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Total Thoughts: 1 - When you get knocked down...

MCPO Mayh3m

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This week... this week has not been easy. You see, I thought I found a great opportunity that was pretty much laid out in front of me. It was a telecommunication job. I had a phone interview with the manager, and I felt it went well... it did, the next day I got a call to come in for a face to face interview. I was ecstatic, however I knew I still didn't have the job. When the day finally came for the interview, I went in and knew I was nervous... but I tried being as confident and sure as I could. The company expressed their values to me and asked what I felt they meant. I replied to each question to the best of my ability, I knew my nerves were affecting me, but I did my best to tame them and stay composed.


By the time it ended, the manager I spoke on the phone with walked me down the hall talking to me, letting me know that I would get a call from the company regardless if I had the job or not. It was their duty to call me... he said that is what they felt was right and the most respectable thing to do. 


So I went home, and anxiously awaited the next day... nothing. Then the next day, nothing... until that night when my mother and sister returned home and grabbed the mail. They had me come outside to open it. It said thank you for your time, etc.... and that they had chosen a different candidate. I hadn't been chosen... so all my hopes of being able to support my fiance and being independent... gone. The job could have opened up even larger doors for me in the future. Who knows. The experience sure as heck would have helped me. But instead I got nothing. Well... that is not entirely true.


I was mad, angry, confused, disappointed, and discouraged. I did my best to not be bitter about the situation... one part in particular. Being told to my face I would get a phone call, but only getting a letter with only a 3 line paragraph on it... with a copy of a signature from the very guy who told me I would get a phone call regardless because it was the right thing to do. But the harder I tried to not become bitter... the more I really did hold on to that bitterness... I did have another job that wanted me, but it was just a delivery type job (no, not pizza).


So many thoughts ran through my head. I didn't feel good enough, I felt I could have done better, I felt foolish for even trying, I felt sad, I felt pathetic, I felt.... useless, unwanted, I felt like nothing I do would ever be good enough... I was confused. But most of all I felt like I disappointed my family, my friends... and my fiance.


Now, before you say "I'm so sorry" or "That company -insert word here- " and before you condemn me for things like that...


I get it. Maybe I really could have done better. Maybe I really could have had that job. But the truth is, I did try the best that I could at that time. My best wasn't good enough... but that is ok. I can take something from my experience. I can look past my feelings, my frustrations, my confusion. Because in the grand scheme of things... even though my best wasn't good enough... I did try my best. See... I can learn from my experience. I tried my best, but because my best wasn't good enough, I can learn from my best how to make my best better. So next time, my best is better than it was before... and if it is still not good enough... then I can still learn how to get better. Because let's face it, we can always get better... even when we give things our very best.


So, to finish the sentence in the topic title:


When you get knocked down...

Get back up.

It may hurt.
It may be painful.
It may suck.
It may be confusing...


But always... always get back up again. Because if you stay down where you are, you will hold all that frustration in. You will be bitter towards whatever hurt you or bothered you.


Now my experience may be different than your experience, it could be minor or major compared to yours... but it is something that happens to all of us.



So there... there is Total Thoughts: 1.


Comment, read, even drop a like if you'd like. But it really doesn't matter... I just hope you all learn something. Not necessarily about me. But about life, perhaps about yourself. Whatever it may be.


If you do learn something about me... then great... you know me all the more better. 

So long as you just remember to get back up when you fall.


Just so you all know, I do have a job delivering things. It may not be the job I wanted, but it is still a job... and I am thankful for it. I didn't have one before, but now I do. So I really can't be upset about that.


Thanks to all who took the time to read this. 

Edited by Total Mayh3m
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you speak the truth Total,  get knocked down 7 times, get up 8, cause it's the getting up that counts.


and it may not be the job you wanted but congratulations none the less, cause a job is a job.  I just got a job myself as a substitute custodian for a school district,  not a normal custodian but a sub, so im gonna be moving around different schools where they need me, when they need me. and like yours it's not my ideal job but it's something for now.

Edited by Vitamin PWN
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This is why you're a Legend Mayh3m. You always get back up.


I read this thoroughly and I think you'll get your oppurtunity some time in the future. Until then, all I can do for you is pray that you'll be encouraged. There's a lot of truth in what you've said Mayh3m, I can apply this to areas in my own life where I struggle. I will keep you in my prayers, and best of luck! :hugz:


"Casting all your care upon Him, for he careth for you" 1 Peter 5:7

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