when you kill the knights the explosions are actually data so maybe there is a way to recover the chip because the console it was in exploded in that fashion but above all else Chief promised he'd save her... and i hear he keeps those. but Idk i hope she comes back in later games
  16. (spoilers) Master chief Acted more like he did in the books He has moments where he is struck with loss and has emotions. I think it was in character for him for multiple reasons, One he failed at his task to protect Cortana and chief is a Man who Puts the responsibility of protecting others on himself, Two it also means he was not able to keep is promise to her, Cortana can be viewed as the last person(i guess an AI is a person) he had a connection with for all he knows all the people he knew in his life associated with the spartan 2 project are dead or MIA. eventually having every person you knew on a personal level die will make for some emotions even if its slight like in chiefs case, because lets be honest that was emotional for chief but not emotional for most people losing someone they care about. Also spartan 4s are willing adults from other military branches being selected I highly doubt they'll be anywhere near the skill level of chief for many reasons, Most of all the mental burdens of being a spartan.
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