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Everything posted by miniamp

  1. Focus on your ability

    1. Ardent Prayer

      Ardent Prayer

      Don't just focus on your ability, focus on mind and strength as they are your strongest weapon.

    2. Ardent Prayer

      Ardent Prayer

      Don't just focus on your ability, focus on mind and strength as they are your strongest weapon.

  2. I'm hoping for Halo 4 controllers, or something like a magnum replica?
  3. So the other day I was walking across the street, and I saw this one car, and I stood there in awe, trying to figure out why the car was getting bigger, then it hit me.

    1. miniamp


      lolol, you don't get the joke?

    2. ZB-85


      I get the joke. It just wasn't funny. lol

    3. Ardent Prayer

      Ardent Prayer

      HAHA. Imma use that joke on my frends. nice!

  4. I'm really tired of people posting topics saying something like," we should add this into Halo 4" or "they should put this terrain into halo 4!" like do you not realize that they are in the final stages of the game? I can almost guarantee nothing else will be added, they're just polishing the game at this point"



      they should bring it to pc crossplatform!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  5. Wee aree gonna bring it round

  6. If you're calking about the Cyclops Mk.2 in War House, they have already been confirmed to NOT be drive-able
  7. miniamp

    Halo 4 New Pictures

    these are all incredibly old dude..
  8. The Director is one of the most attractive people in human history- George Washington

    1. miniamp


      THE DIRECTOR 2012

    2. The Director

      The Director

      Glad to see I have your support miniamp :) You won't be disappointed! :D

  9. ^ what the guy has said above me get Cryptum, Primidirum, Ghosts of Onyx, Grasslands, and the new one that is released this October called the Thursday War
  10. Just letting everyone know next MAM is is going to be Top 50

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Azaxx


      I better be in

    3. DaveAtStateFarm


      UMG UMG UMG! you think 50's a wittle to mush?


    4. miniamp


      well I want a big list, what do you think would be reasonable?


  11. Jun died defending Halsey at Castle Base back on Reach
  12. Ask jester or one of the mods to make one lol
  13. All hail Twam, dear comrade on his birth date! All hail the great leader!

  14. The next MAM will be top 50, so don't feel bad
  15. No thank you for being so attractive;)
  16. Well since this one would be epic, maybe next week?
  17. Drizzy, well it would be boring if it was a plain list Spectral, brb gonna go cry now :'( ZB, glad you appreciate
  18. Well I'm THINKING that the next will be top 50, so you might have a really good chance on being on
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