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Everything posted by EGYPTIANGHETTO

  1. im pretty sure revelations is the last one
  2. didnt we live mars before reach though in the halo story line?
  3. I'm not sure wether to be worried or happy...
  4. Control the wrather. WYR have wealth, fame or halo 4 early
  5. The population is over 7000000000. How do you feel about it? http://www.7billionandme.org/
  6. I dont mind modders as long as they dont use their abilities to create an unfair advantage in online play
  7. gears of war 3, assassins creed revelations, halo CEA
  8. Well, firstly this isnt everyone. And its not only with reach and happens when there is a scratch. With my COD disc, it kept giving me that message, I couldnt see any scratches. When doing a further inspection i found a very minute scratch. You will probably be able to play it.
  9. im not suer what that is but i think python WYR download than like my map, or like than download my map?
  10. you are actually not forced through the teleporters, if you put your joystick in the opposite direction of the force you stop before it. the reason why theres alot of teleporters is because like you mentioned, when a team gets up there you can pretty easily get behind them, and theres not much space up there.
  11. in a cave with an xbox. WYR be lied on top on by a panda bear for a few seconds or sleep with a skunk, in the same small bed under covers for your regular amount of sleep.
  12. im EGYPTIANGHETTO, i will also occasionaly need some people to test maps.
  13. i wanna see what happened to jun
  14. i found this thought id share: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=7265864&player=macky519
  15. If you didnt upload it to your file share, it wont show.
  16. off the land. WYR pick up a sword or a shotgun
  17. Wouldn't turning off friendly fire be relatively easy? I don't think that would be very efficient. The enemy can simply armor lock or run away and ypu would be booted.
  18. the fact that he has no reach record on bungie does not mean hes cheating, it happened to someone on these forums before.
  19. I wouldnt be surprised 6/10 don't think its too funny
  20. 10/10 i like ur sig u can request one from me..
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