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Halofight [Forum Game]

Is not JL

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Skull: Tough Luck - When this skull is activated for a round, in that round, every player will lose meta-gaming, auto-hitting and godmodding abilities - you can no longer say your attacks hit, only that you performed an attack, and you must wait for your target to respond accordingly. Your character can't have knowledge of happenings in the game because you know it - they must, in-game, learn of it. The exception to this skull is Armies, and they can auto-hit and be auto-hit.

The above skull should spike interaction between players a bit more. Doing the things not permitted won't get you kicked from the game but it will lessen chances of winning. Letting yourself get hit would be a good thing in the correct situations.


Is this skull effective now? Or are you just letting us know for future rounds?

Edited by Victory Element
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Yeah, it was a while back but I Incinned Spark.



Jacob respawned. He wondered what the hell had happened then, he had dodged all the shots?

He grabbed his new cannon as a new marker appeared-BLTZ. This time, he had the surprise advantage. Fear would no doubt know Jacob would come for him, but he didn't know how.

Jacob teleported in behind his assailant and sighted him. He activated his concussion blast; the nearby mountain had a minor avalanche, covering des in rubble. Jacob heard an unknown voice shout "SPLATTER" but that didn't matter. Fear was picking himself back upp before Jacob charged into him, kicked him and pulled his enemies DMR on the figure. He shot once, puncturing the visor of the red spartan.

"DOUBLE KILL" was heard. Red was back in the lead.


JACOB kills Des' and Fear


I think Jacob said that he did not confirm a kill, and he saw his opponent run into a cave to heal themselves after he fired on them. I may be mistaken


I healed myself. I was point blank incineration cannon

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Alright, I updated post 66 to show that I had killed Pluton, (because I damaged him, then he killed himself).



Sikslik7 spawned in the water, almost choking as sea water swept him onto the beach. His side still ached from where he had been stabbed in his last life, but the pain was fading. He jogged up a hill to find Spark directly below him, running along some rocks, but unaware of Sikslik7. Sikslik7 jumped, pushed off a tree and landed on top of Spark, who tried to push him off, but couldn't. With a pistol whip across the helmet, Spark was dazed, and Sikslik7 drove his dagger up through Spark's jaw. Spark began to fade. "You're on the wrong team this time buddy," noted Sikslik7.


He turned and began to follow the rocks close to the shore, and suddenly, the edge dropped straight into the water, bu Sikslik7 kept going and found a nice place in the rocks to lie in wait.


Sikslik7 kills Spark- Red Team 1

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Blitz awoke on a shore, fealing he should get moving. He activated VISR, there was nothing but him and a soft breeze. He drew his outdated yet beloved Rifle, with tally marks representing the Elites he had killed on Reach on the side of it, there being 29 in total.


"Better get moving before a hostile zeroes in on me." And Blitz did just that. As he reached a segment of the island where small pockets of water broke up he noticed signs of minor conflict. Only now does he realise a Red band on his left arm. Blitz continued to wonder forwards until he heard the swift noise of a blade unsheathe. Good memories.


 He soon saw a service tag on his HUD, SIK, He holstered his weapon, catching on that it was a friendly. "Hello. I'm Blitz, you are....?" Said Blitz in a cautious tone "SikSlik7." Replied the soldier. He then came out from hiding.


The two shook hands and exchanged greetings, then Blitz followed Sik to the enemies last known. They saw a rather large brute with a Blue arm band. The two quickly devised a plot and engaged the Brute. Blitz activated his Stabilisers, charging the Brute whilst firing a full mag into his chest and stomach. He then realised a few things. That Sik had gone back to his hiding spot, that the enormous ape now lie on the ground at his feet and he was deep in enemy territory with no support. Blitz, with just enough time in his stabilisers left, retreated to an ambush position behind a few rocks and in some bushes.


Blitz kills Pluton - RED Team gains one point.

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It will be effective in the next round.


For the time being, I'll just watch this round intently. 


As far as I can tell, Red has 6 (!?) and Blue has 2.


By the way SEED, What is the score to win in Halofight - Team Slayer?

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"Looks like we're taking a beating." said Des' to Fear, after respawning.

Fear simply moved his head in agreement. 

"Come. We could get around them through this valley, hopefully...."

"I'll stay here." said Fear.

"As you wish."


Des' teamed up with Spark again, this time being more cautious. After entering a large open area, they both realised something was not right.

"Are you feeling crosshairs over... here?" asked Des', pointing his head.

"Sadly I do..." replied Spark, getting a hold on his Magnum. They both moved carefully from this point on.

Not only a moment later, they encountered a Jackal, who tried to surprise them.

"You!" yelled Spark, seeing Omegaman. "I'm going to kill that sonuva-"

"Get down!" He was cut off by Des', who pushed him behing a rock, norrowdly avoiding an Incinaration Cannon shot from behind. Jacob was standing there, reloading his Cannon.

"I'll deal with him, get the Jackal!"


They were locked in a 2v2 fight, Spark pinned down by Omeganman's fire, and Des' struggling to keep up with Jacob, who teleported everywhere. When Spark made a move towards Omegaman, Jacob teleported behind him.

"Behind you, Spartan!" yelled Des' while shooting him with his Carbine. Spark jumped on the Omegaman, hoping Jacob wouldn't shoot to avoid friendly fire. He quickly emptied a whole mag on the Jackal's head, whose body slowly faded away. The other Spartan opened another portal to hop in, seeing as it was 2 versus 1 now.

"Take that too!" muttered Des', throwing a plasma grenade into the portal.

"Are you hurt?" asked Spark.

"Just the usual minor flesh wounds."

"Let's go then."

The both continued seeking enemies in order to increase their score.


Spark kills Omegaman -- Blue Team +1

Edited by Elite Sniper
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Jacob exited his mini slip space portal. And opened another. His shields were down from the grenade, one more hit would be death. Still, he made his way back to the duo, trying to land a two-in-one hit... He exited and hit a cliff. Blue gained a point, as spark did the last damage.


Spark kills Jacob.


Jacob respawned. "I blame lag!" He shouted before going to assist his teammates.

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Blitz heard gunfire. There was a battle nearby. He got a good vantage point on a small cliff after scaling the mountain, Blitz saw a red elite and a spartan, most likely on patrol he thought. He proceeded to make a flanking attempt on the duo, and when he was within close enough proximity, threw a frag grenade near them. It took out the Elites shielding and damaged the Spartan shields.


Knowing he was outgunned and outnumbered, he attempted retreat but only caught a carbine round with his shielding. Blitz attempted to supress them but took 2 thirds of a 3 round burst from a BR. His shields were going down fast, Blitz needed to do something, but what? he asked his mind, as he ran from cover to cover, narrowly avoiding shots.


And now he hid long enough for his shields to recharge and return to retreating. This time he was not as fortunate, he took two carbine rounds and a full burst from a BR, thus removing his shielding and wounding him. Blitz attempted retreat one last time, and took a BR round to the knee. He staggered for cover, and decided to take a stand and took a firing position in a prone stance next to a rock. He returned fire, 60 rounds spewed out his rifle. Blitz advanced, staggering forward before succuming to death. He managed to severely injure the Elite but not kill him.


Blitz killed by Das' and Spark - Blue team +1

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Fear heard listened to steady gunfire in the distance, and noticed that blue team had gained 2 points. "A little teamwork could keep us in this fight" he thought. "i should probably be providing some cover fire, and communicate more with my teammates."


he spoke into his coms, "des', spark, i'm going to try to get us a vantage point on this mountain. once i get up there, i will be able to call out hostiles and take advantage of the high ground. Pluton and Jase have been taking a beating on the right flank, so i will try to give them some assistance too. Create a diversion for me, so i can easily clear out any hostiles on the mountain. Fear out"


"roger that" said a voice in the coms


Fear cautiously advanced towards the base of the steep mountain, with the butt of his DMR pressed into his shoulder, ready to fire in a split second.  Nothing fired at him, and he was soon at the foot of the mountain. He soon realized that the slope of the mountain would be too steep to climb on foot, so he let out a sigh, and extended the hardlight blades from his wrists. In one swift motion, he thrust the first blade into the side of the rocks, and pressed hard to ensure that they would not break from his weight. He thrust in his second blade, and began to scale the side of the mountain. Left, right, left right His arms ached as he struggled pull up his body weight, but the thought of his fallen teammates motivated him to finish the climb. 


The edge of the mountain came into view, and Fear checked his motion tracker one last time to ensure that he would be safe. Clear. He gripped the rigged edge of the cliff with his hand, and pulled himself over in relief. His instinctively rolled into a kneeling position with his weapon ready to fire, but he was met with no hostile attackers. He stayed in crouched position, and slowly strafed along the edge of the cliff in case he needed an exit. "this is too quiet" he whispered to himself. "why wouldn't they have anyone guarding this vantage point?" He activated his promethean vision to make sure there was nobody was hiding, and he checked his thermals to try to find any active camo users. Nothing


"Something is not right hear" he spoke into his coms. "Des', Spark, are you engaged with any hostiles right now?"


"Negative" said the voice on the other end


"I don't...." Fear started to say, then suddenly a red dot appeared on his motion tracker. "i'm being engaged! stand by, i will contact you in a few moments"


Fear didn't listen for a response as adrenaline rushed through his body. He looked ahead to find his attacker, but no one was there. He looked up to see a drone charging through the air towards him, energy sword in hand. Fear activated his hardlight blades once again, but he did not react in time to dodge the drone's charge. He blocked the sword, but the creature's momentum knocked Fear off of his feet and sent him tumbling towards the cliff. Fear responded by digging his blades back into the rocks to slow down his momentum as he neared the edge. He slowed to stop, barely before his waistline was over the edge, and he looked up to find his attacker. 


The drone hovered about 10 feet in front of Fear, so he pulled himself back onto the mountain and stood to his feet. He identified the creature by the name of Cunning, and watched as he clicked his mandibles in disgust. Fear noticed two spartans with red armbands at the opposite side of peak, weapons ready to fire. 


"back off you meatheads. This is my kill!" screeched Cunning, and the spartans lowered their weapons. 


"It's a trap! I'm being ambushed by three hostiles on the peak. I need assistance ASAP!" Fear yelled into his coms


His plea for reinforcements echoed on the waist of Cunning. The drone held up a small communications device. 


"I snagged this baby off of your little elite friend. I also took his petty toy to add to my collection of trophies" snarled Cunning 


"You're nothing but a slave to his race" Fear laughed. "Don't be surprised when your blood is splattered across his dagger"


then there was silence. The two stared each other down, waiting for the other to make the first move. Fear was hesitant, but he quickly charged to see how his opponent would react. He didn't know what to expect in this battle, being that he had never engaged a drone with a sword. Cunning blocked off the first swing from Fear's hardlight blades, and counter-attacked with a slash of his sword. Fear ducked, narrowly missing the razor sharp weapon, and backed off so he could strap his DMR onto his back


"this sure won't be a gunfight" he figured


From the technique that the drone used, Fear recognized that he was using the Sangheili style of sword combat. He had faced elites in sword combat numerous times before, but never an opponent who could fly. After the short pause, Cunning made the first move. He struck with his sword, slashing in a pattern that seemed all too familiar to Fear. He could easily block the strikes from his opponent, but the drone moved so quickly that he could hardly keep up with his maneuverability. Fear decided that he would have to win this battle offensively, so he would have to do something unpredictable. 


He slowly drew the drone near the edge of the cliff as he continued to ward off slashes from his sword. He turned himself so that the drone was hovering over the the cliff as they both struggled to gain an advantage.  Fear's arms were tired from the climb, and the drone's attacks seemed to come harder and harder in his direction. The drone stabbed near his neck, but Fear didn't react in time to fully block the swing. The Energy sword slashed into Fear's left shoulder and pierced the thick armor to his skin. He screamed with pain, and realized that he would only be able to fight with his right arm now. He needed to do something quickly if he wanted to survive this encounter. 


"live to fight another day" he thought to himself as he struggled to fight off Cunning


With some clever thinking, Fear dropped an un-primed grenade at his feet, with his barely attached left arm. Cunning shielded his face expecting as explosion to engulf them both, but their was silence. Fear swiftly grabbed his sidearm from his right thigh, and fired 3 magnum rounds into the skull of the drone. Fear calmly bent over to pick up Des's com and his arum from the limp corpse. 


"Rest in peace" he grumbled as he fired another round into the body of the dead drone.


The two red spartans watched with curiosity, seeing that the grenade had not exploded and killed Fear himself. Fear realized that he would end up dead too if he stayed on the peak with the two enemies. Too late. Within seconds, Fear crumpled to ground full of BR rounds from the spartans who were trained to kill heartlessly. 


At least he didn't have to feel the agonizing pain in shoulder anymore


Fear kills Cunning Blue team +1

Sikslik/ blitz kills Fear Red team +1

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Cunning respawned filled with anger. Not only had he lost the communications device and the arum as trophies but also his pride, losing to a human, the thought sickened him. He sped from the small hill where he had spawned to a higher elevation "Cover me as I collect my trophies." Cunning hissed to his teammates as he soared over the mountaintop, where Jacob was already moving into position. His HUD indicated that the buzzard and Sikslik covered the right and left sides of the map respectively. Blitz covered the cave. Stopping quickly to land he swooped up the arum, but left the communicator since it was damaged from the fight. He noticed that The Black Armored Demon's body had disappeared, meaning it had rejoined the battle. The mere thought of killing the demon made Cunning excited, because vengeance was needed. His HUD picked up no movement but his orange compound eyes picked up a slight movement behind a rock. It was the demon, setting up to shoot at him with his precision weapon. The coward. Cunning lifted his head and let out a shriek that sent chills up his teammates spines. He flew off the ground like a speeding bullet, flying in a zigzag pattern towards the demon to avoid it's shots. One or two did hit Cunning but just struck his shields. He took four sword hilts off of his belt and activated them. Fear could do nothing but use his DMR as a shield when Cunning barreled towards him, ready for war. With one swipe from his first energy sword, he cut the rifle in half and used his second and third to block the demons hardlight blade counter attack. He swung towards the demons groin, making it back off. "You are no warrior, human filth." Cunning howled as he hovered, staring with hatred toward Fear's gold, emotionless visor. Without warning Cunning attacked again, slashing at the spartan, holding nothing back. When Fear had backed up against a rock wall, he continued with his plan ,holding the hardlight blades at bay with the swords in his "arms" talons, he then made a lightning fast circular motion with the blades in his "legs" talons, severing both of Fear's arms at the elbows. This time his foe did bleed as the arteries in his arms were severed. Cunning showed no mercy as he continued to hack at the defenseless spartan's chestplate creating large gashes. He then holstered his blades and picked up the almost dead Fear with his legs and began to fly upward. At the height of the mountain he said to the dying mercenary "Now you know why it is foolish to assault me demon." He tore off Fear's helmet, clipping it to his belt and began to dive towards the rocks below. Blitz, Jacob, Omegaman Infinity, and SikSlik just watched in horror as he brought his legs forward to halt his dive and shattered the spartan's skull on the rocks, killing him instantly.Covered in human blood and flesh, Cunning  activated his swords, roared towards the heavens in victory and tossed the dismembered corpse aside, however, he was not satisfied. More blood needed to be spilled. It became apparent to the enemy and Cunning's teams that the drone was bloodthirsty at its core and refused to accept anything less than utter annihilation for enemy combatants.


A heavily injured Des' Xavum, Pluton, and Spark watched the scene unfold in horror,The three warriors who have been known as fearless, an Elite, a Brute, and a Spartan were afraid...very afraid. Unfortunately Pluton took this act of carnage as a challenge for the title of baddest mother****er in the galaxy and Pluton wouldn't let it go without a fight.

"Try to match me filthy insect, I've seen Unggoy fresh off the food nipple look more ferocious than you.."

Cunning took this with extreme insult, he thought to himself " Now to embarrass you in front of your comrades, mangy beast." Pluton's arms began to surge with electricity as he let out a war cry and charged Cunning. Cunning didn't move. Pluton, with saliva dripping from his mouth continued to charge Cunning. Cunning didn't move. Pluton, now within five feet of Cunning let loose the electricity. There was a blur and the electricity struck ground, with no Cunning to be found. Pluton now stood in a puddle and roared at Cunning hovering 10 feet away, saying. 

"You are the coward, HERETIC FILTH! THIS HOLY LIGHT WILL BURN YOUR RETCHED CORPSE!" Pluton let loose as the metal hilt of an energy sword sailed towards him. The electricity attracted to the hilt as it sailed through the air and into the puddle. 

"RAGHGHHGHHHA!" Pluton howled as the water became charged and began to fry him. Soon the electricity stopped and the smell of scorched hair and flesh filled the air. Pluton, barely alive laid in the puddle, chest heaving. Cunning flew over and decapitated him with a growl. The pool of water turned dark purple with Pluton's blood. Cunning landed and picked up the sword hilt in the water as he heard the roar of Carbine, Assault and Battle Rifle fire as he turned behind him.

 Spark with his knife raised over his head sailed through the air towards him as he was peppered with 7.62mm and radioactive ammunition. Unable to draw one of his swords fast enough, and knowing that Spark would kill him in a mere moment, Cunning bent his head, jagged horn towards his attacker and waited. There was a sickening crunch as the horn pierced Spark's armor and a shot of pain hit Cunning. Thinking he had been stabbed, he awaited to collapse, lifeless on the ground. 15 seconds passed and nothing. Cunning looked at Sparks corpse and saw half of his horn still embedded in his chest. Cunning realized that his horn had snapped, not able to take the strain of a ton of UNSC armor weighing downward. Still in great pain, Cunning tore his eyes from the sight of his broken horn to the space in the area ahead. There stood Dev' Xavum. Bleeding and clutching his sword in one hand, clutching the gash on his side with the other, Des' stood, uttering a challenge.

"You fight well for one of the lesser species, in the old style of sword combat. I am impressed, who taught you the honored way?" Des' voice bellowed across the open space between them.

"An Ultra on tribute, he lack two of his mandibles. Vadum'ee was his name I believe." Cunning replied, having difficulty remembering the days before he had been marked a heretic, an unmutal.

"That must be R'tas Vadum, old half jaw. He is a ship master in our separatist fleet. Tell me, if we ever get back to our universe, will you serve him, serve with us?" Des' said, abruptly stopping as he coughed up blood. 

"I am unsure, when the time arises, I will decide." Cunning said thinking deeply.

"Tell me one more thing. I am dying of these wounds, even though I will live again, will you give me the honor of a warrior's death, a death by sword?" Des' questioned, struggling to breath.

"Of course, you seem to be the only warrior equal to myself."Cunning replied.

"Then let us battle in the old style, Yanme'e." Des' said, taking a step forward, ending the conversation

Cunning took the plasma pistol, and three of the sword hilts and cast them aside, hitting the ground with a clatter. Des' did the same with this weapons. They both stood, with sword in hand, and the fire of war in their eyes.

"You four, you will not interfere. If you do, I will end your lives, it will not be pleasant.. Especially yours, Kig-yar." Cunning said, still focused on 'Xavum. The spartans and the jackal holstered there weapons. 

" Minutes ago he collapsed Fear's skull, now he wants an honorable battle. Unpredictable doesn't even begin to describe that bugger." Blitz said in a low voice.

"Too right." Jacob said.

Des' and Cunning circled one another for what seemed an eternity. Des' pacing, Cunning hovering. The aromas of sea water, blood and scorched earth filled the air on the island. Then they both stopped. Then chaos. Cunning flew at full speed towards his opponent and Des' dashed to meet him. There was a loud crack and sizzle as their swords struck. Sparks sizzled as the swords were together and Cunning and Des' stared into each others eyes, with only combat on their minds. They back away from one another and began to parry back and forth with their swords. Loud cracks echoed across the island, the combatants shields flared with each hit, and sparks burned the grass beneath their feet. There was a constant switch between offensive and defensive maneuvers as both warriors fought. One unable to get a hand up on the other. Their will to fight and their skill were match. Soon Cunning had his left arm severed and Des' received a gash on his chest as they continued to battle. As they backed off from one another they both stood, wounds bleeding, chests heaving, tired. Without warning the two charged at each other and clashed. They continued going in their directions and stopped back to back. Cunning lay on all fours with an energy sword through his exoskeleton and Des' collapsed to his knees as a fountain of blood sprayed from his chest. Des' then collapsed. Cunning pulled the sword from his thorax as greenish white blood spilled to the ground. He then began to slowly crawl over to Des' who lay dead in a patch of blood stained grass. Cunning removed the arum from his belt, placed it in Des' hand and succumbed to his wounds. The two swordsman lay side by side, drenched in their own blood, and then disappeared to respawn.

Cunning kills- Spark, Pluton, Fear and Des. + 4 points

Des' Kills- Cunning + 1 point


Sorry for the long post, but due to my absence on this thread in the last while, I thought I'd make a good comeback.

@Victory Element Sorry for the rather gruesome death of your character,It may come off like I want you dead or something since I punished Fear so badly, but I don't. I just figured make the character who kills cunning suffer, whoever it was. So Fear drew the short straw so to speak. :/ Also if wiping out an entire team is taboo, I apologize, I didn't know. Also if I forgot anyone on the other team from the carnage, I apologize again. You will get a rein check on that ;)

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Red Team wins -_- by quite a lot. For this round, nobody gets a special weapon.


Now, before we go on, I wanna say that that entire round was against the rule of 'no killing', and if it was because of the name that caused the misunderstanding, that would be my bad. So I would like to ask - was it better? Should I implement a Yes-Killing gametype? Personally, I'm against it, especially since someone playing has already PM'd me complaining about how much god-modding and puppeting was in the lobby.





 Gametype: Halofight FFA


Skulls: Tough Luck -  When this skull is activated for a round, in that round, every player will lose meta-gaming, auto-hitting, puppeting and godmodding abilities - you can no longer say your attacks hit, only that you performed an attack, and you must wait for your target to respond accordingly.  Your character can't have knowledge of happenings in the game because you know it - they must, in-game, learn of it. You can no longer control other characters, nor say that happened to them in your post. The exception to this skull is Armies, and they can auto-hit and be auto-hit as they are disposable. 


Barebones - No Armies. (This is just to help test the Tough Luck skull)


Map: A Naval Carrier, with falcons and banshee's as its vehicular armaments, and fully functional indoors, has floated to the island. All players board it, searching for escape but only to fight yet another round. The Island is now off limits.




For this round, please, go back to the 'no killing rule', and the winner will be judged by post quality. 




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Personally, I think that was more fun. Though the Drone did a seem only a little OP. I'd say max 1 kill/turn. How do you get points without kills or armies?


Jacob boarded the carrier. He noticed his wristband had disappeared. While the others were still talking, laughing amongst themselves about the events of the battle, he boarded a nearby Banshee. Flying it round, he strafed the tightly-packed group, letting loose a volley of plasma bolts and two fuel rods. They impacted the centre of the group, causing a great deal of smoke so Jacob couldn't be sure of the kills.

Slowing to a hover, he opened the cockpit; shouting

"Bugface, you alive down there? I'm coming for you next!" Before flying off, circling the ship.


I'd say have a random skull that allows godding, controlling PCs etc like we did there because that was fun and hectic!

Edited by BaconShelf
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Personally, I think that was more fun. Though the Drone did a seem only a little OP. I'd say max 1 kill/turn. How do you get points without kills or armies?


Jacob boarded the carrier. He noticed his wristband had disappeared. While the others were still talking, laughing amongst themselves about the events of the battle, he boarded a nearby Banshee. Flying it round, he strafed the tightly-packed group, letting loose a volley of plasma bolts and two fuel rods. They impacted the centre of the group, causing a great deal of smoke so Jacob couldn't be sure of the kills.

Slowing to a hover, he opened the cockpit; shouting

"Bugface, you alive down there? I'm coming for you next!" Before flying off, circling the ship.


I'd say have a random skull that allows godding, controlling PCs etc like we did there because that was fun and hectic!

You don't get points but you'd still win. I'll think about making a skull that allows people to kill. when I get some more feedback. Also.


"While the others were still talking, laughing amongst themselves" is puppeting. Who said that they were in a tightly packed group? Oh well. I'll let it slide this once.

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Blitz was away from the conversation, inspecting the carriers armament, when he heard gunfire and an exsplosion. "God damn! They're really letting loose up there!" So he went to inspect what was happening. He saw a group of injured soldiers being circled and strafed by a banshee, he fired at least 3 mags at the banshee, not knowing whether they hit or not


He proceeded to retreat to the location of several banshees and falcons before attempting to return to the lower decks. Blitz caught numerous bolts of plasma before finaly getting to the lower decks.


When Blitz got inside he went to the cafeteria where he set up a watchful firing positon before putting a roast chicken in the oven "Damn I'm hungry! Nobodies getting my lunch! Or dinner. What time is it?"


P.S I Agree BaconShelf. That was fun.

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Well, bottom line, I had never planned for this game to ever allow 'kills'. If you wanted cinematic posts, you were always allowed to do that, to fling people around, break their skulls, rip their bones and smash their guts, its just that at the end of the day, the other guy would manage to stand back up, get healed and go and fight.


(Back to playing please, if you would. I need to refrain from mingling with gamers; makes them stop playing)

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I personally do not like having kills and respawns. It ruins the flow of the game and chops up the gameplay into pesky segments for the players who are killed. It takes a lot more time to write out the actions of your character when you have to restart from a spawn, because they were killed. You have to draw your character back into the action from which they just departed, and create a whole new combat scenario for them. Because of the time that this consumes, players have become almost "lazy" with their posts, because they want to get back into the action as soon as possible. Rather than describing their actions and using sensory adjectives, the player just says " my character respawned angry, so he ran and found an enemy player to kill". I don't find that very fun :no  


I feel that having no kills keeps the game much more interesting. Players have to come up with creative and clever ways to keep their character alive in the action. They can withdraw from combat at will, rather than being forced to because they got killed in another player's post. It also will keep the game more "modest" and "clean", being that the last death of my character was beyond gruesome.... i am not angry or humiliated, i just prefer not to puke while i am reading this :laughing:



On another note, i think we need to implement some sort of policy for members who are not participating regularly. In the last round, i only had one other teammate that posted, while the other 3 were not heard from once. With the other team having almost full participation, you can easily understand why the blue team was obliterated. That's not fair to the other players on that team, being that they are getting no support


Also, with the new skull that takes away auto-hits and god moding, what happens if a player that is attacked does not respond to the post? For example, i post "Fear shot his DMR at Jacob" but Jacob does not reply for duration of that round. That leaves Fear completely helpless and doesn't allow him to make any other moves until Jacob responds with a post describing the outcome. I do really want to have more player interaction between each other, but it will be hard to do with this flawed system



Please Read SEED Factor


since we are still deciding on some of the rules, why don't we postpone this next round? It's not completely clear how we are interacting with players and the kill/respawn issue yet. I think it would be best to wait for some more feedback about your general concerns before we allow for a new round to start

Edited by Victory Element
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I personally do not like having kills and respawns. It ruins the flow of the game and chops up the gameplay into pesky segments for the players who are killed. It takes a lot more time to write out the actions of your character when you have to restart from a spawn, because they were killed. You have to draw your character back into the action from which they just departed, and create a whole new combat scenario for them. Because of the time that this consumes, players have become almost "lazy" with their posts, because they want to get back into the action as soon as possible. Rather than describing their actions and using sensory adjectives, the player just says " my character respawned angry, so he ran and found an enemy player to kill". I don't find that very fun :no  


I feel that having no kills keeps the game much more interesting. Players have to come up with creative and clever ways to keep their character alive in the action. They can withdraw from combat at will, rather than being forced to because they got killed in another player's post. It also will keep the game more "modest" and "clean", being that the last death of my character was beyond gruesome.... i am not angry or humiliated, i just prefer not to puke while i am reading this :laughing:



On another note, i think we need to implement some sort of policy for members who are not participating regularly. In the last round, i only had one other teammate that posted, while the other 3 were not heard from once. With the other team having almost full participation, you can easily understand why the blue team was obliterated. That's not fair to the other players on that team, being that they are getting no support


Also, with the new skull that takes away auto-hits and god moding, what happens if a player that is attacked does not respond to the post? For example, i post "Fear shot his DMR at Jacob" but Jacob does not reply for duration of that round. That leaves Fear completely helpless and doesn't allow him to make any other moves until Jacob responds with a post describing the outcome. I do really want to have more player interaction between each other, but it will be hard to do with this flawed system



Please Read SEED Factor


since we are still deciding on some of the rules, why don't we postpone this next round? It's not completely clear how we are interacting with players and the kill/respawn issue yet. I think it would be best to wait for some more feedback about your general concerns before we allow for a new round to start

I completely agree with you, I want the game to be like the first two rounds, where only minor characters and troops were killed. 

And we don't really need the new skull. We could slightly control other players' movements and reactions, but in a more logical way. For example, one wouldn't post "Player 1 shot his BR at Player 2, who stood there staring a P1 until he was knocked out."

We should make it more fair, especially for other players' character.

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