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FTG Mind's Eye

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    FTG Minds Eye

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Jackal (2/19)



  1. i lull'd... i little
  2. I bann you all for making this a successfull thread
  3. i ban you cause i like RVB more that you do [;
  4. like i had stated before i read the artical training.
  5. I ban you for banning FIREN4 for banning... ArrowHyphy (:
  6. I like it when campers get knocked out of their spot in a match and then get camped on themselves. ROFLMAO
  7. oohho no. its against our code of conduct and if they get caught the risk demotion.
  8. I hope they are they are respectful to you guys. And so far i am enjoying my stay here (:
  9. I ban M4sT3r Ch13f S117 for having a name thats hard to type
  10. idk i heard about the story too but... idk i would probably go along the lines of the fact that its all training. like these are spartan 4's getting ready for combat against the Covenant. and getting ready by facing off against each other by choosing sides and fighting. again only speculation. they could still be developing it as we speak. there is another 6 months or so till its release and thats a long time for a story
  11. Donut - Is it a spyder? Get it off. Griff - No its some kind of blue thing. Donut - Is it a blue spyder? Get it off.
  12. tell us about something you like I like this website
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