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Everything posted by Vore

  1. Iron Maiden showed and started...
  2. Wow really, I didn't know that. Learned something new today.
  3. You spelled background wrong. Edit: Good job, you got it.
  4. I would take my magnum, mongoose, and sprint AA, draw faces on them, name them all Wilson, and have three new friends.
  5. 1. Team Swat 2. Team Snipers 3. Double Team 4. Team Classic
  6. Wish granted, but when you wished that, Death himself has to make a special trip from the after life just to tell. This frustrates him, being the busy guy that he is on top of having a crappy day, and he decides to go ahead and take you now due to the fact that he doesn't feel like making a second trip. I wish I had a taco.
  7. Suddenly, somewhere back in the...
  8. I really don't see the point in removing bloom. It makes no difference to the gameplay because the spread will still be there. Removing bloom does not = more accuracy.
  9. It would be cool if they brought it back... I went threw a short period of non-gaming and it just so happened to be in that time frame and I missed my chance. Then when I started gaming again I seen people running around with the blue flames and looked it up. My regular flames didn't seem to be very cool after that so I just turned them off. lol
  10. Wish granted, but very soon the US government finds out, captures you, gives you a drug that makes you immortal, and makes you pull money out of your pocket for an eternity to solve the debt crisis. I wish I could teleport anywhere I wanted at any time.
  11. I agree with Vitamin and I just don't understand why you would just up and walk away from this wonderfull site for such a silly reason.
  12. You can get a program called GIMP. It's kinda like a knock off of Photo Shop. CLICK HERE
  13. Seriously man, don't leave because of some childish thing someone did. Talk it over with the mods and I'm sure they could take care of your issue.
  14. lolz. Sorry about that FatherB. I just figured this would be easier than trying to explain it in the shoutbox all of the time.
  15. Yes, just replace "your text goes here" with anything. That's what I mean by that. You put your text of choice there and you can use any color that you want. Do you understand?
  16. The person above educated me that Egypt has a ghetto. The person below me eats washer detergent.
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