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Status Replies posted by Donut


  2. I changed my Gamertag to "Theorix 343i" to praise the community!

  3. I'm a Mod. Sweeeet.

  4. Eh, want to talk to me? Message me on LIVE, won't be back here for a long, long time. -___-

  5. Halo 3 community playdate tomorrow! Booya Shaq-fu! Hope to see you guys there.

  6. lol, just realised i had recon helmet on Halo 3

  7. Back from Myrtle Beach :)

  8. I'm a "Trusted Member" now! Remember folks, Quality posts over quantity.

  9. lol my new video! Leave a like? :D
  10. today this Vitamin is one year closer to it's expiration date

  11. Happy birfday 343i.org, Luv you guys! Wonder where i'd be without you! *posts a big status on facebook* *waits for a notification* *game request* FUUU- lol, happy birfday, big bros, sisters, And our father, TWAM

  12. Anyone know a place where I can get my scratched Halo 3 disk fixed fast?

  13. whens halo 4 coming out

  14. i spent all day fishing and i caught nothing, but atleast i had a good time with my bro and uncle

  15. I've been a walking heartache I've made a mess of me The person that I've been lately Ain't who I wanna be

  16. I've been a walking heartache I've made a mess of me The person that I've been lately Ain't who I wanna be

  17. Awwww i cant upload vids to my topic..... Its not the same on a mobile device

  18. What is your favorite Halo? Explain why?

  19. I’m Not Afraid To Take A Stand Everybody Come Take My Hand We’ll Walk This Road Together, Through The Storm Whatever Weather, Cold Or Warm Just Let You Know That, You’re Not Alone Holla If You Feel That You’ve Been Down The Same Road

  20. I'm back.. and very happy to be.

  21. Okay a cool Mass effect 3 trick, or rather a case trick. You can open the case 180 style, take the paper out with the cover art and flip it. fold it on the seam and put it back in reverted, VIOLA Female sheperd cover art

  22. I'm not a private; I'm a captain.

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