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Quit ban is broken


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I don't know what the limit is, but I'm pretty sure I did not reach what you have set as the limit. I quit out of two games on Monday, and was booted from another. I played probably 10 hours this weekend and Monday, those were the only three games I left. After being booted for the third quit, the quit ban warning started popping up during random games, three times. When I turned my 360 on today the warning popped up again, I played maybe five games, got stuck in a 3x3 where one teammate quit and the other didn't play, so I quit. As I see it, there are four major failures here.


1. Your timer is not working.

2. Your history is not clearing appropriately.

3. Your warnings are popping up at the wrong time(s).

4. Players are penalized for quitting when they are the only player against three or four opponents. Have mercy, or at least give host to the poor person by themself. (Or add in safe spawns with the TU.)

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the only issue i have with quit banning is that a friend of mine's game freezes on him all the time and that counts towards a quit ban. other than that i think it's fine. you quit out of too many games and got warned. you only have to wait like ten minutes for a quit ban i don't see what the big deal is.

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  • 2 weeks later...

the only issue i have with quit banning is that a friend of mine's game freezes on him all the time and that counts towards a quit ban. other than that i think it's fine. you quit out of too many games and got warned. you only have to wait like ten minutes for a quit ban i don't see what the big deal is.


What the big thing is whenever your in a custom game match or another matchmaking game later, It'll keep on sending you pop'ups on that you're banned for ten minutes. Even after 10 minutes.

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  • 5 weeks later...

"Even if all my teammates quit or are doing poorly, I still stay in the game and play. Despite if I may go negative or not, I don't quit just because I'm the only decent player on my team, or everyone else leaves. Like Soldier said, stop being a poor sport."


Sorry for the bump, but you're all missing the point. I'm not saying quit bans are a bad idea. I'm saying the implementation is faulty, does NOT work properly.



I had played for over 10 hours over the course of 2-3 days, quiting two times and being booted for a betrayal (accidental, not that it matters). Assuming 12 minutes to find and play a match, that's 50 games. That's 6% maximum. As it happens, I was not being a poor sport. I too play even when my teammates quit. I quit out only when the other team actually knows how to play but refuses to refrain from spawn kills. There's no point in playing a game when two of your teammates quit before the match starts, the other idles, and the opposing team is an actual team. This situation is not uncommon. If they aren't a cohesive team, allow me to spawn, I don't have a problem playing even all on my own - it's good practice and can be fun. When they are a team it is no longer a game.



Please re-read my OP, the system does not work as intended.


1. Your timer is not working.

- If by quits/game or quits/time, it is extremely unlikely that I reached the limit with three quits over 10 hours of play. If I did, perhaps the threshold has been set too high.

2. Your history is not clearing appropriately.

- If by quits/time, this was over three dates, a daily timer would have been (supposed to) reset.

3. Your warnings are popping up at the wrong time(s).

- I don't know if the code is actually there to have the message pop up in the post/pre game lobby, but it certainly should. As it was, it repeatedly popped up during gameplay. For those unaware, it is like your battery died, any input is ignored until you "accept" the message. This is in no way helpful.

4. Players are penalized for quitting when they are the only player against three or four opponents. Have mercy, or at least give host to the poor person by themself. (Or add in safe spawns with the TU.)

- This is just simply a failure of Bungie's. In games where at least two players on one team quit, the VAST majority of games result in the team with more players having host. Yes, they may be in a party, and yes, having them as host can cause less lag, but for the love of god, if there is one thing to help the decimated team have a reasonable chance, it is to let them have host. This is one of the rare occasions where playability requires an assessment of a (possible) detriment. Furthermore, your teammates have just screwed you out of a (fun) game, that should be enough punishment. When you're the last player on a team (and the opposing team has x many more players left), you should be sparred the quit tally. You and I may enjoy playing outnumbered, but casual players don't, and no one has fun when you spawn and can't walk three seconds without being killed.

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You are referring to 343i as you. I suppose I should mention that this is a fan forum, and despite what Halo117 thinks non of us are members of 343i. Secondly as someone said earlier, DON'T QUIT GAMES, it is bad for you and bad for your team. The only time you should EVER quit a game is if your house catches fire.

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Calling people poor sports because they want to quit for a good reason? I've played games in BTB where I was literally the only person on my team going against the entire opposite team. I couldn't move. I couldn't shoot. Wraiths hovering around waiting for me to spawn. What is the point of playing this match? Just to watch myself get killed every time I spawn? How is this fun? Does quitting a game like this really make me a poor sport? I play BTB to play with a team, not alone.

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