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new armor ability idea

haloman 2

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hello people how are you all today so i had a few ideas but one of them i forgot so i just have one AA idea. i will try to remember the other idea and when i do ill post it (if i remember it)

ok so i dont know what to call my idea so it would be nice for you guys to help naming it but my idea is a slowmotion idea, let me explain:

it is this AA thing that looks like a chip you out in your head and when you use it it looks like you are now in slow motion and everybody else, when really to other people you are still in normal speed. when you use this one it will look like you are moving fast again when it ends and it is timed for about 30 to 40 seconds which is about all you need  when you are in combat with someone or you are in a big firefight. this slow motion armor ability can help in mulitple ways. say a person is throwing a grenade or shooting a grenade through a sticky detonator OR a grenade launcher, if you use the slow motion armor ability you can dodge the object because it would give you time to think about how you would avoid the object. this can help dodge bullets, or vehicles trying to run you over or people trying to kill you with a gravity hammer or energy sword, and that takes me to my next part of the topic.


the only problem i can think of right now with this is that it will be almost impossable to kill somebody with an energy sword or gravity hammer because they would be charging and it would give the person enough time to stop it, so id love it if you guys gave ideas to help even this out or make a better idea,



-haloman 2

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This AA wouldn't work, simply because if you view everything at a slower timeframe compared to every single other matchmade player, then the two groups simply wouldn't be able to match. You would shoot something that has been slowed down, but on their screen they would be miles away. It simply wouldn't work because you aren't slowing down time, or viewing other things slower, you are viewing what you see on your screen slower.


Single player? Definitely OK! Multiplayer? No, because other people see you at normal speed.

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