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343 Has Ruined the Halo Franchise for Me


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I was an avid Halo fan prior to this game being released. I played every halo game up until Halo 3. I used to play Halo 3 for hours. The game was amazing. Upon hearing Halo 4 was coming out, I was excited and pre-ordered from Amazon. I thought Halo 4 was going to be like Halo 3 and the past games.


Boy, was I wrong.


Multiplayer on Halo 4 consists of one thing and one thing only, the Battle rifle. The BR has made this game impossible to play because if you do not want to use that particular gun, you are screwed. In Halo 3 I used the assault rifle and was pretty darn good with it. In halo 4, I can't get any momentum because after a battle with a player, I am hit from across the level and killed with the battle rifle.


I will, most likely, be returning this game for these reasons:


1. The battle rifle is the only weapon that can be used in the game. If you are not proficient with the battle rifle, you will never be able to get kills. 90% of the time I get a kill in the game, I get killed from the opposite side of the level with the battle rifle.


2. There are only four multiplayer maps for slayer. I guess because of the day and age we live in, everyone wants you to buy more maps so game companies can make more money but to sell a game with only four maps is ridiculous. What is the replay value of the game if there are only four games? I guess the creators want me to spend my money on more maps instead of giving me some from the beginning.


3. The assist system. I cannot tell you how many times I have nearly killed someone only to have another player take the kill away from me. Sure, this happened in the old halo games, but because of the new Halo 4's overpowering of the Battle Rifle, kills get pilfered from me more often than not. Normally, my game stats look like this 11-9-13. How in the world can I get 9 assists in a game CONSTANTLY? I can understand from time to time but it happens nearly every game.


4. The lack of close battles anymore. It feels as though I am always getting battle rifled from across the level. The joy of Halo in the past was the close range battles. Sure, there was sniping from time to time, but EVERY player was not using a battle rifle.


5. Allowing battle rifles to be used as a basic option for your load out. I remember when, if you wanted to battle rifle you had to find the gun and then use it. If you died, you had to either find another battle rifle or pick up the gun you previously used. Now, when you die you get the battle rifle back immediately.


6. The lack of options to play non-battle rifle games/swords/pistols. I remember a lot of the fun of Halo 3 was the games that were swords only. Where did this go? In Halo 4 there is no option. All I have is pick one of the four available maps and play.


[Yes, I know some games like the larger team games, etc. have larger maps, but when did it become okay to release a game that had maps for only portions of the game. Maybe I only want to play slayer? Or free for all. Do I really only get the option of four games].


Sadly, this game will most likely be returned and I do not think I will be returning to a 343 led Halo in the future.

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you even play Reach, that used the DMR all the time, and there was the use of the Needler rifle for elites. That kinda disproves your main argument.


Did you even read my post, or just post back? Because from the looks of it you saw the title, got upset, scanned for one word and posted.


i agree the game is becoming more like cod


Sadly, I believe COD and greed has ruined this game. 4 maps? really? 4

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The Battle Rifle sucks in general, but your are partially right. When I play faster paced games I have become adept for this. But this isn't all I play.


In most games I use the DMR and am consistantly in the top 3 scores, and the assault rifle is great for just that, assaulting. For exaple on complex, the assault rifle plays very well if you plan on sticking in the hallways and rooms and just eunning at people.


The 4 maps thing is diaappointing, but it isn't like you can't switch the playlist to find for maps. Try dominion, it is a fun game if you ask me.

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Did you even read my post, or just post back? Because from the looks of it you saw the title, got upset, scanned for one word and posted.




Sadly, I believe COD and greed has ruined this game. 4 maps? really? 4


You were saying how the BR85 is OP, when it clearly isn't

"Multiplayer on Halo 4 consists of one thing and one thing only, the Battle rifle."

I see the DMR being used about equally as the BR85, so the BR85 isn't everywhere. And you also said people always use it for sniping. Who in their right mind uses that scope for sniping. The BR85 is the worst of the 4 main semi automatic rifles to Sniper. The DMR is by far the best. Aswell as the light rifle.

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Maybe I am confusing the DMR and BR, but again, they are both similar weapons. Just consistently getting shot from the other side of the level


I believe so I use the DMR for primary with BR as secondary. The DMR is the best weapon hands down but id still rather have the old BR from H3 that took skill and great foot work to pull off a 4 shot. Im not even that good and im owning people with the DMR like its nothing....hate to say it but it is a tad overpowered, With the DMR being as powerful as it is there is little point in using any other weapon as your primary.

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I agree the game is flawed but god damn your an idiot. Like he is right, the BR is the weakest semi auto matic and isint even that good, especially at a range. The fact that you cant even distinguish whats dominating you (Most people at the moment are using the DMR) makes both your post and you look retarded. Also this game has by far came the furthest in letting players who don't want to use the BR/DMR play regular playlists without being forced to use a weapon they dislike. In my honest opinion your a ****ty halo player and a noob who is blaming his own incompetence on a weapon that is not even that good. They could remove the br/dmr and all semi autos and you would still do bad and complain about something else like sprint or nades or something silly like that. Also as a side note in the majority of reach and h3 playlists you start with a BR/Dmr, so using those games as examples to prove your point is just upright stupid.

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1. Assault rifle is not a long range weapon. Of course you are going to lose against a BR in a long range battle.

2. The BR is not the only weapon usable. The light rifle is actually better than the BR (more DPS.) The DMR is better than the BR at long range.

3. Nine assists seems pretty average to me. I've gotten as many as 25 assists in a single game.

4. That is absolute BS. Everyone that spawned near a BR in Halo 3, was using it. Aside from the limited amount of carbines, the BR was the only reasonable weapon to use for mid-long range. From that statement alone, I can tell you never played much Halo 3.

5. There were plenty of game types that started you off with the BR in Halo 3. It's asinine to only give people a close range weapon on spawn, unless the map is incredibly small. You can't possibly be expected to survive with an AR when the enemy team has you pinned down from across the map.

6. Seems like you're referring to lone wolves. It is a shame that the only FFA playlist in Halo 4, supports just one game type.

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All I got from this post is an angry assault rifle melee noob who runs towards their opponent in a straight line to finish him off with a beat down. This is you featherspanthers and I am pretty sure you acknowledge it as well, your lack of skill keeps you from learning how to use the BR. You never really "played" halo then. You need to learn that there are more weapons in the arsenal this time around and an assault rifle will not cut it out and it never has, the AR is not an all purpose weapons it's main use is for close quarters maps and even then you are still better off with a DMR or a BR which ever you prefer.


There is nothing wrong with the assist system, you should be happy you get assist than anything at all, Halo is a team based game and the more shots you put out on the battlefield the higher chance of success your team has of achieving victory. You can't rush a kill on Halo, this is how it has always been, if he is 1 shot let a teammate clean him up or chase him down if you think the odds are against him.


Since this is a new Halo I recommend learning how to actually play the game this time around, it's lots of fun and competitive. Good luck to you.

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I was an avid Halo fan prior to this game being released. I played every halo game up until Halo 3. I used to play Halo 3 for hours. The game was amazing. Upon hearing Halo 4 was coming out, I was excited and pre-ordered from Amazon. I thought Halo 4 was going to be like Halo 3 and the past games.


Boy, was I wrong.


Multiplayer on Halo 4 consists of one thing and one thing only, the Battle rifle. The BR has made this game impossible to play because if you do not want to use that particular gun, you are screwed. In Halo 3 I used the assault rifle and was pretty darn good with it. In halo 4, I can't get any momentum because after a battle with a player, I am hit from across the level and killed with the battle rifle.


I will, most likely, be returning this game for these reasons:


1. The battle rifle is the only weapon that can be used in the game. If you are not proficient with the battle rifle, you will never be able to get kills. 90% of the time I get a kill in the game, I get killed from the opposite side of the level with the battle rifle.


2. There are only four multiplayer maps for slayer. I guess because of the day and age we live in, everyone wants you to buy more maps so game companies can make more money but to sell a game with only four maps is ridiculous. What is the replay value of the game if there are only four games? I guess the creators want me to spend my money on more maps instead of giving me some from the beginning.


3. The assist system. I cannot tell you how many times I have nearly killed someone only to have another player take the kill away from me. Sure, this happened in the old halo games, but because of the new Halo 4's overpowering of the Battle Rifle, kills get pilfered from me more often than not. Normally, my game stats look like this 11-9-13. How in the world can I get 9 assists in a game CONSTANTLY? I can understand from time to time but it happens nearly every game.


4. The lack of close battles anymore. It feels as though I am always getting battle rifled from across the level. The joy of Halo in the past was the close range battles. Sure, there was sniping from time to time, but EVERY player was not using a battle rifle.


5. Allowing battle rifles to be used as a basic option for your load out. I remember when, if you wanted to battle rifle you had to find the gun and then use it. If you died, you had to either find another battle rifle or pick up the gun you previously used. Now, when you die you get the battle rifle back immediately.


6. The lack of options to play non-battle rifle games/swords/pistols. I remember a lot of the fun of Halo 3 was the games that were swords only. Where did this go? In Halo 4 there is no option. All I have is pick one of the four available maps and play.


[Yes, I know some games like the larger team games, etc. have larger maps, but when did it become okay to release a game that had maps for only portions of the game. Maybe I only want to play slayer? Or free for all. Do I really only get the option of four games].


Sadly, this game will most likely be returned and I do not think I will be returning to a 343 led Halo in the future.


1. The battle-rifle is certainly not the only viable weapon. I have used the AR for quite a while, and it really does work when you are in its effective range. The DMR can compete with the BR if you hit your shots, so can the Carbine. I have yet to use the Promethean weapons, but I think they will be pretty much the same thing. It's all about when you use it, and how effectively you use it.


If you don't mind me saying, you sound like another cry-baby because his AR can be countered, even though it is still extremely viable. You say you have played every Halo game up to Halo 3. That must mean you played Halo 2. And in Halo 2, the BR was the go to weapon for any situation, the Halo 4 BR is a shadow of it in comparison.


2. 4 maps that work for the Slayer gametype. Overall their is a good choice of maps. It would take longer that the maps could work for every game type. Some will be too large, so that if you play Infinity Slayer, the games become about that sitting back in long range. That is why some of the maps are not available. The maps you see for infinity slayer were designed for smaller amount of players. I know I would personally prefer to have 4 maps that worked, than 8maps when 4 of them didn't.


3. Please, not this whole "OMG N00BZ YOU STOLE MY KILLZ!" thing. If you play Infinity Slayer, please remember that it's a team game. If you do not want to get assists, play FFA. In a team game your number 1 objective is to help the team win.p


4. Their are plenty of close battles. Though if you play Big Team Infinity Slayer, the chances are the close battles are going to be less frequent, that is when you look at other game types to find those battles you are wanting.


5. Again, this is Halo 3 talking here. Halo 2 is when Battle-Rifles were pretty much what people started off with (in custom games anyway, cant remember what you started out with in MatchMaking) I really don't see the reason for your argument. Yes you do spawn back with the BR, but all of the others are also very viable if you actually take the time to use them and not whine because you died.


6. Yeah, maybe if you played Action-Sack or other gametypes that weren't so serious. In the slayer gametype, you never ever got a game-mode like that. It was always the DMR or the AR (or the covenant equivalent) that you started out with.


Generally this is what I get from your post.


"BR is OP, KillStealers are annoying, No comical loadouts, BR OP."

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EVERY player was not using a battle rifle.



This proves you didn't actually play H3 multiplayer as much as you say. This is coming off as a rant thread.


Also, it was pretty clear before release that this wasn't going to be like the other Halo games, including H3 -- so do some research next time before you pre-order a game.

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Yeah... In H3 it was use a BR or die. Multiple times. The most commonly used tactic was BR as main weapon, AR as secondary. The second most commonly used one was the "noob combo", which was BR as primary and Plasma Pistol as secondary. The carbine was great, but it was a rarity on most maps. Not to mention that BR/AR spawns were frequent, depending on your playlist of choice.


And in H4 I see the BR a lot, but I see the people who actually manage to kill me using the DMR or Light Rifle more often then not. I myself usually use a DMR/AR loadout. I'll switch to a BR on CQC maps, because it has the advantage over the BR in mid-close, but the DMR is beast in mid-long.

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The assault rifle is stronger in this halo than previous halos, and it has to be or else it would just be utterly useless. The problem I have with the assault rifles is that all the maps are too big, thus rendering them useless unless you camp out is a corridor somewhere. I believe they made all the maps as big as they did because now everyone can sprint, which I hate. To hell with sprint. The OP has some good points and I can understand his frustration. I played reach maybe 3 times before I traded in that garbage game because of how different it was from what halo should be. That said, I do enjoy playing halo 4 for what it is, and it's not halo, though still enjoyable. Frak loadouts, frak sprint, frak ordinance drops. I'm still hoping for a classic halo gametype and that's what keeps me playing.

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