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Everything posted by TanglerDangler

  1. We are a military based UNSC clan and we are looking for quality, skillful, fun and individuals who can take leadership upon theirself when under pressure, we formed on Halo 2 and we are very expierienced players we want played aged 11-17 years old who play regularly and are willing to take part in clan meetings and training sessions/bootcamps on a regular basis, WE ARE LOOKING FOR A CO LEADER A HIGHLY RANKED INDEPENDENT AND SKILLED CO LEADER THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT ROLE IN THE CLAN SO PLEASE TAKE IT SERIOUSLY OUR WEBSITE IS http://117gaming.webs.com IF YOU WISH TO APPLY FOR THE CLAN ON THE WEBSITE PLEASE DO SO BUT IF NOT TO SIMPLY MESSAGE TanglerDangler ON XBOX LIVE AND ILL INVITE YOU TO A PRIVATE CHAT AND INTERVIEW YOU, THANKS
  2. 117 GAMING HD BIO We are a military based clan that's has evolved from Halo 2 all the way to Halo 4 we are very competitive and fun at the same time, sometimes we have custom game nights where as other nights we'll be competing and beating other clans, we have our own military base where we can all hang out and chill and we'll create you your own bedroom and we also have clan meetings in the base, all in all the clan is a lot of fun and offers a lot of experience and knowledge about the game... message TanglerDangler on xbox live to join. RULES 1. WE ACCEPT ALL AGES BELOW 17, THIS IT DUE TO THE FACT WE DO NOT WANT YOUNGER MEMBERS TO FEEL IMTIMIDATED BY THE OLDER ONES AND AT THE SAME TIME YOU HAVE TO BE OVER 11, WE MAY MAKE EXCEPTIONS. 2. NO WHINING 3.NO SCREAMING 4. WE ARE A TEAM, TEAMS OF PLAYERS DO NOT ARGUE, BETRAY OR CALL OTHER TEAM MATES 5.ENJOY YOURSELF IMPORTANT INFO***** MESSAGE TanglerDangler ON XBOX LIVE TO JOIN, OR SEND HIM A FRIEND REQUEST IF HIS FRIENDS LIST IS FULL JUST SIMPLY SEND HIM A MESSAGE AND HE'LL ADD YOU http://117gaming.webs.com/
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