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    san diego
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Jackal (2/19)



  1. I want to choose them all but I got to say odst is special buuut all the others formed me to he who I am, so many memories.
  2. winston


    where is every one pre ordering their halo 4? I'm getting mine at best buy.
  3. Heres an idea ive had for a map for a long time. an environment similar to the mission the second HALO, in halo combat evolved. this area would be 3-4 times as big as sand trap and had 16 on 16 Ctf game types. but the main attraction of this would be PELICANS PHANTOMS. For the pelican it would have 1 pilot and up to 4 or 6 people could be transported in it , it could also carry a warthog or tank. For the Phantom though it would be the exact same but it could only carry covenant vehicles,same goes for the Pelican it could only carry unsc vehicles.The damage tables of these vehicles would of course differ upon weapon for for instance a spartan laser would take two shots to take one down or 4 rockets. This is just a small overview of the idea and any constructive criticism is welcome,ALSO I LOOK FORWARD TO PLAYING HALO 4 WITH YOU THANK YOU.
  4. your not loosing it your just so damn excited that you think you are. think how un special itd be if you played a mission then when h4 did come out it wouldn't have a new halo feel,like halo ce did were its something so new and so great you just fall in love.
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