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Everything posted by popje

  1. a ton of octogon-like maps made by bungie in a 1v1 playlist, this is the true test of skills.
  2. popje

    Theater in Halo 4

    Yeah I remember the lag when friends watched it, but its really not that bad, not being able to watch videos with my friends in reach is probably the thing I hate the most from reach, and the bloom but with TU its fine now
  3. popje

    Theater in Halo 4

    please bring it back in halo 4 and there two things that I would really like -being able to watch videos with friends (why the hell cant we in reach ?) -being able to foward/backward faster. -a real rendering that wouldnt cost 10$/montage...
  4. the reason why there no warthog gauss on multiplayer wich is the same reason why there is no fuel rod gun in multiplayer is because its overpowered. Id like to see the spectre, that was cool even if wasnt good lol
  5. thanks everyone who like my idea, I dont know why it never made it into halo 2 in the first place. well it seem like, in that halo 2 video, the one shot firing had the same damage but was very fast and would pull just a bit less damage over a long distance than bursting from a short distance, they could slower the fire rate and make it more like the dmr when scoping and change the bullet damage to fit to get a good balance. For the rate cap, it depends if they change or not the bullet damage. If its like in the video where the bullet damage isnt changed and you need to fire very quickly to do a good damage, i'd vote for the hold the trigger and it shoot automatically like the halo reach needle rifle. Im highly against having a gun with no firing rate cap or a really small cap to avoid people using rapid fire controllers or something like that. In my opinion, the burst damage should be exactly like Halo 2-3, and the scoping single shots should do a bit more damage with a decent firing rate cap (like the DMR, but with no bloom) only thing is that it would be unrealistic ? maybe the gun would have two different bullets magazine that you'd need to keep an eye on your remaining ammo? Another idea would be to have a br/dmr that can be switched manually for burst or single shots, thats it.
  6. didnt voted, yes if they bring dual wielding back, no if they dont
  7. I know right, I prefer the DMR in long range and I prefer the BR in close range. Anyway, in halo 3, im not sure if it was meant to be like that but it was nearly impossible to kill people in long range with the BR, you had to aim like one meter in front of a running guy to hit him, all the time, im pretty sure it was just because halo 3 had more overall lags.
  8. All true Halo fans remember that halo 2 e3 2004 trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FmmrT5-WolI It was a mix of the BR and the DMR, when you dont scope, you get 3 shots burst, like the BR, and when you scope, you get single shots, like the DMR if you dont feel like watching the entire video, the part with the br/dmr is at 3:18 thats how I see the perfect halo 4 DMR/BR anyone agree with me ?
  9. popje

    BR vs. DMR

    the question should be: wich gun do you prefer, not think is better because they are equal but I prefer the BR by faaaaar
  10. Most of the MLG community, as well as these 17 people who voted hell yeah in my poll and the majority of competitive halo players.
  11. midship, lockout, countdown, zealot, battle canyon, foundation, high ground these maps should be in all incoming halos in order of preference
  12. we all know that sprint + sword is a bit overpowered and thats why they implented the sword block sword block is not the solution, it should be like halo 2 and halo 3, no sword block but your melee attack against him should do damage no matter what and not just remove the guy shield when you melee a charging no shield sword guy, both players should die. Right now a melee attack against a a sword damage the shield but never damage his life especially with the bleed through, it would be perfect
  13. only time I quit a game is when I get matched with noobs against a team of 4 and they vote for sanctuary its not fun when you dont even have a small chance to win
  14. I miss halo 2 mlg in midship.. seriously, it was so awesome
  15. lol, always look at the stickies, there a thread about it
  16. Thanks a lot 343 you are doing more than what I was expecting, the new update is awesome and it is what the community wanted. The only thing im wondering is that the free for all gametype seem a bit forgotten, I wish you guys can add either the TU settings to rumble pit or add a no bloom MLG FFA. Team sniper was forgotten for a LONG time but you guys at least added some maps to it and im very glad but we want something to FFA with
  17. what are u talking about lol, all they do is make the game better it sounds like halo reach is your favorite game of the franchise wich isnt true for most of us, halo reach is more like halo 2 than it was now and its what we all want
  18. what ? far cry was on the first xbox and had a awesome terrain editor
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