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No grenades unless you put on A PERK!!!


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COD is the gaming industries AIDS, once it infects other games, they will die off, if halo is becoming more like COD, COD players will take a shine to it and infect our beloved halo.

This is something that mustn't happen.

Closed-mindedness of players like you is what will kill Halo off.
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COD is the gaming industries AIDS, once it infects other games, they will die off, if halo is becoming more like COD, COD players will take a shine to it and infect our beloved halo.

This is something that mustn't happen.

My online experience on Halo is worse than anything I have experienced on COD. I still have songs sung by 10 year olds stuck in my head from Halo 3... :(
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Closed-mindedness of players like you is what will kill Halo off.

There's a difference between that and what I'm saying, Halo IS becoming more and more like COD as they introduce these things:

Dexterity(sleight of hand)


Custom classes/load outs


Next game I bet itll have almost all the COD perks, or perks like them.


Change is good, but only when it does good, some of the change introduced in Halo 4 is not good, IE specilizations, they aim for balance and claim to have a counter for ever perk/spec, there are like 5 that have no way to counter them. They've essentially removed the balance they wanted. All we really can do is wait and see.

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There's a difference between that and what I'm saying, Halo IS becoming more and more like COD as they introduce these things:

Dexterity(sleight of hand)


Custom classes/load outs


Next game I bet itll have almost all the COD perks, or perks like them.


Change is good, but only when it does good, some of the change introduced in Halo 4 is not good, IE specilizations, they aim for balance and claim to have a counter for ever perk/spec, there are like 5 that have no way to counter them. They've essentially removed the balance they wanted. All we really can do is wait and see.


I doubt they will "have" the CoD perks. This is only part of the change. Plus, not all of them are even like ones in CoD, and some you can only use in specific gametypes.

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I doubt they will "have" the CoD perks. This is only part of the change. Plus, not all of them are even like ones in CoD, and some you can only use in specific gametypes.

Lots of people doubted the perks now.



Also, could you name the game type specific perks/specs?

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Ok so we can have any perk no matter what? Cause that might get annoying in something like custom games where in past games you could give them whatever you wanted. Now they could might be able to put on a shield or something longer which might or might not give them the advantage but the game would be completely messed up.

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Halo has so many things that still make it Halo. Want a bunch named?


No Iron sights

Infection, oh, CoD took that too? Yeah, we had it first.


No killstreak rewards that kill off 30 players. Only weapons or powerups. Go figure.

Awesome balance. Not ruined by loadouts. Go figure. Proof? Tallgeese played it, I played it, and many others played it.


And many more. Think, Activision and Treyarch employees were hired to help make this. Their habits were rubbed off in a way. But not the same way. Dude, play it, obtain unhappiness if at all possible, THEN come back denouncing it.

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Halo has so many things that still make it Halo. Want a bunch named?


No Iron sights

Infection, oh, CoD took that too? Yeah, we had it first.


No killstreak rewards that kill off 30 players. Only weapons or powerups. Go figure.

Awesome balance. Not ruined by loadouts. Go figure. Proof? Tallgeese played it, I played it, and many others played it.


And many more. Think, Activision and Treyarch employees were hired to help make this. Their habits were rubbed off in a way. But not the same way. Dude, play it, obtain unhappiness if at all possible, THEN come back denouncing it.


You know, I like you already xD

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some changes i like and some i dont. ur right u cant pick up dead peoples nades but their will be plenty spawning. Also change is good for halo. it needs flavor. it cant stay the same and be a repeat with some new maps and guns, it needs to really make it to the top, by change!


also it doesnt always mean people will like it. mostly it is experimenting and testing so they can make halo better. that is what its all about...money, people to love halo, and somethign else...i had a brain fart... anyway this forum is for 343 to improve with halo.

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Yes there will be more spawning and all but i feel i would get sort of pissed if i see a grenade go up to it and start walking over it to pick it up and it wont let me. Yes halo is changing and getting better but i dont see a reason to not let us pick up grenades unless we put on perk when we could get much better perks to put on.

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