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Everything posted by Hunterex12

  1. i think halo because gears don't use any vehicles
  2. awesome clan they have there own web site check it out http://forum.dgclan.com/index.php?sid=6dd84dde19261803e48b640da672b300
  3. halo 4 is not comin out in 2013 its comin out in november
  4. that was the best playdate ever i cant wait till the next one
  5. mosty i want coagulation back in halo 2 but i want the chopper
  6. is resident evil 6 multiplayer if now that sucks
  7. if we all have RE operation raccon city we can play together
  8. that would be great if they had all the kingdom hearts games for xbox 360
  9. im glad i pre ordered halo 4 im might get some prizes
  10. i like unlimited ammo for rocket launchers
  11. i never beat the campaign of halo wars because i was done with the campaign of the last mission
  12. i like the story mode of all the assassins creed games
  13. zero bloom custom games are awsome
  14. i ve got the bandanna skull i can help you get it
  15. i have been in a games with a Mexican host then i left
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