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Technical difficulties with saving maps and such...


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So here's the problem, I'm making a level on Forge mode, then I save and leave, I come back later to do some more forging and when I load up the level, It looks like it did the first time I saved. I figured maybe the save just didn't complete, but then I leave to do my second level, and I find out that my first level override the second, fortunately I just had to delete it then go to playing history and find it again. But today, I was making a level and the same thing happened again, so here's my questions for you: Why does it glitch out like that? how can I prevent it? and when will whoever fixes stuff fix it? and do you actually understand what the problem I'm having is? Here's it simply, when I save it overrides another level.

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@Anarchy no, you don't get it. When I do save it saves, but over a different level that I was working on. So like if I was working on Level A and then I move over and start working on Level B, I finish and save Level B then I go to play Level A and Level B saved over it instead, then when I try to play Level B it's like it was when I first saved. Thanks for trying though, but my problem isn't it not saving, my problem is it saving way to much.

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Another thing it may be is that the Forge goes a bit... funny when you go offline and then back online. Make sure your XBL connection is secure. Another reason it may be doing this is because it's loading forge world. All you have to do when going from map A to map B is switch to a non-forge world map (like sword base) and let it load a bit before you go to the other map.

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  • 8 months later...

So here's the problem, I'm making a level on Forge mode, then I save and leave, I come back later to do some more forging and when I load up the level, It looks like it did the first time I saved. I figured maybe the save just didn't complete, but then I leave to do my second level, and I find out that my first level override the second, fortunately I just had to delete it then go to playing history and find it again. But today, I was making a level and the same thing happened again, so here's my questions for you: Why does it glitch out like that? how can I prevent it? and when will whoever fixes stuff fix it? and do you actually understand what the problem I'm having is? Here's it simply, when I save it overrides another level.


When you go back into your forge map even if the game loads your map so that you dont have to select it from the list of available maps. Scroll down to it and select it anyway. It seems redundant when you do it. But it will load your latest version of that map.

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