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Mafia 11.0 - Covenant Edition

Axilus Prime

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"THIS is what I think of your church!"






Night 9


A Phantom, launched from the Corvette, descended to the surface of the Forerunner planet. On board were the Ultra, Honor Guard Ultra, and the Hunter, who was wearing the helmet from his Swords of Sanghelios disguise as a replacement for the one shattered by the One. The Honor Guard Ultra made sure to land in an area where the defenses had already been brought down in the battle that had taken place on the planet earlier, so as to avoid being shot.


"I'm starting to wonder if there's any point to this at all," the Ultra said, already charging his gauntlet's cannon. "We shot him straight through the chest, and he didn't die."


"If there was no point to this at all," the Honor Guard Ultra replied, "we would have simply killed you already. Don't forget, 'Gibar, that we are not friends."


The Ultra growled. "Is that meant to inspire trust?"


"In a way, yes." The Honor Guard Ultra brought the Phantom to a hover. "Because we despise you so much, the fact that we are working with you on this should prove that this venture is very much worth your time." The Phantom's side opened, and the three warriors jumped out. "Now, we must find him."


A massive Forerunner structure was clearly visible over the trees where they landed, glowing vibrantly and doing just about everything in its power to draw attention. "Hmm," the Ultra said. "I wonder how we'll ever do that."


The One laid motionless on a table. Mechanical arms from the ceiling installed mechanical parts in the hole in his chest. First, a frame to stop the bleeding. Then parts within. Tubes through the frame, leading to blood vessels. An artificial heart. Finally, protective armor was added around all of it. He got up when the procedure was done. Then he heard creaking metal above him. That's not right. The sounds of crashes and explosions from above the ceiling followed. And they were getting closer. But he did not run. Instead, the parts installed in his chest spread out to form a circle. A glowing blue core within started spinning, building up speed the longer it went. Some of the walls around him burst and collapsed, and the ceiling of the room became warped. Another explosion from above the ceiling destabilized the mechanical arms that had installed the new parts in the One's chest. When they fell, most landed around the One, but one arm nearly hit him. He shoved it away with his arm and continued to stand there, spinning the core in his chest.


Finally the ceiling collapsed. Massive chunks of metal fell toward the One. But he did not leave the place where he stood. He turned his body upward and fired a powerful energy blast from the core in his chest. In an instant, everything about to fall on him was vaporized. The outer frame of the building collapsed, but the One's blast prevented anything from falling on him. He closed up his chest after that and walked toward the shortest pile of rubble to climb over. "It lacks the capacity of the gauntlet...but it will do."


Outside, the three warriors waited. The Ultra had his hand in a fist again, charging a new blast after the one he had just fired at the Forerunner structure. "I'm certain that didn't kill him."


"Then why did you bother?!" the Honor Guard Ultra demanded.


"To draw him out." As planned, the Ultra saw the One emerge from the rubble and jump down to face them. "I was hoping he'd take longer than that. You two know what to do!"


"I think not," the One said. He looked down at his chest. The lights on the armor there were rising, but they were not yet all the way up. And so he charged.


The Honor Guard Ultra fired his Plasma Rifle, but the One did not even bother to block that. "It was worth a shot." Stowing it, he drew his Energy Sword and charged. When the One drew closer, the Honor Guard Ultra threw a Plasma Grenade as he jumped. The One would not jump into that, allowing the Honor Guard Ultra to pass over him and get behind him. He sword lunged, only for the One to crouch so the blade would go straight through his head. Wait--WHAT?!


The One moved forward to get off the blade and conversely leapt over the Hunter to get to the Ultra. There was a slit on each side of his helmet where the sword had stabbed, but no one could make out what was inside. The lights on his chest had reached the top, but he did not start spinning the core. Instead he moved in with a kick.


The Ultra blocked with the gauntlet, but a punch landed on the side of his head instead, knocking him to the ground. "GRRRRRRGH!" He did not allow the pain to force his hand open, rather using it to clench it tighter. When the One moved in to finish him, a swing of the Hunter's shield from behind sent him flying over the Ultra instead. "Thanks."


The Hunter merely responded by giving the Ultra the finger using the claws on his cannon arm, and fired a blast at the One. As expected, it was simply swatted away by the One's well-armored forearm. The One then opened his chest up and started spinning the core again.


"I'm ready!" The Ultra stood and fired. To his surprise, the One fired as well. The green blast from the Ultra's hand met the blue blast from the One's chest. When the blasts passed into each other, they instantly destabilized, creating an explosion that de-shielded both Elites and sent everyone flying away. A warped depression much like an uneven crater remained in the center of the densely packed dirt. Everyone maintained their balance, however, and so they all landed on their feet. The Ultra instinctively closed his fist again to charge another blast. "How do we counter that?!"


"I don't know," the Honor Guard Ultra lied. If he said what he was thinking aloud, the One would certainly prepare for it. For the moment, though, he simply charged alongside the Hunter. But his sword lunge ended in a crushing pain in the wrist. "GAAAAAH!"


The One had caught his sword arm by the wrist, and with his other hand he took the weapon. The Hunter's shield bash he blocked with his knee, and then he thrust the sword at the Hunter himself. The stab hit the Hunter's impenetrable armor, but the force the One had applied in his rage was so great that the handle of the Energy Sword was crushed against the Hunter's chest on impact, destroying the weapon.


The Honor Guard Ultra didn't dare bring out his Plasma Rifle after seeing that, so he simply punched the One in the side of the head. Following that, he put him in a headlock, but the One's neck was hard as steel. He couldn't pressure it at all, much less cut off the One's breathing.


The One reached back and threw him into the Hunter's shield swing, causing his shield to go down. He moved in then and knocked the Hunter to the ground with an elbow strike to the chest. At that point, the lights on his chest had reached the top, so he opened it again to start the fire charging sequence. He would soon need it to counter the Ultra's gauntlet.


That was the Honor Guard Ultra's opportunity, the reason he had safeguarded his Plasma Rifle. He pulled the trigger once, briefly, sending a bolt of plasma straight into the chest cannon's core. Just as planned, it exploded. The surging blue energy sent flesh and armor flying out in all directions. The rips extended into the One's shoulders, stomach, and neck. Then something strange occurred to the Honor Guard Ultra. From what he could see of the One's neck, there was no flesh there whatsoever. He looked back at the slit in the One's head where he had been stabbed, but still could not make out anything there.


"GRRRRROA!" The Hunter stood up again and knocked the One to the ground with his cannon arm. He pounced on the Forerunner, then slapped him across the face. Over and over, back and forth, with his shield he slapped the One, warping and cracking the Forerunner's helmet. Finally, it shattered. And there was nothing there. "Hrrgh?!"


The One shoved the Hunter off and stood, though he staggered backward. Strangely he continued to speak. "My nervous system...is decentralized now. So I have no need of a head...except perhaps...to see. I'll be needing a replacement helmet now...and a replacement chest." He vanished in a yellow flash just as the Ultra fired the gauntlet to finish him off. The green blast hit nothing, flying off into the distance.


"What happened?!" The Ultra looked around in utter confusion. The One hadn't teleported to anywhere nearby.


The only one able to answer, of course, was the Honor Guard Ultra. "He teleported elsewhere on the planet. Probably another base like the one you destroyed. I'd forgotten that these Forerunner planets have teleportation grids for fast transport. He couldn't make use of them all the way out on the ship, but here, he most certainly can."


"That's ridiculous!" The Ultra roared in sheer frustration.


The Honor Guard Ultra merely sighed. "Simply be glad it takes enough energy that he can't use it for combat."




Execution Failed.

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Stop voting for a person that's not on a lynch list. Church is not a choice.


If you want vote for Axilus to wrap up the story where Kittens goes over with Superman Kick-outs Vs. a Hunter and another Elite. 

If only Yang could have had an induction ceremony to join our ranks officially, this gayum be ovah already.

Edited by rrhuntington
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*Sucks male chicken* :)



Caboose. A male chicken can also be called a rooster. However, there is another word for one. I would suggest you try and figure out what that word is. When you do, you'll regret this post immensely.




I broke through rock bottom.... :)

Long ago....

Yes, yes you did.




Day 9


The unlikely team's Phantom hovered outside a Forerunner structure identical to the one the Ultra had recently destroyed. "I told you tracking the energy flow used to teleport would work," the Honor Guard Ultra said.


The Ultra snarled. "That was not my main concern. I question even further the usefulness of this entire endeavor."


"If we did not have good reason, as I've said," the Honor Guard Ultra growled in response, nearly rising into a roar, "we would not tolerate your presence among us for an instant!"


"Or perhaps, Covenant dog, you are simply mad enough to think you have good reason!"


"In that case, maybe I should simply kill you now!" The Honor Guard Ultra's hand went to his sword handle, strapped to his thigh.


The Ultra held his fist forward. Blindingly bright green flashed from between his fingers. "I have been charging this blast for the entire flight. Make one move against me and you die."


"You'd blow a hole in the Phantom!"


"The Corvette in orbit answers to the Swords of Sanghelios. I can easily remotely call a new one in."


The Honor Guard Ultra huffed and moved his hand away from his sword handle grudgingly. "Time to get out." This time he activated the gravity lift rather than opening the side doors. Keeping the Phantom safe when they were this close meant keeping it at a higher altitude than usual, and the only way to descend safely from that height was by grav lift. So the three left the Phantom that way. To their surprise, they did not have to destroy the One's facility. The One was waiting for them outside.


"Devil!" the Honor Guard Ultra bellowed, "This day you die!"


"Is the thief bearing my weapon to fire a blast and kill me?" the One asked, mocking the Sangheili. "You still haven't realized what you are up against. What has been done to my body. I told you my brain was no longer centralized. You have seen that I survived even without a heart. What has been done to my body...is that it has been made immortal! No matter what manner of injury you may inflict, you cannot kill me."


The Ultra held out his fist toward the One. "But we can incapacitate you. The fact that you bother to defend yourself, to retreat, to get repairs...I could make your body useless with one blast. And you'd never threaten anyone again. I've been charging this blast long enough that--" A jolt of pain went through his whole body when an Energy Sword to the side brought a portion of his shield down. "WHAT IN THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" He blocked the next sword lunge with his gauntlet, still holding the fist closed. The Ultra and Honor Guard Ultra alike were showered in energy, and their shields each went down. The Ultra evened out their shields with a swift punch to the face using the gauntlet arm, then leapt back.


The Honor Guard Ultra's eye twitched, and even the Hunter was staring at him in confusion. In his hand was a new Energy Sword taken from the Phantom before they had come here. "If we cannot kill this Devil," he said, "then there is no point in this anymore! I'll kill you as originally planned!" At this, the Hunter sided with him in agreement and fired a fuel rod at the Ultra.


The Ultra strafed left, but stopped abruptly when a gray and blue flash appeared in his way. The fuel rod narrowly missed him, and he realized what had happened just in time to punch the One in the face, then follow up with a kick that pushed him away. "You...!?"


The One glared at the Ultra. "I hold no sympathy for any of you, but I will accept their help in destroying you. You are the thief of my weapon, and I will have it back."


How ironic this was, the Ultra thought. A few words from the One, and all were against him. How quickly things changed. "You're all mad. It's you who can't be trusted with this!" He prepared to fire the blast, but hesitated when the thought of how long he had been charging it crossed his mind. That hesitation allowed the One to land a kick to his stomach, and ironically just when his shield had regenerated. It was now down, and the Honor Guard Ultra was charging. He threw a plasma grenade down in his path to stall him, then struck the One in the face with his elbow and ran away as fast as he could. I can't take the three of them...unless... Again the thought of how long he had been charging the blast crossed his mind, but in a good way. He ran for the Phantom.


The Honor Guard Ultra, Hunter, and One all gave chase, but when they did so, the Phantom's auto-turrets had already recognized them as enemies of the Swords of Sanghelios by their repeated hostile actions. It fired on them, stalling all but the One. He, unlike the others, followed the Ultra up the grav lift.


The Ultra hit the holobutton to ascend rapidly, but the moment afterward, his face was slammed into the wall. "GGGHHH!" He struggled to keep his fist closed. To open it here was to die. He tried to warn the One of this, "Your body will become useless if--"


The One cut him off, throwing him to the rear of the Phantom, then advancing towards him. "When you die, your fingers will go limp and release that blast inside this craft. It will explode and kill you, and mangle my body beyond all use. That is your warning, your attempt to save your own skin. But I know the way to abort the firing sequence." He kicked the Ultra in the face as he attempted to get to his feet, bringing his shield down for a third time, then seized him by the gauntleted right arm and picked him up. With his other hand, the One reached for a protruding section of the gauntlet.


In desperation, the Ultra drew his Energy Sword in his left hand and sliced the protrusion off. The One glared at him with unbridled fury, but before any of it could be applied, he stabbed the One in the eye of his empty helmet, then turned the blade to cut into the other eye and render it useless as well. The distraction allowed him to pull away from the One's grip and run to the controls while putting away his sword. He pushed a holobutton to open the Phantom's side doors next. At this point, they had risen high enough that the air started to flow out of the Phantom. While the Ultra held on, the disoriented One was cast out and sent hurtling toward the planet. The Ultra breathed a sigh of relief and pushed the holobutton to stop the Phantom's ascent. There was only one thing left to do.


"It's over." Controlling his breath so as not to use up all the oxygen at this altitude, he calmly faced his fist towards the Forerunner planet and opened it. The blast he had been charging for hours was released. It took a few seconds to hit the ground. But when it did, there was a green flash the likes of which the Ultra had never seen. The ground he looked at formed cracks easily visible from his altitude, cracks wide and long enough that even from orbit they would be visible. Green light emanated from every crack in the planet's surface, and even from the horizon, displaying that the cracks spread across the entire planet. The Ultra closed the Phantom's doors and flew it away from the planet at full speed. For in his wake, the entire planet exploded.


He made his way back to the Corvette, taking deep breaths once he was in its abundance of breathable air. After one last look out the ship's bridge at the floating debris, he activated the slipspace drive to return home. He left behind the unrecognizable strips of flesh, armor, and blood that once were the Honor Guard Ultra and Hunter, last of the Covenant infiltrators. And somewhere among that rubble floated the mangled, useless body of the One, who had suffered the worst fate of all. He would endure a living hell, floating forever in the vastness of space. Unspeaking. Unmoving. And yet undying.




Church, Hunter, Lynched.


Arbiter's forces win.

Edited by Axilus Prime
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