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haloman 2

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Status Updates posted by haloman 2

  1. just decided to pop ack on after years of inactivity. definitley interesting to se the changes made here

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. haloman 2

      haloman 2

      thank you kind sir/lady

      i will gladly try and be on here more often. honestly some of me is lost since offbeat items seems pretty weird now

    3. Dc


      A lot of the forums are filled with spammers now, pretty sad but whatever at least they work (unlike the 3DSPaint bulletin boards which I have been waiting to get fixed for a year now)

    4. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      Yeah there's heaps, I'm having a hard time keeping up 😢

  2. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/32032-what-happened-to-crazy-grunts-riddles-round-1-5/ man i remember this post, so long ago. almost 2 years ago now, this was also one of the last threads i had before the website got blocked on my school computer
  3. got dared to change my profile picture on the truth or dare thread in offbeat items

    1. haloman 2

      haloman 2

      hope it adds to the scaryness

  4. well it has been well over 2 years since i was last on here because my old school lap top blocked me out of this website so i havent been able to get back on

  5. well the bet is off and technically the next day he lost the bet totally forgetting it and has tried to shimmey his way out of the bet like usual but i still didnt go online just because and he tried to make stuff up last week long after the bet was made like he saw me in my house over the weekend on the site and all that stuff. which this is what he usually does all the time. he has been saying stuff and said if i messed with an app on my phone that wasn't a game he said it was a game. b...

    1. haloman 2

      haloman 2

      which he said long after we made the rules of the bet so one it didn't count and two when he said it did he was basically cheating. so im not doing my end of the bargain because he doesn't want to admit he lost before i did and doesn't want to do his end. and you know what i really dont care because he does this all of the time and im used to it and dont care anymore. any ways ill figure out someway for him to pay me 20 dollars or something. any ways its not surprising to me he do...

    2. haloman 2

      haloman 2

      does this besides his bad life with his family who are really strict and can be really mean to him , as well as him getting picked on in school

    3. Jam


      Well welcome back...


  6. well guys for a week ill be offline because i made a bet with my OK friend who challenged me that i couldn't stay off this site for a week and i said i could he also said i couldn't play any online multiplayer games. i can play offline games like the campaign in halo or just cause etc... so lets see who wins he has to stop talking to his girl friend for a week on my phone, because he lost his and cant use it. but knowing him i bet hell cheat and lie saying i did break my bargain which...

    1. haloman 2

      haloman 2

      sorry it cut off. anyways if he does lie about that then ill not owe him anything and force him to do his end of the bargain. its not even funny how many times he has made things up to make me give him money or to buy him lunch or stuff like that

    2. BeckoningZebra1


      well, I look forward to seeing you next week :)

    3. Jam


      See ya in a week.win this bet and show him... there's plenty of things you can do offline. you have the easy end trust me...

  7. i have gotten my school laptop so now for 180 days now i can be on with you guys again

    1. Drizzy_Dan


      Woo isn't it great! Getting mine soon!

    2. haloman 2

      haloman 2

      it is great to have it again only thing is half the sites are blocked on my laptop, i was just lucky that i stumbled upon this almost three years ago looking at halo images and that this site wasnt blocked then and isnt blocked now

  8. Well I have been busy again so during the summer I'm not on very much I just check in every once in a while. Any ways a while ago I changed my profile picture because this is my favorite anime and i just loved it so ya that's all

  9. Guess what day it is today I post this!!!!!!! My birthday I'm back and ill check up every now and then vecausebimngetting a wii u soon cus my old wii is just dead and useless now. So I miss you guys and I have gone to a few camps and I have changed this summer I just want to thank all of you guys in this and you are all the best online buddies ever and I love you guys as friends

    1. Absolute Dog
    2. Church


      Happy bday, and long time no see!

    3. haloman 2

      haloman 2

      Thanks you guys you are all awsome

  10. Yes! I have Finally made it to dedicated member. I'm so happy I'm ded with some of you guys. only things that makes me sad though is that now i have to make lie another 2000 posts or so to get to the next rank. but now since I'm dedicated I'm posting more and being a better member here and I'm going to dedicate myself for the good of the forum and help with things and everyone who needs it

  11. forge pro we (espicially me) will miss you when you leave, you have been a great member on this forum take care and stay well, please return soon

  12. well I'm pissed, i worked my butt off for a high C in math and my math teacher counted the core test we had last class and i got a D- in the core test and now we have two reviews for another test he has made of the whole year and the test is 200 points and the to reviews are going to count as a full test too, so now I'm going to end up with the lowest F because everything he is counting and ill have to take summer school or math ad my summer is already too busy with things I'm doi...

    1. Vangelis


      I know that feel. When I was high school I had taker summer school for pretty much the exact same reason. The Education system is a complete joke.

    2. haloman 2

      haloman 2

      i do agree with that and it angers me sometimes for stupid things that my teachers have to do. like even earlier today for theater i had to make a 5 second video and put it on youtube and 2 things happened. either it didn't submit the right video and or my iMovie gave me a link to paste and when i looked at it it took me to a song by miley sirus with pictures of her from the show

  13. well i only have 3 more days of school and just got a buzz cut for my running team to get faster and it is my first time with one and it feels very wiered

  14. well I'm not as depressed as i was earlier in my past update but i am still upset from it, any ways i just want to know if any of you guys and gals have every read the book staying fat for sarah byrnes. have any of you? it is an amazing and excruciating book. i loved it. my favorite book ever and if you haven't read it, you MUST read it!

    1. Fishy


      I didn't like it.

    2. haloman 2

      haloman 2

      why not? i didn't like the ending much, it was just too... well you know... any ways i loved it overall

  15. well I'm extremely sad right now... a couple things happened to several of my friends...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gojira


      I think I speak for everyone when I say you have our sympathy and support.

    3. Jam


      Well if it can be of some help you can PM me.

    4. haloman 2

      haloman 2

      thank you all of you. i would have replied earlier but i had no internet for a few days

  16. only 12 more days at my school til summer

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. haloman 2

      haloman 2

      11 more for me now

    3. Quantum
    4. haloman 2

      haloman 2

      now only about 4 more days of school for me so excited

  17. well one girl at my school (who i really like and want to date but is dating my best friend at this time) fainted today in my art class for 5 minutes. it was really scary. i was next to her when she fell so i caught her but i freaked out as well as everyone else too. she's fine now but still light headed and resting at home

    1. Silent Orbis

      Silent Orbis

      Welcome to Utah folks! :)

    2. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      Welcome to the best friendzone.


    3. haloman 2
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