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Everything posted by Buns

  1. No one has posted yet so I'll start Hi everybody. My name is Bnus and I sell propane and propane accessorizes.
  2. Now I know never to trust Arachny. Even as a ghost.
  3. HEY YOU'RE USING THE ORACLE THATS AWESOME. Although what concerns me is the wording of the medic. Their role is ONLY revealed if the protected target is attacked correct? (the way you have it worded makes it sounds that the protected target always has their role revealed) I like the idea of no suicides this game. Lets keep that a rule shall we?
  4. I said I wasn't going to play Mafia again but I sign me up this sounds like some good ol banter mate
  5. I vote 9.0 now and The Director as death ending scene Come on living Mafians! Lets at least work together before its all over!
  6. Can we at least work together and lynch The Director? We need some fun before the game is over
  7. Warface isn't very popular on PC either. Didn't expect to see it go down on 360 so easily I miss when Crytek actually tried to experiment with new things. Now they're losing mad money and still making generic titles(One of their upcoming titles is a MOBA.) Thanks for reporting on something so obscure Addict
  8. Why did you have to type something more confusing then what Delpen says For anybody who doesn't know what language he is speaking allow me the master linguist to translate the language these Mafians speak he said: "I am Mafia" I didn't expect you would roll with such a plan. But it worked really well
  9. Well if you AREN'T a Mafian then this means you broke the rules and intentionally aided the enemy team. You're not a neutral so don't use that excuse. Just give up the act. The Mafians outnumber us now. Sure your brute force voting plan got all of you exposed but it did help you gain the advantage.
  10. Eh Scoorge is a Mafian and BATMAN is most likely the newcomer gg Mafians it was a fun game.
  11. CONGRATS COMRADE Is the MoM playdate going to be on C&C?
  12. Actually Pro-Town has had their stuff together for the past 3 rounds. I dunno what you're talkin bout. Also Axilius is right. It is against the rules to intentionally aid the enemy team. Anyways this fight is pointless lets go do something productive like laughing at Delpen9
  13. Its kind of hard to lose hope when the Mafians so easily outted themselves. We were able to figure out 3 Mafians just from your voting habits. get gud
  15. I use the power vested within me as staff to smeeze+2 3
  16. I use smeeze-1 to go back down to 44
  17. POOBISCUITS This has to be my favorite game of Mafia yet.
  18. I anti-smeeze all of the smeezes that have come before 44
  19. This is one good game of Mafia. However NEVER NEVER NEVER AGAIN will Ultimates be a thing. They're far too unpredictable. It was a nice twist but one that shouldn't return because Ultimates are just one thing you can't balance. Like Destiny. I knew you were going to kill me and I am glad you did. Hence why I used my ultimate because trying to escape from your shootings would be futile.
  20. Vote Dexter Grif Sanatzer is CONFIRMED MAFIAN BY THE DETECTIVE(as of this rounds results) Dexter Grif is also Mafian VOTE DEXTER GRIF also nice job killing me Director. You earned that one friend
  21. I'll be protecting myself for Round 6 again due to The Director. Although in Round 7 I would love to meet your challenge Mafians. Will you kill me? Or will The Director eventually beat you to it?
  22. I'm surprised you haven't killed me already. The only time I protected myself was for Round 3 because The Director foolishly announced he was coming after me. Since each round I've been pooping a little worrying that this is the round that I might die.
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